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Update on the Climate Action Recognition Program

In acknowledgment and recognition of the ongoing efforts of local leaders, the joint Provincial-UBCM Green Communities Committee (GCC) is pleased to announce revisions to the Climate Action Recognition Program for BC local governments.

The GCC Climate Action Recognition Program was launched in 2012 to provide the GCC with an opportunity to review and publicly recognize the progress and achievements of each Climate Action Charter signatory.  Under the Program thus far, Charter signatories who demonstrate progress on their Charter commitments are eligible to qualify for one of three levels of recognition: Level 1 – Progress on Charter Commitments, Level 2 – Measurement or Level 3 – Achievement of Carbon Neutrality. 

Since establishment of the recognition program, many local governments achieving Level 2 recognition have demonstrated leadership beyond measuring their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by undertaking significant, additional climate actions (corporately or community wide) to reduce GHG emissions.  To help highlight these activities, the GCC is adjusting the recognition levels to include a new level of recognition called Level 3: Accelerating Progress on Charter Commitments.  Level 1 and 2 are retained and Achievement of Carbon Neutrality is now Level 4.  The new Level 3 is available to those local governments that, in addition to achieving Level 1 and 2, demonstrate that they have undertaken one or more of the following activities in the reporting year:

  • A GCC (option 1 or option 2) reduction project; and/or
  • Another corporate or community wide GHG reduction project(s), new or ongoing, that, in the view of the local government, reflects a significant investment of time or financial resources and is intended to result in significant GHG reductions; and/or
  • Partially offsetting the local government’s carbon footprint by purchasing offsets from a credible offset provider, as outlined in the Carbon Neutral Framework guidance material; and/or
  • Contributing to a reserve fund established by the local government dedicated to climate action activities.

Starting with the 2016 reporting year, recognition will be provided on an annual basis to local governments that demonstrate progress on their Charter commitments according to the following:

Level 1:  Demonstrating Progress on Charter Commitments
All local governments that demonstrate progress on fulfilling one or more of their Charter commitments will receive a letter from the GCC acknowledging their accomplishments.

Level 2: Measuring GHG Emissions
Local governments that achieve level 1, have completed a corporate carbon inventory for the reporting year and demonstrate that they are familiar with the Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) for their community will receive a letter from the GCC acknowledging their accomplishments and a ‘Climate Action Community 2016’ logo, for use on websites, letter head and similar.

Level 3: Accelerating Progress on Charter Commitments
Local governments that achieve levels 1 and 2 and demonstrate significant climate action (corporately or community wide) to reduce GHG emissions in the reporting year will receive a ‘Climate Action Community – Accelerating Progress 2016’ logo, for use on websites, letter head and similar.

Level 4: Achievement of Carbon Neutrality
Local governments that achieve carbon neutrality in the reporting year will receive a letter from the GCC acknowledging their accomplishments and a ‘Climate Action Community – Carbon Neutral 2016’ logo, for use on websites, letter head and similar.

Green Communities Committee

To be eligible for the GCC Climate Action Recognition Program local governments must fulfill the public reporting requirements of the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) including reporting on their progress to carbon neutrality.

The GCC will determine recognition levels for the GCC Climate Action Recognition Program based on the information included in each community’s annual CARIP public report.

Find out more information on CARIP and the public reporting requirements.

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