FL@33 product:Stereohype 2004–2014
anniversary bookFeaturing the complete button badge collection, the specially commissioned 10x10 Poster/badge Anniversaruy Series and collaborations from the last decade of FL@33's graphic art label Stereohype. FL@33 project page.
Stereohype product page.
FL@33 product:The 3D Type Book
(signed copies available)The most comprehensive showcase of three-dimensional letterforms ever written. 1300 Pictures, 300 projects, 160 contributors, 240 pages, published by Laurence King Publishing, book conceived, compiled, written and designed by Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek at FL@33 (2011) FL@33 project page.
Stereohype product page.
FL@33 product:All 1,000 Stereohype button badge in perspex frame100cm x 100cm custom perspex frame featuring every single of the 1,000 button badges from the FL@33-curated Stereohype collection. Over 300 international contributors. FL@33 project page.
Stereohype product page.