Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Join Buy West Eat Best for the inaugural Meet the Buyer trade show
This month Buy West Eat Best will be delivering Western Australia's first dedicated exhibition style trade show for Food and Beverage (F&B) producers.
Meet the Buyer will be the biggest and most diverse showcase of WA F&B business in one central location, providing a platform to exhibit, share and highlight their business and brand offering alongside fellow local producers. A minimum of 60 exhibitors will take part.
Taking place at Crown Perth on 27 October, over 180 delegates are expected from across the supply chain and will include on and off premise buyers and importers, chefs, and sommeliers, through to media and educators.
The trade show will showcase quality products and ingredients that have been grown, farmed, fished, processed, and prepared right here in WA. Meet the Buyer will showcase the strength and resilience of the WA F&B sector, facilitating businesses to realise, establish and grow new markets, benefiting the WA economy. More... Source and Image: BWEB / DPIRD
New rules bring changes to live streaming in China
China has released new draft regulations on e-commerce, with a focus on live streaming, Austrade reports in a new market insight. The regulations provide guidance on how brands, platforms and agents operate.
Austrade says the new rules will present opportunities and challenges for Australian exporters. Although companies will need to adapt to the updated regulations, once they do, it will give them more confidence when negotiating with agencies, key opinion leaders and live streaming hosts.
Australian brands will also need to be aware of the new rules when taking part in live streaming initiatives. They must ensure their representatives are across the new regulations which include dress code, language used and ‘honest representation’ of products. Source: Austrade | Photo: WA Agrifood Export eNews
Kimberley export potential and international investment opportunities on show
Western Australia’s Investment and Trade Commissioners recently visited the State’s Kimberley region, meeting with local business and community groups on trade and investment opportunities unique to the region. The Commissioners were joined by senior representatives from the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI), and Department and Primary Industries and Regional Development.
The Kimberley Development Commission worked with JTSI to create a broad program for the Kimberley Regional Roadshow, which was the fourth region visited in a series of regional tours for WA's new Commissioners.
In the East Kimberley, the group toured major agricultural, tourism and industrial projects, including the Ord Valley and the Ord Irrigation Scheme, viewing cotton, sandalwood, corn, sorghum and mango plantations. Local aquaculture and agriculture projects were also part of the diverse itinerary. Delegates visited Willie Creek Pearl Farm, as well as the region’s first major commercial table grape harvest at the Fresh Produce Group’s Fruitico Farms in the Skuthorpe horticulture area.
The Invest and Trade WA Regional Roadshows are designed to showcase WA’s regional export potential and highlight international investment opportunities to the State’s Commissioners. More... Source and Photo: Invest and Trade WA [Wyndham Port meeting with Tony Chafer (left) of Cambridge Gulf Limited and Toby Lewis of Dadaru.]
Free webinar: Traceability and cold chain – the future
The future of cold chain is a hot topic, with consumer concerns around the potential for costly fallout from weak links. There is a mounting background of community pressure about the economic costs and environmental damage attributed to cold-chain system vulnerability. You can be an important part of the solution through innovation, compliance, waste reduction and safety within your business.
The National GS1 Traceability Advisory Group is keen to let cold-chain stakeholders know how they can help assuage these concerns. To that end, they’ve assembled a strong line-up of experts as keynote speakers, panellists and special guests for a free online briefing session, in which the main topic under discussion is the future of cold chain in Australia.
Taking place next Thursday 7 October 2021 at 9.30 am AWST, this event is supported by Australian Food and Grocery Council, Australian Logistics Council, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and Stop Food Waste CRC. Source: National GS1 Traceability Advisory Group | Image: iStock
Simplifying wine exports to the UK
On 25 July 2021, the United Kingdom (UK) announced it will remove the requirement for all wine imports to be accompanied by VI-1 certificates, Austrade reports. The UK is implementing this change without a clear start date. Once in place, this change will simplify exporting wine to the UK. This change is an example of the UK moving away from the European Union (EU) regulatory framework following the Brexit transition period.
Austrade says exporters will still need VI-1 certification for wine exported into the EU. This includes Australian wine re-exported to the EU through the UK. The VI-1 certification ensures the wine complies with EU regulations. Exporters need to submit their wine for laboratory testing before shipping. The planned removal of VI-1 certification simplifies trade and reduces compliance costs for wine exporters. Exporters will no longer need to obtain an estimated 16,000 VI-1 certificates and accompanying lab analyses per year.
The UK was Australia’s most valuable wine market in January to July 2021. The market accounted for 25% of the value of Australian wine exports. In 2020, Australia was the UK’s third largest supplier of wine (8% / US$359.7 million). France was the largest supplier (31% / US$1.3 billion), followed by Italy (18% / US$809.5 million). The UK is also a key distribution hub for the wine market. Source: Austrade | Photo: Matthieu Joannon / Unsplash
Blueprint for trade and investment with Indonesia
Australian business should take a fresh look at Indonesia, the powerhouse nation on our doorstep and soon to be among the largest economies in the world, according the the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. With a strong middle class – 52 million and growing – forecasters predict Indonesia's swift post-COVID recovery, a testament to Indonesia's resilient growth and commitment to reform.
In 2020, the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement entered into force which gives Australian businesses major advantages in the Indonesian market. For example more than 99 per cent of Australian goods exports by value will enter duty free or under liberalised rules.
To assist Australian companies take advantage of the Agreement and deepen their engagement with Indonesia, the Australian government has produced a Blueprint for Trade and Investment with Indonesia. The Blueprint provides practical and strategic guidance for Australian businesses considering market opportunities in the Indonesian economy for the first time. It also helps Australian business take advantage of complementarities between the two economies – Australia has the goods, expertise and know-how which align with Indonesia's major economic priorities. More... Source: DFAT | Photo: USINDO