Welcome to EAGLE's Client Newsletter! No Images? Click here Certification ConnectionEAGLE's Client Newsletter | January 2019 Welcome to the Certification Connection!EAGLE Certification Group celebrates 25 years of service!Look for the anniversary issue of Certification Connection arriving in July 2019 to your inbox!EAGLE is located at Kettering Tower, the tallest building in the Dayton, Ohio skyline! Why EAGLE? | Thoughts from the New PresidentArticle by Brad Shillito, PresidentEAGLE kicks off 2019 by welcoming our new President, Brad Shillito! In this issue, Brad shares his thoughts on how EAGLE's commitment to Service, Integrity & Value differentiates EAGLE in the industry. First Ethical Sourcing Certification IssuedContributed by Jessica Osborne, Director of Business Development and Business ProcessesThe EAGLE team is excited to announce the issue of the first accredited Ethical Sourcing Certificate to Arylessence, Inc. in August 2018! Multi-Site Audit Approach ChangesContributed by Kelly Abbott, Director of Certification IAF Mandatory Document was released earlier this year and has some changes that EAGLE is required to implement. Release of Legal and Regulatory Compliance InformationContributed by Kelly Abbott, Director of Certification ANAB has released Accreditation Rule 5. Please click the Read More button below for more information. F9 UpdateContributed by Penny Robinson, Certification Manager EAGLE has recently updated their Form 9 document – F9 – ANAB Policy on Use of ANAB Accreditation Symbols and Claims of Accreditation Status – with a link to the ANAB PR 1018 which was issued September 10, 2018. Attention IATF Clients! IATF Support FunctionsContributed by Kelly Abbott, Director of Certification If you have any remote support functions (locations that do any support work for your manufacturing facility, which under the same ownership), it is critical that the EAGLE Report and your IATF Certificate Information align with all other documented information with in the process. IATF Transition UpdateContributed by Kelly Abbott, Director of Certification The IATF Transition was a success in many ways, noting that over 53,000 IATF Certificates were transitioned! ISO 45001:2018 MigrationContributed by Pebbles Terrill, Auditor Resources Manager The EAGLE team has been working on implementing the migration plan for 45001 which includes training for auditors, material for clients and a timeline for each client to migrate. SQF Registration Fee Increase - 2019Contributed by Lindsey Stafford, Senior Program and Certification Manager SQF will raise the 2019 rate by $50 in each registration fee category. SQFI Launching New Fundamentals Program in January 2019Contributed by Anne Cooper, Food Technical Manager SQFI has created a solution for small and medium sized facilities who don’t have a robust food safety management program in place or want to take their existing program to the next level. SQF Code Edition 8.1 Expected in March 2019Contributed by Anne Cooper, Food Technical Manager SQF code edition 8.1 will be released to clarify some of the new clauses that are in edition 8.0. This will not be a major code change, but will have corrections in verbiage, and will add clarity to Food safety and Quality elements. All stakeholders will be informed when this update is released in March 2019. ![]() Mock Recall and Traceability ExercisesContributed by Anne Cooper, Food Technical Manager We have noticed quite a few non-conformance scored on SQF audits this fall due to incomplete mock recall exercises. EAGLE's Boot Camp ExperienceContributed by Donna Somuk, Certification ManagerThis month is all about that camp…Boot Camp! WOW! This was my first Boot Camp experience and I was blown away! If you’re unfamiliar, Boot Camp is EAGLE’s internal, three-day intensive annual training workshop for our auditors. Staffing ChangesOn October 31st, we welcomed 2 new Certification Managers, Caitlin and Robert! Caitlin Jefferson brings to EAGLE an extensive customer service background. She was previously an Account Sales Manager for Red Bull providing support to nearly 115 accounts. Prior to that, she spent 11 years at Kroger beginning her employment as a bagger and progressed to a Produce Manager! Caitlin will be the IATF Certification Manager. Robert Ballard was previously a CBRNE (Chem, Bio, Rad and Expl) Specialist and a certified Hazmat Technician in the US Army. After exiting the Army he worked in the banking industry as a Fraud Analyst for many years. He is in training to become the new EMS Certification Manager at EAGLE. Beginning January 1, 2019, Pebbles Terrill will be moving from her current role as Certification Manager into her new role as Auditor Resources Manager. Her primary role will be vetting and on-boarding new auditors for all standards as well as maintaining all auditor records. She has been acting in a dual role for the last 6 months but we are excited to have her full-time in her new position! Please feel free to reach out to her at pebbles.terrill@eaglecertificationgroup.com should you have any questions regarding this change. EAGLE Sponsored TrainingImplementing SQF Systems - Edition 8Provided by an SQF licensed trainer, the class will help to prepare you to meet the SQF Practitioner requirements as defined in the SQF code. Who Should Attend Anyone who is preparing to meet the SQF Practitioner requirements as defined in the SQF Code or wanting a detailed knowledge base for the successful implementation and maintenance of SQF Systems. Date & Time March 14th-15th, 2019 | 8AM-5PM Cost $645 per person Location Hampton Inn Denver International Airport | 6290 Tower Road | Denver, CO 80249 INSTRUCTOR Developing and Implementing HACCP PlansIntroductory course providing training in developing a HACCP program for all types of processing facilities. Who Should Attend All personnel who wish to better understand food safety management under the USDA and FDA, as well as those needing to be designated as “HACCP trained” will benefit. Date & Time April 8th-9th, 2019 | 8AM-5PM Cost $645 per person Location Hampton Inn Philadelphia International Airport | 8600 Bartram Avenue | Philadelphia, PA 19153 INSTRUCTOR Implementing SQF Systems - Edition 8Provided by an SQF licensed trainer, the class will help to prepare you to meet the SQF Practitioner requirements as defined in the SQF code. Who Should Attend Anyone who is preparing to meet the SQF Practitioner requirements as defined in the SQF Code or wanting a detailed knowledge base for the successful implementation and maintenance of SQF Systems. Date & Time April 10th-11th, 2019 | 8AM-5PM Cost $645 per person Location Hampton Inn Philadelphia International Airport | 8600 Bartram Avenue | Philadelphia, PA 19153 INSTRUCTOR |