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Culture Connects Us

British Council India partners with Folk Log again for a stellar international online storytelling festival all day from 29 to 31 May headlining with an award-winning film from JV Productions, TV and stage actor Indira Varma, whose brilliant performance in Game of Thrones had us swooning over the character Ellaria Sand; and stories from the Panchatantra from Tara Arts in the UK; plus family stories from home in India.

We also organised the Folk Log competition. Winners will have their stories featured in the festival and receive an annual British Council online library membership. 

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Festivals Gig Workers Connect

British Council and Arts Culture Resources India returns on Friday 29 May, 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. with the next Festival Connections webinar on Gig Workers and Covid-19 with the spotlight on freelancers, independent workers and consultants.

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India’s Creative Industries during Covid-19

British Council, in partnership with FICCI and Art X Company, surveys the impact of Covid-19 on the creative economy in India. The Taking the Temperature survey; available in English, Hindi, Bengali and Tamil; will record the impact across the creative industries.

Please complete the survey

Arts in Time of Covid-19

Watch the NewsX special on the current uncertainty in the creative economy as a result of Covid-19 featuring British Council’s programme in craft and design in India, Crafting Futures.

Watch now on YouTube

Jana Sanskriti Centre Struck

Jana Sanskriti Centre Theatre of the Oppressed has been badly struck by the super cyclone in West Bengal. This important theatre needs urgent support and help to rebuild itself in Badu.

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Zanny Beddoes at JLF

Catch the live Jaipur LitFest weekly series Brave New World this weekend with Editor-in-Chief of The Economist, Zanny Minton Beddoes. She will be interviewed on the Economics of Covid-19 and how the world is changing.

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Hay Festival Digital

British Council supports a specially selected programme of events at the Hay Festival Digital. The events are free to watch on the Hay Festival’s streaming platform, Crowdcast and can be viewed for 24 hours after the live event.

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Making Space

In partnership with the Barbican, British Council has launched Making Space, a collection of essays on 'How can cultural producers become more responsive to an increasingly complex world beyond their walls, and play a stronger role in civic and social life?'

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Skype d8 at Bush Theatre

From the Bush Theatre in London, written by Travis Alabanza and performed by Ibinabo Jack, Skype d8 is a hilariously honest short monologue for our times detailing the pitfalls of dating during the lockdown. It's a lovely piece of writing certainly worth watching.

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International Nurses Day

The British Library in London celebrated the life and work of Florence Nightingale for International Nurses Day with speakers including scientists currently advising on Covid-19 in the UK.

Catch-up now

Sharing South Asian Artists

Join Manch and inspiring South Asian artists in the UK who share their stories in the creative industries including the iconic Mavin Khoo in a rare storytelling of his stupendous artistic career.

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Cheeky Little Astronomer

"Looking into the stars, there’s something aspirational, forward-looking and magical about the piece.” Uncover diverse cultural influences in Yinka Shonibare's Cheeky Little Astronomer.

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British Council arts and culture is a catalyst for creative expression, exchange and enterprise globally. We strengthen cultural and social change through creative innovation. 

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