Friday, July 26, 2013


Prince Harry and Dominic West Join Team Glenfiddich in Iceland

Team Glenfiddich, the UK South Pole team, has just returned from training in Iceland on the Langjökull Glacier (the ‘Long Glacier’). Walking With The Wounded trained here in March with all three teams and it is the ideal location for Nordic skiing in the middle of the summer. 

Conditions were variable, from slushy wet snow for the first couple of days to stunning clear conditions with hard crispy snow underfoot for the final day.

Each evening the team was met with sleet which froze quickly to goggles making visibility difficult, reminding everyone of the challenges and frustrations they must overcome in this environment. Tough to be leaving the first British heat wave in 9 years behind!

There was a benefit in training in these tricky conditions – administration in the tent has to be slicker. Trying to dry off wet gloves, jackets and trousers becomes a task in itself and something that should be easier in the South – it hasn’t rained in areas of the Antarctic for 2 million years.

On Saturday Team Glenfiddich was joined by actor Dominic West, who is part of the Commonwealth team. It was his first time out with WWTW so he was learning the basic skills of living and travelling in the polar world.

Despite some banter about him siding with the 'enemy' he fell quickly into routine and it was great to have him involved. Prince Harry, veteran of the North Pole expedition, also joined the training on Sunday and picked up the skiing again with ease.

It was fantastic to have the whole team together again, and to be focusing on the task ahead. On Monday the team pushed out a decent day, nearly ten hours on skis, covering 33km, which was a great test for the injuries amongst the team.

For Team Glenfiddich, with four legs between the four wounded team members, it is vital to get the prosthetics right. Rotating the lead between each of the members, the routine was settled by doing a two-hours leg followed by a ten-minute break, then repeated for the duration of the day.

Morale is high amongst the team. There is a noticeable improvement in fitness levels since the last training session in Iceland back in March, and some of the areas that needed attention have been gripped with the normal "can do" attitude of the British Army. Obviously something we say Duncan (RAF Regiment) benefits from! 

So, to the US and Commonwealth teams, who will be training together next month, bring it on!!! (and you were missed).

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