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Tapas Party!

It’s Labor Day. Not that you need an excuse to throw a tapas party—especially when the tapas all feature fruit! Plus, a roundup of famous heroes of fruit, fall lunch ideas for the whole family, and how to reduce stress during this trying election season. Happy end of summer from The FruitGuys!


Tapas with Fruit for Labor Day

Seasonal fruits make tasty tapas

Looking for delicious Labor Day fun? Have a tapas party! Spanish cooks often use fruit in savory tapas to provide flavor and texture. Cathryn Domrose gives you five easy recipes in Food.

Back-to-School Lunches

Easy lunch-box meals for kids and grown-ups

Why let kids have all the fun? These interactive lunch ideas are as good for the office break room as they are for the school lunchroom. Try these recipes in Food.

Heroes of Fruit History


Profiles of the men and women of the fruit world

From the lab to the orchard, the kitchen to the fields, there are many unsung heroes of fruit. Kjerstin Johnson profiles five historical figures who’ve shaped the way we think about fruit in The FruitLife.

The End of the Car Commute

Will the king of the road finally lose its throne?

America’s habit of solo car commuting is only 60 years old, but its environmental impact has been immeasurable. We explore the forces that may bring about a change in WorkLife.

How to Manage Election Year Stress in the Workplace

Tips for taking a break from politics

While the 2016 election offers outrageous theater, the barrage of politics in the news, on social media, and in the workplace is a potent source of anxiety. Miriam Wolf has tips about how to manage election stress in Health.

Ask The FruitGuys

Q: Will The FruitGuys be closed on Labor Day?

A: The FruitGuys will be closed and not delivering on Monday, September 5, 2016, in observance of Labor Day.
All Monday deliveries will be rescheduled for Tuesday, September 6, and certain Tuesday deliveries will be rescheduled for Wednesday, September 7.

Weekly Fruit Videos


Every week, we provide short, fun, and informative videos about fruit that’s in your box. Videos are organized by region on our website, or you can view them on our YouTube channel or on Facebook.

Snack Smarter!

Introducing a smarter way to snack! Our 1-oz snack packs are the perfect‪ size to satisfy a craving, and the ideal companion to a piece of our delicious farm-fresh fruit. Visit fruitguys.com/snacks for more info. Call us now at 1-877-378-4863 or email us at info@fruitguys.com to start snacking smarter.