The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , So Fi is a sociological fiction zine featuring contributions from a number of TASA members. Available online at *******A friendly reminder that the deadline for TASA's Early Career Researcher – Best Paper Prize is TOMORROW Friday June 30. This Prize is for the most distinguished peer-reviewed article published by an Early Career Researcher. Academic peer review is used to select a paper of outstanding quality published in any journal during the previous three calendar years (ie the 2017 Award will assess papers that were published from 2014 – 2016). Special consideration may be given to applicants who have experienced a significant ‘career disruption’. Please note, part of the prize is a complimentary conference registration!******* TASA Celebrating Raewyn Connell’s Jessie Barnard Award at American Sociological Association Meeting in MontrealTASA is organising a dinner on Sunday 13th August, at the upcoming American Sociological Association Meeting in Montreal, to celebrate with Raewyn Connell her receipt of the prestigious ASA Jessie Barnard Award for 2017. Jessie Barnard’s work ‘inspired feminist sociologists to demand incorporation of women’s lives into sociological theories, research, publications, and professional associations’ and the award is ‘given in recognition of scholarly work that has enlarged the horizons of sociology to encompass fully the role of women in society’. Any TASA member attending the ASA Meeting is welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Dan Woodman by Friday July 7. NexusCalling all postgraduates! In the next couple of issues, Nexus is providing space to publish short accounts (up to 500 words) from postgraduate students in sociology and allied disciplines on their research methodology. We would be interested in hearing whether you had to change course methodologically and why, whether theory drove your initial investigations or empirical data. If theory was significant, tell us which theorist(s) and why and whether the theory has sustained you. Accounts of what approach worked for you and why would be especially welcome. Once our readers engage with your accounts, we will provide space in later issues in the ‘letters to the editors’ where these will be published. We will publish up to six pieces in the next issue of Nexus. Successful applicants will be asked to provide a photograph and contact details for themselves. Submission deadline: July 10 to Eileen Clark, Alexia Maddox, and Peter Robinson, editors, Journal of SociologySpecial Edition 2019 - Call for EditorsPapers featured in special editions are subject to the normal process of peer review. Selection of papers and coordination of the peer review process will be the responsibility of the Guest Editors. Papers may be selected either on the basis of invitation or via a general ‘call for papers’. Final copy for this special edition is due on the fourth of September, 2018 and publication will be in March 2019. Expression of Interest deadline: July 31, 2017. Read on... Members' PublicationsMeredith Nash and Imelda Whelehan (eds.) (2017) - Reading Lena Dunham’s Girls: Feminism, postfeminism, authenticity and gendered performance in contemporary television Informed News & AnalysisKaren Fisher & Sally Robinson: Census shows increase in children with disability, but even more are still uncounted, The Conversation Gary Bouma: Census 2016 shows Australia’s changing religious profile, with more ‘nones’ than Catholics, The Conversation Kate Huppatz, Shanthi Robertson , Adam Possamai & James Arvanitakis: Western Sydney University experts weigh-in on the 2016 Census, Western Sydney University News Centre Dan Woodman: Don’t fit in with Gen X or Gen Y? You could be a Xennial, The Advertiser BlogsLesley Pruitt: "Youth Participation in the Human Rights Council" (in Australian Outlook) Alan Scott: Applied Sociology Anne Game: Belonging in Anghiari: Armida Kim James Arvanitakis: On collegiality and civility: or 9 tips on not being an academic jerk ZinesGeraldine Donoghue: Waiting, So Fi, p. 6 Fabian Cannizzo: Toward the Ivory Tower, So Fi, p. 9 Jon Gray: The First Explorer, So Fi, p. 13 Anoushka Benbow-Buitenhuis: Peeling Up, So Fi, p. 36 Nick Osbaldiston: In the Still, So Fi, p. 40 Ashleigh Watson: 101 scenes in London, 2017, So Fi, p. 59 Eileen Clark: Sociology 101, So Fi, p. 79 Applied SociologyConveners of the Applied Sociology Thematic Group recently made connection with the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS) in the USA who publish the Journal of Applied Social Science. James Lee, the editor, would be happy to receive submissions from Australia, so please encourage the members of your cluster to consider submitting to the journal. TASA EventsSociology of Religion SymposiumChasms and Bridges: Religion and Secularity in a Polarised World 29th September: Western Sydney University City Campus Key Note Addresses: Professor Marion Maddox and Associate Professor Alphia Possamai-Inesedy Bursaries: 8 travel bursaries are available for rural and out-of-state post-graduate students and unwaged/unaffiliated ECRs (up to 5 years post-PhD) of up to $150. If you would like to apply for a bursary, please provide a short statement indicating your place of residence, details of your student status/candidature (for post-graduate students), or details of your PhD award and current work status (for ECRs). You must be a TASA member to be eligible for a bursary. Please send your expressions of interest and bursary applications to by 18 August 2017. Read on... Sociology and Animals SymposiumDevelopment for Species: Animals in society, animals as society Deakin University, Melbourne City campus, September 18-19, Submission deadline: TOMORROW June 30. Read on... Postgraduate scholarship: With the support of TASA, the Sociology & Animals Thematic Group will be offering 3 postgraduate scholarships valued at $150 each. Potential scholarship winners will need to be registered TASA postgraduate members & located outside of Melbourne. If you wish to be considered for a postgraduate scholarship please indicate this in the same email as your abstract submission. 2017 TASA Health DayMobilising health sociology for impact: How can complex understandings of injustice and inequality be used in policy and practice? Friday 13th October 2017, UNSW Sydney Submission deadline: July 19. Read on... Travel Bursaries Award: The Health thematic group has obtained funding through TASA to award 5 travel bursaries of $150 to postgraduates or casual and unwaged staff (who must be TASA members and living outside of Sydney) to attend the symposium. The recipients of the bursaries will be eligible for reimbursements to the value of $150 for travel expenses related to attending the symposium. You do not have to be presenting a paper to receive an award. However, those who have submitted an abstract will be given priority. If you wish to apply for a travel bursary please email for more information, Sophie Lewis ( Youth SymposiumResearch Methods in Youth Studies: Doing ‘Difference Differently’ Wednesday 22 November, 2017, University of Melbourne Invited speakers: Greg Noble, Anita Harris, Pam Nilan, Julia Coffey, Brady Robards Submission deadline: July 31. Read on... Crime & Governance SymposiumPolitics and Crime Control in the 21st Century: Controversies and Challenges The symposium will be held at the UoN Sydney campus (Elizabeth St, Sydney) on the 22nd September 2017. Keynotes: Eileen Baldry & Lana Sandas Some travel bursaries to postgraduates or casual and unwaged staff to attend the symposium are available. Submission deadline: Extended to August 4. Read on... Call for ChaptersCall for Chapters in English for Edited Volume: Rethinking Childhoods in Africa: An Anthology. Submissions of abstracts and drafts: TOMORROW June 30. Read on... Call for Chapters in English for Edited Volume: “In the Name of God?” Religious Fundamentalism in Africa. Submissions of abstracts and drafts: TOMORROW June 30. Read on... GrantsThe Capstone Editing Early Career Academic Research Grant for Women CHASS Prizes2017 will mark the fourth year of the annual Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) Australia Prizes. The Australia Prizes honour distinguished achievements by Australians working, studying, or training in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) sectors, including academics, practitioners, philanthropists, policy makers, and students. Submission deadline: TOMORROW June 30. Read on... Other EventsScholarships - TASA 2017 ConferenceYou may be eligible to apply for a TASA 2017 conference scholarship. It includes registration and travel funding. The deadline for all scholarships is September 30. Full details on each one is accessible via the links below: ISA World Congress, Torronto, 2018Sociology, Theory and Complementary and Alternative Medicine XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. RC15 Sociology of Health (host committee) Submission deadline: September 30. Read on... Forms of Collectivity Among Contemporary Youth War, the Military and Societal Transformation XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. RC16 Sociological Theory (host committee) Submission deadline: September 30. Read on... Continuity and Change in the Family Life Course (9895) Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. RC06 Family Research (host committee) Submission deadline: September 30. Read on... Experiences of and Responses to Disempowerment, Violence and Injustice within the Relational Lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Two Spirited (LGBTQ2) People XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. RC06 Family Research (host committee) Submission deadline: September 30. Read on... SeminarsAlcohol and other drug treatment in prison Presenter: Michael Doyle, University of Sydney Thursday, 6 July, 2pm-3pm, Sarich Way, Bentley, WA Read on... Other ConferencesThe interpretation of global politics: methods and epistemologies after the event Canberra, 2-3 November Submission deadline: July 30. Read on... Respect Existence or Expect Resistance Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand 6-10 December, Dunedin, New Zealand Submission deadline: September 10. Read on... Association of Industrial Relations Academics, Australia and New Zealand conference (AIRAANZ) 'Jobs and Change in Uncertain Times' : 32nd Annual AIRAANZ Conference Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. 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