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Welcome to the first Measure G-2004 & G-2010 newsletter!

This will be a semi‐annual email newsletter to help inform our San José • Evergreen Community College District community of the District’s progress on the implementaton of the voter‐approved Measure G programs. The improvements made possible by these voter-supported bond measures have allowed us to continue our mission to assist students in achieving their educational and employment goals.

SJCC: Physical Education Gymnasium

Funded by Measure G-2004

This Measure G-2004 project to build a new gymnasium and modernize the physical education facilities is restarting after a year on hold.  Program needs will be maximized through the repurposing of existing facilities in addition to new construction.

The general project scope includes a new spectator gym with a full competition basketball court, team rooms, an open flexible student fitness center, student locker rooms, training rooms, multi-purpose classrooms, and a faculty suite.

The project is currently in the programming /schematic design phase, with construction scheduled to begin in Fall 2015 and complete by Winter 2016.

EVC: South Campus Development

Funded by Measure G-2010

In early 2013 Evergreen Valley College began the design process for its new Mathematics, Science and Social Science (MS3) building, as well as a new Fitness Center to support the physical education programs.  The MS3 building will be 65,000 square feet and include 7 science laboratories, 14 classrooms (including three tiered classrooms), and offices for the Math/Science and Social Science faculty. In a nod to its math and science purpose, the MS3 exterior wall carries the unique feature of expressing the Fibonacci sequence through the spacing and types of panels and glass sections. As the architect, HMC, describes it: “The new complex will foster interdisciplinary communication by creating intersections between formal and informal learning environments. Light wells cut through the building allowing natural light to penetrate the core during the day and provide dramatic lighting at night. The building is designed to be an apparatus that demonstrates and makes visible some the theories of the programs taught within."

The Fitness Center will be an 8,000 square foot physical health center designed to inspire a healthy life-style by encouraging fitness participation, student interaction, and will promote sustainability.   The building design concept ‘body in motion’ takes its inspiration from the dynamic movements of the human body.

It is expected that the South Campus development will begin construction in late Summer 2014 and be ready for occupancy at the end of 2015.

SJCC: Media Arts Center and Career Technical Education

Funded by Measure G-2010

Renovations of the Career Technical Education Building are set to begin in Spring 2014. Construction will move through the buildings in two phases: The first phase will take place inside the east side of the two buildings and will consist of the construction of ADA accessible restrooms, modernizations of the classrooms and the build-out of temporary PE spaces.

The second phase, beginning in the summer, will provide improvements to the two buildings lab spaces and classrooms including updated electrical systems, fans, paint and flooring as well as the installation of newer lab equipment.

Outside, the buildings will receive upgraded roofing, some paint, and new exterior doors with ADA accessible door hardware.

EVC: Central Plant and Police Renovation

Funded by Measure G-2010

This project is focused on upgrading existing major mechanical equipment and systems, providing all new electrical service and equipment (both within the college’s Central Energy Plant (CEP)), and expanding the District Police station adjacent to the plant.  The CEP was originally constructed in the early 1970’s.  While some equipment has been replaced, this project provides up-to-date chillers and pumps, a new cogeneration unit to support off-peak system demands, and complete replacement of the original electrical switchgear and primary feeders.  The Police station will replace the old 1000 square foot station with a new 3000 square foot facility that adds offices and workstations and adds functions not previously available in the old station (an interview room, a secure holding room and a central command & control station).  The work will be complete in Summer 2014 with full occupancy in the Fall.

Joint Use 21st Century Post-Secondary Education Center

Funded by Measure G-2004

San José • Evergreen Community College District is developing a Joint Use Education Center in partnership with Milpitas Unified School District, for the purpose of better serving the needs of the residents in Milpitas and surrounding areas.

The facility will be located adjacent to Thomas Russell Middle School in Milpitas and provide a blend of secondary and post-secondary education that will allow high school students to access college level courses while completing their high school curriculum. Work Force Development courses will also be offered to the larger community.

The project is currently in the Program Development phase with construction expected to start in the Fall of 2015 and complete in the Fall of 2016.

New District Office Building

Funded by Measures G-2010 and G-2004

The San Jose Evergreen Community College District is moving the District headquarters downtown to 40 S. Market St. This location provides cost savings compared to building on campus, and offers an opportunity for increased visibility and community involvement in the heart of downtown San Jose.

The District user groups have been working with the design team over the past several months and the project is through the design phase.

Construction is slated to begin in early March, with District occupancy set for December 2014.