If you want to get deep discounts on our Lettercase resources for 2015, place your order soon! We only have a few more days until our World Down Syndrome Day sale ends on March 21. The materials on sale include the Kennedy Foundation's "Understanding a Down Syndrome Diagnosis" book ($8 each), the "Understanding Prenatal Screening and Testing for Chromosome Conditions" pamphlet in English and Spanish ($2 each), and our bi-fold for medical professionals, "Delivering a Down Syndrome Diagnosis" ($1.50 each). We're also offering a Medical Outreach Kit that contains 50 copies of "Understanding a Down Syndrome Diagnosis," "Understanding Prenatal Screening and Testing for Chromosome Conditions" in English, and "Delivering a Down Syndrome Diagnosis," as well as 20 copies of the prenatal testing pamphlets in Spanish, for $585 (including shipping). If you have any further questions, please contact us at info@lettercase.org for assistance. All proceeds from book sales are paid to the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute, a non-profit institution, and are used to support the cost of the Lettercase program, including medical outreach and booklet dissemination. Medical providers can request one free printed copy every 2 months, and digital versions of our materials are also available to anyone at no charge. You can also order our Down Syndrome Pregnancy books from Woodbine House publishing company. ![]() Human Development Institute |