In This Issue
IEEE Conformity Assessment Program and Iometrix Announce The Pilot Phase Launch of IEEE 1588™-2008 Certification Program
The IEEE Conformity Assessment Program
(ICAP), in collaboration with the IEEE P1904.1™ Working Group, today announced an initiative to establish a Conformity Assessment Program for the IEEE P1904.1 Service Interoperability in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (SIEPON) standard, which is under development. The goals of the Program are to drive adoption, encourage industry collaboration, and provide a process for the equipment vendors to test and certify their products in ICAP Authorized Laboratories. ICAP, serving in the role of Certification Authority, will administer the Program. ICAP will coordinate the activities of the participating laboratories, issue certificates to vendors whose products have satisfied a rigorous battery of compliance tests, and maintain a registry of certified products.
Continue reading. Hosts Second Annual Software Identification Summit's second annual Software Identification Summit focuses on software security and software publisher benefits of certified software identification (SWID) tags. Industry experts will provide details on how certified ISO SWID tags are used to improve software assurance processes and mitigate the risks and costs of software ownership. Presenters will also go into detail about how software publishers benefit by including certified SWID tags with their software products.
In this summit, you will learn how:
certified SWID tags improve software supply chain management and supply side security.
certified tags improve security automation procedures in addition to improving software discovery and compliance accuracy.
software consumers use certified SWID tag requirements to improve relationships with software publishers and lower compliance risks.
software consumers can build and deploy “retrofit” tags for the software under management in the organization.
software publishers can effectively and efficiently add certified SWID tags to their software products.
For more information, visit the website.

Program Profile Series -

Celebrating 20 years of leadership, Power Architecture technology is behind millions of innovative products, including the world's fastest supercomputers, leading video game consoles, and electronic systems in most of today's car models. Every phone call, email and Web page touches hundreds of Power Architecture systems. The open community, formed in 2005, is the organization driving collaborative innovation around Power Architecture technology.'s mission is to optimize interoperability, accelerate innovation and drive increased adoption of this leading processor architecture.
In April, join for an informational webinar on the Future of Smart Secured Networking and Smart Converged Gateways for Smart Cloud Services. The webinar will be presented in both English (10 April) and Mandarin (11 April).
For more information about Power Architecture, or how to join as a member, visit the website today.

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