JPS: The Jewish Publication Society

Dear Friends of JPS,

The new Jewish year marks our 125th year and the 50th anniversary of the "new" JPS translation of the Torah!

Save the date (Thursday evening, Dec. 13) for a special event celebrating “The JPS Torah at 50” at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City.

Read a fascinating new article about the historical significance of the JPS translation in this newsletter, and glimpse our new titles and dedication opportunities.

This has been a year of dramatic change for JPS, and with renewed optimism we are sincerely grateful for your continuing interest and support.

From our house to yours, we wish you a joyous 5773.

Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz and the staff of JPS


The JPS Torah at 50: A Celebration of a Translation and a Translator

    Date: December 13, 2012
    Time: 6:00pm
    Place: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
    One West Fourth Street, New York, NY 10012

This year marks the 50th anniversary of one of the biggest milestones in American Jewish history – the publication of the “New JPS Translation” of the Torah.

In 1962, under the leadership of editor-in-chief Dr. Harry Orlinsky of HUC-JIR, JPS published what has since become the most widely read English translation of the Torah.

Together, JPS and HUC-JIR will be marking this anniversary with a special evening at HUC-JIR on December 13, 2012. Dr. Leonard Greenspoon, scholar of Bible translations, will be the keynote speaker. The evening will also include remarks from Dr. David Ellenson, Ph.D., HUC-JIR President, and Dr. S. David Sperling, HUC-JIR Professor of Bible.

There are other milestone anniversaries that will be commemorated at this event as well: the 90th anniversary of the Jewish Institute of Religion, and the 20th yarzheit of Dr. Harry Orlinsky.

Read Dr. Leonard Greenspoon’s article about the significance of the 1962 JPS translation of the Torah.

Attend the event.

Contact Sarah Kroloff Segal at with questions about this event.

Newest Books from JPS

Judaism’s Great Debates: Timeless Controversies from Abraham to Herzl
By JPS Director, Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz

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Seasons of Our Joy: A Modern Guide to the Jewish Holidays
Revised edition, with a new afterword by the author.
By Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow

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From Gods to God: How the Bible Debunked, Suppressed, or Changed Ancient Myths and Legends
By Avigdor Shinan and Yair Zakovitch

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These 2013 books are in production. Attach your name before it’s too late.

The Gods Are Broken! Abraham and the Hidden Legacy of Judaism
By Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin

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Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture
Edited by: Lawrence H. Schiffman, James L. Kugel and Louis H. Feldman

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The New Reform Judaism
By Dana Evan Kaplan, with foreword by Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie and afterword by Rabbi Rick Jacobs

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Hatemail: Anti-Semitism on Picture Postcards
By Salo Aizenberg
Foreword by Michael Berenbaum

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