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Film and Video Umbrella Commission free iPhone App

Making of LONDONION video on Vimeo

LONDONION is a new work commissioned by Film and Video Umbrella for Merzbank, a repository of artists' online works that draw inspiration from Kurt Schwitters.

We have made a free-to-download iPhone App based on Schwitters' poem London Onion (1946). The poem is read by comedian Stewart Lee and the App responds to the random sounds and fluctuating noise-levels of your immediate surroundings. Click on the image above to watch a short video about the making and recording of the piece. 

The App was launched recently at Tate Britain and is now available on the App Store to download for iPhone and iPad. 


Sound Installation with Scott Walker for Sydney Opera House

Bish Bosch Ambisymphonic

BISH BOSCH: AMBISYMPHONIC is a sonic reimagining of Scott Walker's recent album Bish Bosch (4AD). The installation receives its world premiere at this year's Vivid LIVE in Sydney. 

Four tracks from the album have been remixed and spatialised into an Ambisonic symphony. The resulting piece plunges the listener into near darkness, opening them up to an all-consuming sonic experience. We worked with our regular collaborators at Arup and Scott's long-term co-producer Peter Walsh to create a purpose build geodesic dome of multidirectional speakers programmed to present Scott Walker as he's never been heard before. 

The installation will be at Sydney Opera House from 24 May - 2 June, daily from 5pm. Admission free. More information: vividsydney.com/events/bish-bosch-ambisymphonic