
Leading the way on the vaccination campaign

AMA President Dr Omar Khorshid showed his support for the COVID-19 vaccine by being among the first in line when he was vaccinated on 9 March. The AMA has already demonstrated its support through quick and consistent advocacy on the role of GPs in the vaccine rollout. Initially the Federal Government committed to using 1,000 general practices in Phase 1b of the rollout. The AMA stood strong on the critical role of GPs in the rollout, and the Government has now increased this number. As a result, more than 4,600 GP clinics will participate in the next phase of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.


Dr Khorshid said no sector was better equipped to administer the vaccines than GP clinics, and this will allow people to get their COVID-19 jab close to home.



International Women's Day

Drinks overlooking gum trees and gardens, serious subject matter, three sensational speakers – this is how the AMA (WA) and RACGP celebrated International Women’s Day yesterday evening. Dr Carol Kaplanian had the audience riveted with her personal and professional journey on working in the fields of gender-based violence and domestic violence in migrant communities. Dr Mariam Bahemia’s work in Mauritius helping children and others with stoma care and providing colostomy bags was truly inspiring. And Dr Fiona Sluchniak’s description of the challenges and rewards of her work at the Sexual Assault Referral Centre kept the audience enthralled to the end.


Some quotes from the evening:
• Carol – “I choose to challenge all of you to use your voice.”
• Mariam – “My challenge…is to see and have fewer stressed anxious women who are collapsing under the weight of those expectations on themselves.”
• Fiona – “I encourage everyone here…to challenge the conscious and unconscious biases around sexual assault."



Consultation continues on urgent care centres

Local GPs expressed their concerns about urgent care centres at a meeting held by the AMA (WA) and RACGP in Mandurah last week. St John Ambulance (SJA) has been granted $28 million to expand its urgent care centres. The concern is that these centres are taking patients who could be treated by local general practices, rather than helping to relieve pressure on emergency departments. The AMA (WA) will ensure discussions continue with SJA to reduce the impact of these centres. Read more in this month's Medicus.

New edition alert!
Medicus March drops next week

WA’s hotel quarantine system makes the cover story this time around with commentary from Drs Andrew Miller, Alex Swann, Karina Powers, Matthew Harper, Logan Marriot and David Berger. Other special features include the results from the AMA (WA) Survey on the Resilience of the WA Health System, which demonstrate doctor concerns, and International Women’s Day. News, interviews, updates and opinions, a book review and a critique of the newest Land Rover Defender – there’s something for everyone in this edition.


Hospital Health Check – launching in April

DiTs, keep an eye out for Hospital Health Check, the survey that's your chance to rate the morale and culture, teaching and training, rosters, overtime, payslips and overall wellbeing at your hospital.

Performance Management Masterclass Seminar

This seminar is for individuals who manage people. It covers work allocation and the methods to review performance, reward excellence and provide feedback to staff.


When: 6.30pm–8.30pm Wednesday 17 March
Where: AMA Training Services, Training Room 1,10 Stirling Highway, Nedlands
How: Attend in person (catering will be provided) or join by livestream using the link below.

Please RSVP to by 9.00am Monday 15 March.



Intern forums

Interns and RMOs, we still have spaces available at our final intern forum coming up on 17 March at Fiona Stanley Hospital Education Building, ground floor, G.1 lecture theatre.


Find out about the nitty gritty issues around pay slips, leave entitlements and managing workplace relationships. Open to members and non-members. 



AMA (WA) member exclusive

Focusnet – free two-hour initial consultation

If you want to run your IT Systems in the Cloud, FocusNet Technology has the solution for you! Their Medicloud platform is specifically designed to run your medical or healthcare software.


Mills Charter – whale watching and deep sea fishing

Get 15% off deep sea fishing trips departing Hillarys and 15% off whale watching Perth trips.


You won't have to go far to find your sense of adventure!


Various categories of benefits are available and these can be viewed online.


Recruitment – the right fit for your team and business

Do you need skilled temporary administrative personnel? AMA Recruit provides a range of clerical staff with relevant medical software knowledge, administration and communication skills. 


We also recruit and attract permanent skilled, qualified medical receptionists, medical secretaries and practice managers.


Benefit from:

• competitive member rates
• minimum three-month permanent placement guarantee
• a best practice approach to recruitment
• our extensive industry network.



The newest recruit

Welcome to Chelsea Angel, AMA Recruit’s new Practice Support Consultant. Chelsea has worked in medical marketing, as a medical secretary, as secretary to the AMA (WA) CEO and President, and has managed her own business. Thanks to her broad experience, she understands the unique requirements needed to effectively source the ideal candidate for each individual clinical practice.



Rates to remain unchanged

The Reserve Bank of Australia met last week, leaving the cash rate at 0.10 per cent in line with their previous guidance that they expected rates to remain unchanged for some time. The market had been speculating that rates may rise as early as late next year based on optimism around the vaccine rollout, surging iron ore prices, a strong housing market, a rebound in business investment and record government stimulus in the United States. AMA Finance Brokers will keep you informed.



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