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2019 Issue #
Review into Clinical Governance of WA Mental Health Services survey update
As part of the AMA (WA)’s submission to the Review of the Clinical Governance of Public Mental Health Services in WA, the AMA (WA) created a survey designed to inform AMA (WA) advocacy and its submission. Over 150 respondents completed the survey over a 6 day period and provided a valuable insight into the issues that currently plague WA’s public mental health and AOD services. The AMA (WA) has prepared a formal written submission to the Review, seeking simplified and transparent governance structures, greater engagement with clinicians and implementation timeframes for the Review’s recommendations.
The Review is due to report its final recommendations by July 2019.
Sustainable Health Review - More questions than answers
The Sustainable Health Review, released last Wednesday 10 April, provides high-level direction for health in WA but ultimately asks more questions than it answers.
“The real test of the government’s resolve on health reform will come on 9 May, when the State Budget will be brought down,” AMA (WA) President Dr Omar Khorshid said.
“When the Review was announced in June 2017, I welcomed it and said that health needed a ‘clear plan for the future’. This has not yet been delivered.
“This is not the blueprint for the future of health in WA.
“Instead we have been handed a high-level strategic plan with little detail and no funding forecasts. That work still has to be done and we call on the State Government to begin that planning immediately, along with adequate forward funding to allow for the implementation.
To continue reading, please visit the AMA (WA) website.
AMA (WA) Charity Gala Dinner and Awards Night
The AMA (WA) 2019 Charity Gala Dinner and Awards Night is set to be another incredible night! Being held Saturday 22 June at Hyatt Regency Perth, the evening will transport you to Italy – think Lambretta’s, Red Wine and Pasta.. La Dolce Vita!
The evening raises money for the AMA (WA) Foundation and through it the vital work done by our Dr YES program – a unique health education program through which a team of dedicated volunteer medical students provides advice and support to WA high school students on sexual health, drug, alcohol and mental health issues.
For further information, visit the AMA (WA) website or register online now.
Don't forget to renew your membership
Did you know, your AMA (WA) membership is tax deductible? Renew prior to June 30 to claim.
Your continued support allows us to achieve significant outcomes for doctors. Help us do it again this year!
To renew your membership, please visit the AMA (WA) website.
GPs, have seen or experienced violence in your workplace?
According to a Royal Australian College of General Practitioners report last year, four out of five GPs have seen or experienced violence in their workplace.
While most incidents involve verbal or written aggression, there have also been reports of physical violence, destruction of property, sexual harassment and stalking.
Some patients become angry if they are denied a doctor’s sick note or antibiotics for a sore throat.
AMA (WA) general practice spokesman, Dr Simon Torvaldsen, spoke to The West Australian recently and said although aggression and violence was rare in surgeries, the widespread use of meth was increasing the risk level.
To continue reading, please visit The West Australian website.
AMA (WA) warning against early flu shots
AMA (WA) President, Dr Omar Khorshid, spoke to The West Australian recently about the importance of having the flu shot at the right time.
“We strongly recommend people to get their flu vaccine at the right time of the year, not now,” he said. “Stick to late May and early June.”
“We’re disappointed with the behaviour of some pharmacies,” he said. “It appears to be commercially motivated behaviour, rather than doing the best thing for the people.
To continue reading, please visit The West Australian website.
Palliative Care Annual Awards
Do you know an outstanding individual, volunteer, team or organisation working within palliative care in Western Australia?
Nominations are invited for the inaugural Annual Awards celebrating the achievements of the palliative care sector in Western Australia.
These awards recognise outstanding practice, teamwork and service across the palliative care sector, including primary, secondary, tertiary and specialised health care, aged care, disability care, community development and research.
The awards will be presented at a palliative care Gala Dinner to be held on Saturday, 25 May
Visit the Palliative Care WA events page for more information on the awards, supporter opportunities and the dinner.
2020 AGPT applications are now open!
Are you in a hospital and thinking about your specialty career?
Applications for 2020 are now open and will close on Monday, April 29 2019.
GP as a career has the breadth, scope and complexity of treating patients of any age and gender and sees patients through all stages of illness. This creates enormous variety and is professionally challenging.
As a GP, you never know what is about to walk through the door. Each day, GPs investigate and analyse how culture, psychological and sociological circumstances affect people’s health and experience of disease. GPs use this understanding to empower patients to lead healthier lives.
For further information, please visit the WAGPET website.
Beware of 'directory listing' scams
The AMA is warning practices to be aware of ‘directory listing’ scams. These scams usually offer a worthless listing for your practice in an online directory and use misleading paperwork to lock you into costly fees for the listing.
The scammers appear legitimate and will contact the practice by phone, saying that they are ‘just updating your details’ on a listing that apparently already exists. This phone call is then followed by paperwork requiring a response which, if given, commits the practice to paying money.
The AMA has prepared a guide for practices that explains these types of scams in more detail, lists things to watch out for, and gives advice on how to protect against scams. It also explains what to do if you think you have been scammed.
General Practitioner Job | Currambine
AMA Recruit are working with a WAGPET Practice in Currambine, who have an opportunity for a Fellowed GP:
• Take over a full patient list
• Work in a modern, purpose built building, in a health hub with pharmacy, imaging and physiotherapy
• Patient and staff parking available
• 50/50 split of private/bulk billing
For further information or to apply, please visit the AMA Recruit website.
Alternatively, for more information on this or upcoming work opportunities, please contact Dave Bell at AMA Recruit on 9273 3096 or dave.bell@amawa.com.au.
Australasian Doctors' Health Conference 2019
The Australasian Doctors Health Conference (ADHC) is being held in Perth on 22 and 23 November 2019. These conferences have been held biennially in Australia and New Zealand for nearly 20 years, with 2019 being the first time the event will take place in WA.
The theme is the important topic of “Creating a Healthy Workplace”. This will be relevant to doctors at all stages of their career, from medical students, to doctors in training, to doctors established in their chosen career. A particular focus will be looking at the impact of the work environment on a doctor’s health, be they a solo private practitioner or working in a large tertiary hospital. Issues will include the effect of medical culture on work life balance, bullying and harassment, and physical and mental health problems. The conference will also be relevant to anyone involved in the training or management of doctors.
Key note speakers include Professor Fiona Wood, Professor Geoff Riley, Dr Nikki Stamp and Dr Geoff Toogood (Crazy Socs for Docs).
For further information or to register, please visit the Rural Health West website.
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Diploma of Practice Management
The Diploma of Practice Management (HLT57715) imparts all the skills required to effectively manage primary healthcare operations.
Covering 15 vital units including:
• Managing the recruitment selection and induction processes
• Lead and managing team effectiveness
• Managing budgets
The program can be completed anywhere in Australia with our Assisted Study Program, which provides a highly rich and engaging learning experience.
For more information, visit the AMA (WA) training website.
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Youth Friendly Doctor | Alcohol and Drug Use
Tuesday 7 May | 6.00pm – 8.30pm
This workshop, Risk Taking Behaviours and Harm Reduction: Alcohol and Drug Use, aims to increase participants’ knowledge in drug and alcohol use in young people and the influence of developmental factors, enhancing their ability to recognise and assess the impact of substance use on health and wellbeing.
For more information or to register, visit the AMA (WA) website.
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Starting out in Private Practice (GP Registrars)
Tuesday 14 May | 6.00pm - 8.30pm
For many GP Registrars, starting out in private practice can be highly challenging. The Starting out in Private Practice workshop will equip GP Registrars with a range of information and resources to assist them on their private practice journey.
This two-hour workshop will be presented by AMA (WA) Senior Advisor – Industrial, Sandra Thorp, and MDA National Risk Advisor, Gae Nuttall.
Topics being covered include:
Medico legal, human resources, business and legal, Medicare and the PBS
Systems and risk management
Common sources of risk: Medical care and treatment, practice and systems
and much more!
For more information or to register, visit the AMA (WA) website.
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CPR for Practice Staff
Saturday 18 May | 9.00am - 12.00pm
The AMA is delivering 3 hour courses for staff requiring CPR training to meet practice accreditation requirements.
The learning outcome of this unit provides the participant with a nationally recognised unit of competency: HLTAID001 – Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
The course will cover:
Assessing the situation and responding to the signs of an unconscious casualty
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation following Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines
Defibrillation awareness
This program attracts 5 category 2 RACGP points.
For more information or to register online, visit the AMA (WA) website.
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Are you ready for retirement?
Tuesday 21 May | 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Join AMA Financial Services and Challenger for their FREE one hour workshop which will provide participants with tips to embrace and enjoy the journey of retirement.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
• Pre-retirement strategies to boost your nest egg
• How to manage risks in retirement
• How to optimise government benefits
• How to plan and prioritise your cash flow
• What strategies are available to you in retirement.
For more information or to register online, visit the AMA (WA) website.
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Competition time!
AMA (WA) is offering members the chance to win FREE tickets to a range of movies, concerts, plays, shows or events currently on in Perth.
This month, win tickets to movies Gloria Bell, John Wick Chapter 3 or Long Shot. Enter online now!
Remember, AMA (WA) members also have exclusive access to discounts across a wide range of goods and services.
Various categories of benefits are available and these can be viewed by visiting Member Benefits.
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Write in and win
Got something to say? We would love to hear from you!
The AMA (WA)'s publication Medicus is calling on all members to send through any letters they would like to share with the profession.
Write to us (200 words max) at medicus@amawa.com.au - the best letter will win anything from movie/theatre tickets to bottles of wine.
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Copyright © 2013 Australian Medical Association of Western Australia
14 Stirling Highway, Nedlands WA 6009. Ph (08) 9273 3000 |