Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Flights from Perth continue without IFAM support – a positive sign
The International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) – a targeted, temporary, emergency measure in response to COVID-19 restrictions – is rebuilding international airfreight routes to help Australian businesses reach existing clients in international markets.
IFAM is reconnecting air freight supply chains from ports across the country, with resources positioned where they were most disrupted. Western Australia was one of the hardest hit states, with drastic reductions in available flights for exporters as a result of COVID restrictions. IFAM has supported key airfreight routes and worked closely with stakeholders in the international supply chain to ensure businesses can access their existing international markets and consumers.
Since its inception in April, IFAM has supported flights from Perth to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong and China, and provided IFAM grant assistance to destinations across Asia, Europe, North America and Africa.
As a result of strong utilisation and industry support, Cathay Pacific has decided to continue its Perth to Hong Kong flight beyond the IFAM contract, which ended on 5 November. This is a positive signal for the sector that the market is beginning to rebuild and will enable WA businesses to maintain relationships and reach important international markets in Hong Kong and beyond.
IFAM grant assistance is available for the Cathay Pacific flight, as well as other eligible commercial flights. IFAM also continues to support the Emirates flight from Perth to Singapore.
Full details on the latest IFAM outbound and inbound flights are available on the IFAM website.
Exporters should speak to their freight forwarder and visit the IFAM webpage for further assistance. If you have any questions or need more information, please email Airfreight@austrade.gov.au, or Austrade State Director WA, Jane Caforio, at jane.caforio@austrade.gov.au. More... Source: Austrade | Photo: Cathay Pacific
WA carrots first to Indonesia under new FTA
Consignments of Western Australian carrots were the first carrots from Australia to access our nation's latest free trade agreement, after arriving in Indonesia earlier this month.
The Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership (IA-CEPA) – which entered into force on 5 July this year – includes tariff reductions, increased quotas and automatic issue of import permits for feed grain, live cattle, beef and sheep meat, citrus, potatoes and carrots.
Following the ratification of IA-CEPA, DPIRD – in partnership with the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation – has been engaging with Indonesia to promote WA agrifood products and facilitate trade to Indonesia off the back of improved market access.
A key component of this is the Virtual Business Matching Program, being delivered in partnership with the WA Government Trade and Investment Office in Jakarta, which includes pre-qualified Indonesian buyers and interested WA exporters.
Indonesian buyer Mulia Raya Group, one of the program participants, confirmed that the first ever shipment of Australian carrots under IA-CEPA came from WA and was cleared on 7 November. The company said they were very proud to be working with WA businesses and selling WA-grown products.
This is the first of ongoing carrot exports to Indonesia with a number of WA carrot exporters involved. A second consignment of carrots has arrived in Indonesia and was expected to be cleared this week.
Export ready premium food and beverage exporters interested in accessing this market should contact Fiona Goss, DPIRD Principal Trade Consultant in Agribusiness Food and Trade, at fiona.goss@dpird.wa.gov.au. Source: DPIRD / DFAT | Photo: Mulia Raya Group
WA aquaculture eyes Taiwan’s growing seafood markets
Australian seafood exporters are diversifying markets in Asia – and Taiwan is proving receptive, according to Austrade in Taipei.
In October, more than 50 leading Taiwanese seafood importers, distributors, restaurants owners and supermarket buyers gathered at Austrade’s Taipei office for a live virtual seafood showcase event.
The online gathering featured eight seafood exporters from Western Australia.
Jointly delivered by Austrade Taipei and the Western Australian Fishing Industry Council, the event was a business-matching service that brought together leading seafood buyers with high-quality products from WA. More... Source: Austrade | Photo: DPIRD
Virtual trade services for Australian meat exports to US
There is a move to provide virtual trade services for Australian meat exporters, Austrade reports in its latest North America update for Australian exporters.
This service is required when the United States Department of Agriculture refuses product entry owing to missing, incorrect, or incomplete shipping marks.
Virtual re-marking provides significant cost savings to Australian meat producers. Austrade is currently waiving services fees for this service until 31 December 2020.
For further assistance, please contact Austrade. More... Source: Austrade
Crop Sowing Guide out now to optimise 2021 grains production
The 2021 Western Australian Crop Sowing Guide is now available to assist grain growers to plan next season’s seeding program, with a wealth of credible, independent material to optimise crop productivity and profitability.
The online and hard copy publication provides a one-stop-shop for crop variety and agronomic information so growers and consultants can evaluate and compare options to best suit their operations.
The annual publication was produced by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and includes data from the Grains Research and Development Corporation’s National Variety Trials.
The essential compilation provides detailed variety guides for wheat, barley, oats, canola and pulses, including lupins, lentils, field pea, chickpea, faba beans and vetch. More... Source & Photo: DPIRD