How do we respond to a bully?
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Remember that kid who just wouldn't leave you alone on the playground?
Seemed like, everywhere you went, there he (or she) was, demanding milk money, demeaning you in front of your friends, taunting you from the monkey bars...
Remember that kid?
Sure you do. Who doesn't?
The sad thing is, some of those bullies never quite outgrew their... bullyhood.
As this week has gone on, NARAL Pro-Choice America's "story" of Google pulling advertisements from pregnancy help centers has become exposed for what it is: a non-story.
In essence, what has become readily apparent is NARAL has assumed its familiar position as schoolyard bully, hurling insults at organizations just like yours, which are established as the true centers for reproductive health and help in communities across the world.
This is the grown-up version of those petty insults your local, neighborhood bully used to throw your way. The difference is, now, these hollow insults can cost the very lives of the women and children your center exists to protect from the violence and loss of abortion.
Strategy #1 - Challenge the bully's data
Like most bullies on the playground, NARAL's taunts have been--according to everything we have heard--entirely groundless.
Take the above screenshot, for example, which is on NARAL's website. The graphic NARAL circled (on the right-hand side) highlights an ad the group claims to have been removed by Google as a result of NARAL's efforts.
There's only one problem with NARAL's claim: It's an out-and-out lie. As in, "The Emperor is Wearing No Clothes."
This afternoon (Thursday, May 1), we contacted the pregnancy help organization whose ad is featured at the top of NARAL's flagpole. Guess what? Their advertisement has not been removed.
Friends, this embarassing contradiction from NARAL Pro-Choice America is every bit as glaring as the abortion promoters' name itself. (How many choices do they have in mind?)
Heartbeat International has also contacted Google for further clarification, and we will pass along updated information as we receive it.
[Note: Heartbeat had originally reported that a small number of ads were affected by this situation. Upon further investigation, it has been discovered that any issues centers were experiencing with ads were unrelated to NARAL's reports.]
Strategy #2 - Have "a mind to work"
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In other words, ignore the bully and go about your life-saving work with confidence that, while abortion profiteers like NARAL are whining, we are winning.
Remember Nehemiah's reaction to the schoolyard bullies of his day, Sanballat and Tobiah. Nehemiah prayed, then we read this:
"So we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work."
What an encouragement we have from Nehemiah's example. As God's people, doing God's work, we respond with prayerful action, "not frightened in anything by your opponents."
As a Heartbeat International affiliate, your center has agreed to follow Our Commitment of Care and Competence, an ethical code of practice which includes the following statement:
All of our advertising and communication are truthful and honest and accurately describe the services we offer.
For more information on Our Commitment of Care and Competence, check your inbox and HeartbeatServices.org for information on an upcoming course, "Raising the Standard: An Introduction to Our Commitment of Care and Competence."
Strategy #3 - Give Heartbeat a call
While we have yet to see a shred of evidence that NARAL's reports are true, we urge you to keep an eye on your Google AdWords account over the next several days, and let Heartbeat know if you see your ad suspended or disabled.
At the same time, if you don't see your Google ad popping up, it does not necessarily mean the ad has been suspended or disabled.
Check out Heartbeat's The Big 5 of Google Ads for more details.
We are here to serve you, and are working hand-in-hand with Alliance Defending Freedom in case a legal issue should arise.
You can email us here or call us at 1-888-550-7577.
Yours in the battle for LIFE,
Betty McDowell
Heartbeat International
Director of Ministry Services