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ASEE Fall 2021 Application Survey

Dear Colleagues,

I'm contacting you in your role as the admissions contact for the college of engineering as reported in the 2020 Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology survey. 

As part of a NSF-funded project, we are asking about the number of applicants for the college's programs for  Fall 2021 as of April 30, 2021 compared to the previous year's number of applicants for Fall 2020 as of April 30, 2020 to track the on-going impact of the pandemic on the number of domestic and international applicants to engineering programs. We are asking for the survey to be completed by May 19, 2021. 

If there is someone else in your institution that would be better suited to respond, please forward this to them: we are requesting only one response per institution. Some institutions have reported multiple admission contacts -- all contacts are included in this email.

The survey is here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R2DKXRJ

These data will be aggregated institutional characteristics and shared in a report with participants (you) and the NSF. Institutional level responses will not be shared, only aggregate level data and institutionally de-identified responses will be incorporated into the report.  We are, however, asking for your institution name so that we can include institutional characteristics in the analysis without increasing the reporting burden (e.g. private versus public, Carnegie classification, etc.). The report will be produced by June 15 with a copy to sent to email addresses provided in the survey.

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your help with this.
Take care,

Joseph Roy, Ph.D.                                                                                                           
Director, Institutional Research & Analytics
American Society for Engineering Education                                                                       
Inspiring Innovation. Advancing Research. Enhancing Education.