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Newsletter February 2019

e-news member,

  1. CEO's Welcome
  2. Introducing our Board
  3. Nominate for the WA Volunteer of the Year Awards
  4. Apply for a $1000 grant to celebrate your volunteers
  5. Get to know VIRA better
  6. Training & Events
  7. Corporate volunteers available to assist your organisation
  8. Regional news
  9. Introducing New Team Member
  10. Member News - Partner with VenuesWest
  11. New Members
  12. Shout out Saturday

CEO's Welcome

Welcome to the February edition of eNews.

In news relevant to our sector, I’d like to bring to your attention a submission that Volunteering Australia has provided to the Treasury for the 2019-20 Federal Budget. In the submission which can be found here, Volunteering Australia identifies ways in which the Government can invest in the volunteering sector, to provide security for the sector and grow a culture of giving in Australia.

The proposals put forward are the result of ongoing consultation with volunteers, managers of volunteers, Volunteer Involving Organisations, Volunteering Support Services, our State and Territory peak partners and civil society. Thank you to everyone in WA who completed our election survey. The survey findings were integral to identifying key issues for this submission and ensures our work is representative of the views of the volunteering sector.

We look forward to working with the Government to ensure that the social, economic and cultural contributions of the volunteering sector is acknowledged and supported, through ongoing funding, recognising the value of volunteering as a cross-portfolio activity, and the vital role of volunteering in high quality service delivery.

Submissions like this one are an example of how volunteering peak bodies advocate for the sector and for our fantastic WA Volunteer Involving Organisations.

As you will have read in last month’s eNews, our preparations are in full swing for National Volunteer Week which will be held from 20-26 May with a theme of “Making a world of difference”. We’ll soon be announcing what activities will take place around WA to mark this important week and I encourage you to get involved in what is one of the most important weeks in the volunteering calendar. See below for details on our grants and awards. 

This week Volunteering WA hosted the launch of ‘The Social and Economic Sustainability of WA’s Rural Workforce Report. The research was conducted by Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre and revealed that 50% the our rural population volunteer and that 40% of VIOs are experiencing shortages. You can read the full report here. Volunteering WA will be working collaboratively with existing state wide networks and rural VIOs in providing support and developing specific resources which aim to build a sustainable volunteer workforce in the future.

Finally, I am delighted to announce that we have not one but two finalists for the Telstra Business Women of the Year (For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award) in our midst. Monika Page, Manager Marketing and Communications, Volunteering WA and Evelyn O’Loughlin, CEO, Volunteering SA/NT – best of luck ladies, I’m very proud to work with you both!

Happy volunteering,

Introducing our Board

In this regular feature of the eNews we will showcase one of our hardworking and dedicated Board Members.

Without their leadership and guidance, we wouldn’t be able to achieve all the successes we do. Thank you to our Board.

Belinda Salvoni

Senior Community Development Officer | City of Bayswater - Youth Director | Board Volunteering WA

Belinda was elected in 2017 as the Youth Director of Volunteering WA. As Senior Community Development Officer within the Local Government Sector, Belinda is passionate about community engagement and participation, particularly how volunteering can build self-sustaining groups and networks within communities.

As a 2017 Emerging Leaders in Governance Graduate, one of her focuses will be ensuring VWA continues to remain agile in the changing face of volunteerism. Belinda has strong experience in strategy and policy development, project management, partnership development and community development. Belinda also has experience in social research, with interest in the social and cultural trends within volunteering. She is looking forward to providing a youth perspective and challenging the status quo as a new Board Member.

Nominate for the WA Volunteer of the Year Awards

The WA Volunteer of the Year awards are our annual event that showcases and honours our incredible WA volunteers. Awards are in eight categories and are open for individuals and organisations. 

For the first year we are allowing self-nominations for most of the categories and we strongly encourage our members to nominate themselves or their organisation or someone else that is worthy of recognition from these very prestigious awards.

For individuals, the awards promote the value and important contribution of volunteering to the social, cultural, economic and environmental well-being of Western Australia and pay tribute to those volunteers who inspire and promote the spirit of volunteerism through their exemplary endeavours.

For organisations, the awards acknowledge and celebrate the remarkable endeavours of Western Australian organisations and businesses to strengthen communities through volunteering.

Nominations can be made online at

The finalists and their guest are invited to attend a beautiful Gala Dinner on 22 May at the Crown Perth and we encourage our members to buy tables to support our incredible volunteering community. Tables for the gala dinner can be purchased at

Nominations close: 5pm Sunday 10 March 2019.

Apply for a $1000 grant to celebrate your volunteers

Volunteering WA, with thanks to ongoing support from Lotterywest, is once again able to offer Volunteer Involving Organisations around the State a fantastic opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $1000 to organise an event which recognises and thanks volunteers during National Volunteer Week which will be held on 20-26 May 2019.

In previous years, organisations have acknowledged the wonderful work their volunteers do by events such as team building days; hiring a motivational guest speaker to visit the office; treating the volunteers to lunch, dinner or even taking them out for a movie night.

Volunteering WA looks forward to receiving submissions online by Sunday 10 March 2019.

Get to know VIRA better

Do you want to know more about VIRA, our advanced volunteer management tool that integrates perfectly with VIKTOR? Join us at our next demo session on Wednesday 27 March.

You can use VIRA to store additional information about your volunteers, attach them to scheduled opportunities and activities, run advanced reporting, and keep track of their reimbursements and recognition.

VIRA will also track permissions given (such as image releases), training, current certificates (i.e. police clearances) and notify you when they expire.

Price start at $110 per annum, depending on the number of volunteers you manage.

To find out more and register visit HERE.

Training & Events

We have some fantastic training coming up in the next few weeks, including a free session specifically designed for local government.  A full list of our training and events can be found on our website here

Information Session for Local Governments
Wednesday 6 March 2019

9.30am to 11.30am | West Perth
Volunteering is a valuable asset to local governments. Volunteer programs not only support and enhance the services you provide, they promote social cohesion and inclusion and contribute to the well-being of community members.
You are invited to join us and find out how we can help you build stronger communities through volunteering. This session is free for Local Government employees. Register here

New to Volunteering WA and VIKTOR
Thursday 7 March 2019
9.30am to 11.30am | West Perth
New to volunteer management or to Volunteering WA?  Please join us for this FREE session which will cover what we offer, how we can help your organisation and using VIKTOR for your volunteer recruitment. Register here

Corporate volunteers available to assist your organisation

Could your organisation use some help from corporate volunteering? Our corporate volunteering team has put together a short video that showcases what our successful program has to offer our members and can be viewed here.

The program has fantastic corporate volunteers ready to assist your organisation and we regularly support skilled volunteers to work on discrete projects for our members who wouldn’t necessarily have the resources or skills available in house.
We also send corporate volunteer teams out to jobs, both big and small, that include building dingo enclosures, painting houses, cook-a-meal programs, conservation activities and much more.

We welcome you to get in touch at to arrange a meeting with one of our team to discuss how we can assist.

Thank you to our members who contributed to our video Cahoots, City West Lotteries House, Earth Science Western Australia and Native ARC Inc.

Regional news

Our members are reminded that we have three hardworking regional Volunteering WA hubs in the Pilbara (Karratha), Wheatbelt (Northam) and the Kimberley (Kununurra).

We’d like to introduce Narelle who has recently joined the Kimberley Volunteer Hub as coordinator. Narelle is a wealth of experience in mediation and has lived in Kununurra for years, volunteering in a number of different community groups and will work to match individuals to volunteer positions in the community.

Pilbara Hub Coordinator Kelly has been busy in the Northwest meeting with various organisations and promoting volunteering in her regular Spirit radio interview. This month she had SAFE speak with her on the benefits of volunteering at their organisation.

Tanya is our passionate hub coordinator in the Wheatbelt and regularly talks on radio to discuss topics and inspire members of the community to look for volunteering positions. Please get in touch with Tanya on if you’re based in the Wheatbelt and keen to learn more.

All three coordinators welcome you to get in touch.

Introducing New Team Member

This month we welcomed a new staff member to the marketing team, Nazreen Ellat. Coming from a not for profit background in events and fundraising, Nazreen has a strong appreciation for volunteering and understands the incredible impact it can make. Welcome to the team Nazreen! 

Member News - Partner with VenuesWest

Expressions of Interest are open for Western Australian charitable organisations to join the VenuesWest Community Partner Program in the new financial year 2019-20.

The VenuesWest Community Partners Program was established three years ago and provides an opportunity for a small and specific group of charity organisations to gain from tailored opportunities and benefits. In just three years, the Program has grown rapidly and helped hundreds of deserving families, volunteers and members to gain access to sporting and entertainment experiences that may not otherwise have been possible.

To apply please visit or email

New Members

A warm welcome to our new and returning members:

New & Returning Members | Regional WA

  • Northam Over 60s Group Inc
  • Rotary Club of Northam

We look forward to working with you.

Shout out Saturday

Do you need help finding volunteers to fill a position in your organisation? Our Saturday feature, only for members, advertises your position on our Facebook page which is followed by over 4,400 followers. Email to promote your volunteer vacancies.

Please ensure your volunteering role is on VIKTOR so that we can link the Facebook post straight through to the Volunteering WA website.