Measure G-2004 & G-2010 Newsletter
This is a semi‐annual email newsletter to help inform our San José • Evergreen Community College District community of the District’s progress on the implementaton of the voter‐approved Measure G programs. The improvements made possible by these voter-supported bond measures have allowed us to continue our mission to assist students in achieving their educational and employment goals.
SJCC: Physical Education Building
Funded by Measure G-2004 & G-2010
The PE Building Project is currently midway through the design development phase and includes a new gymnasium, fitness center, team rooms and offices. Located adjacent to the track, football field and softball field it will help consolidate the athletics facilities and will replace the auxiliary gym. The existing racquetball courts will be renovated into a Wellness Center for the department. The project is scheduled to be complete by Spring 2017.
EVC: South Campus Development
Funded by Measure G-2010
The Mathematics, Science and Social Science (MS3) building will be 65,000 square feet and include 7 science laboratories, 14 classrooms (including three tiered classrooms), and offices for the Math/Science and Social Science faculty. The Fitness Center will be an 8,000 square foot physical health center designed to inspire a healthy life-style by encouraging fitness participation, student interaction, and will promote sustainability. This project is expected to be ready for occupancy by Summer 2016.
EVC: Central Plant and Police Renovation
Funded by Measure G-2010
This project focused on upgrading existing major mechanical equipment and systems, providing all new electrical service and equipment (both within the college’s Central Energy Plant (CEP)), and expanding the District Police station adjacent to the plant.
The Police station replaces the old 1,000 square foot station with a new 3,000 square foot facility that adds offices and workstations and adds functions not previously available in the old station (an interview room, a secure holding room and a central command & control station). The work completed in Summer 2014 with full occupancy in Fall 2014.
SJCC: Career Technical Education Building
Funded by Measure G-2010
Renovations of the Career Technical Education Building began in Spring 2014. The first phase took place on the east side of the two buildings and consisted of the construction of ADA accessible restrooms, modernizations of the classrooms and the build-out of temporary PE spaces.
The second phase, beginning in the summer, provided improvements to the two buildings lab spaces and classrooms including updated electrical systems, fans, paint and flooring as well as the installation of newer lab equipment.
EVC: Central Green / Arts Plaza
Funded by Measure G-2004
This project will restore the central area of campus --- used previously for interim classrooms (portables) and construction staging for various projects --- repair and upgrade pathways and stairways, address ADA / accessibility compliance, renovate the east campus entries, repair drainage issues, repair hardscape damage, and redirect bus and drop-off traffic away from the central campus to a new hub adjacent to the Performing Arts Center.
EVC: Automotive Technology Building
Funded by Measure G-2010
The proposed 26,000 square foot Auto-Tech facility will contain two small lecture classrooms (approximately 1,500 square feet each), a medium sized classroom accommodating up to 30 students and a large lecture classroom for up to 60 students. There will be thirty (30) automobile bays requiring specialty equipment such as lifts, utilities, exhaust hoods, and upgraded mechanical systems. Other specialty rooms include a tool room, engine machine shop, engine cleaning room, fuel & electrical lab, and smog testing. There will be approximately seven individual teacher offices adjacent to a common work space, as well as numerous secure storage areas throughout the facility. The Project has been mandated by the District to achieve a minimum Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification as awarded by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) to incorporate
sustainable building practices into the design and selection of systems and equipment. A projected completion is planned for classes to begin within the new facility in the Spring of 2016.
Joint Use 21st Century Post-Secondary Education Center
Funded by Measure G-2004
San José • Evergreen Community College District is developing a Joint Use Education Center in partnership with Milpitas Unified School District, for the purpose of better serving the needs of the residents in Milpitas and surrounding areas.
The facility will be located adjacent to Thomas Russell Middle School in Milpitas and provide a blend of secondary and post-secondary education that will allow high school students to access college level courses while completing their high school curriculum. Work Force Development courses will also be offered to the larger community.
The project has completed the programming phase and the program document has been given to the design build team of McCarthy/Steinberg to initiate schematic design. Construction is expected to start in the Fall of 2015 and complete in the Fall of 2016.
New District Office Building
Funded by Measures G-2010 and G-2004
The San José • Evergreen Community College District is moving the District headquarters downtown to 40 S. Market St. This location provides cost savings compared to building on campus, and offers an opportunity for increased visibility and community involvement in the heart of downtown San Jose.
Construction began in early March, with District occupancy set for Winter 2014.
Participation in Outreach
The Board of Trustees set a goal for the District to increase the contractor/vendor participation rate to 15 percent for diverse, small businesses. This business distinction includes minority-owned, women-owned, and disabled veteran-owned businesses. The Board awarded a contract with L. Luster & Associates (LLA) and the Enterprise Foundation to assist in achieving this goal. These two teams together will bring organization, breadth of knowledge, clear communication and continuing relationships to the District’s outreach efforts; as well as tangible, measurable results in terms of contract awards and contractor performance. The Measure G-2004 and G-2010 Bond Programs are active participants in this Outreach Program.
Apply to be on the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC)
The San José Evergreen Community College District is currently accepting applications for volunteer members for the Measures G-2004 & G-2010 Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee.
To find out more please go visit the link below: