The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , We encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to TASA Admin. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. To ensure your publications listed in this newsletter are referenced correctly by third party users, it would be greatly appreciated if you could email your publications to TASA Admin in a referenced format. Post Grad Sub-CommitteeCall for New MembersThe TASA Postgraduate Portfolio Leader is calling for expressions of interests to join TASA’s Postgraduate Sub-Committee (PGSC) for the 2019-2020 term. This PGSC supports the Postgraduate Portfolio Leader in representing and furthering the interests of TASA’s postgraduate members. The PGSC consists of a maximum of seven members who usually serve a two-year term and meet online approximately three times a year as well as face-to-face at the annual conference. Expression of interest deadline: Friday December 21. Read on... CongratulationsA warm congratulations is extended to the following members (bolded) who were recently awarded funding by the Australian Research Council:
PhD Scholarship OpportunitiesTwo fully-funded, internationally open PhD opportunities at Deakin University, to study human-animal relations as social in urban India – these are part of an ARC Discovery project ‘Animals and urban planning: Indian cities as Zoöpolises’. Application deadline: 31st January 2019. Read on... Western Sydney University: Data, Technology and Ethics in Adolescent Health Research. This PhD project will explore young people’s views on how their health data is currently collected and applied, as well as their visions for the future of health in a digital world. Western Sydney University: Grant OpportunitiesFellowship Funding2019 Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Fellowship The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Application deadline: February 1, 2019. Read on... Members' PublicationsBook ChaptersRuth Jeanes, Ramón Spaaij & Jonathan Magee (2018) Football, Healing, and Mental Health Recovery. In Michael Atkinson (Ed.) Volume 11 - Sport, Mental Illness, and Sociology. Emerald. Journal - ArticlesJennifer Laurence, David McCallum, 'On Innocence Lost: How Children Are Made Dangerous', International Journal of Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, vol 7, no. 4 (2018) pp. 148-164 Boese, M., Moran, A. and Mallman, M., 2018. Multi-local settlement mobilities. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, pp.1-19. Published online first Taylor, N., & Sutton, Z. (2018). For an Emancipatory Animal Sociology. Journal of Sociology. Liam Magee, Emma Kearney, Delphine Bellerose, Philippa Collin, Louise Crabtree, Justine Humphry, Paul James, Tanya Notley, Anjali Sharma, Amanda Third & Samantha Yorke (2018) Addressing a volatile subject: adaptive measurement of Australian digital capacities. Information, Communication & Society. Narayanan, Yamini and Sumanth Bindumadhav. 2018. ‘Posthuman cosmopolitanism’ for the Anthropocene in India: urbanism and human-snake relations in the Kali Yuga. Geoforum. Narayanan, Y. 2018. Animal ethics and Hinduism’s milking, mothering legends: analysing Krishna the butter thief and the Ocean of Milk. Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions. 57 (1), 133-149. Narayanan, Yamini. 2018. ‘Cow protection’ as ‘casteised speciesism’: sacralisation, commercialisation and politicisation. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. 41(2), 331-351. Koerner, Catherine & Putro, Widodo Dwi (2017) The socio-legal construction of Ahmadiyah as a religious minority by local and national government policy: Restrictions before the law, a challenge for Religious freedom in NTB, Indonesia, International Journal of Indonesian Studies (4) pp14-30. Koerner, Catherine (2015) White Australian identities and Indigenous land rights, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 21(2) pp87-101 Koerner, Catherine (2013), Learning the past to participate in the future: Regional discourses of Australian Colonial history, International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, Vol 6, No2, pp 1-12 ReportsBoese, M., van Kooy, J. and Bowman, D., 2018. Humanitarian migrants, work and economic security on the urban fringe: how policies and perceptions shape opportunities, Fitzroy: Brotherhood of St Laurence. Informed News & AnalysisLawrie Zion, Andrew Dodd, Matthew Ricketson, Merryn Sherwood, Monika Winarnita, Penny O'Donnell & Timothy Marjoribanks (5 December, 2018) New research reveals how Australian journalists are faring four years after redundancy. The Conversation. Aleesha Rodriguez (30 November, 2018) Happy birthday, SA’s big battery, and many happy returns (of your recyclable parts). The Conversation. BlogsFabian Cannizzo and Nick Osbaldiston (27 November, 2018) Awaiting a Sociology of Global Academia. The Sociological Review. Micro-vlogMicro-vlog series (just 2 minutes!) PodcastsZoei Sutton and Nick Pendergrast (26 November, 2018) Pets and Animal Liberation. Freedom of Species, 3CR 855AM Nicholas Hookway (23 November, 2018) The impact of loneliness on men. ABC Hobart. Members' Keynote InvitationsHave you been invited to give a keynote? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can list the details in the weekly newsletter here. PromotionsHave you been promoted recently? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can share the details in the weekly newsletter here. Other Events, News & OpportunitiesPublic LectureNew: Launching of the CRIMP Lab (creative research interventions in method and practice) with public lecture by Felicity Colman who will be present on creative research interventions in method and practice and will launch the CRIMP lab December 19th, 1 - 2pm. RMIT, Melbourne. Read on... PhD Summer School and One Day ConferenceResearching Post-Capitalist Possibilities Call for Papers - JournalsNew: Nationalism’s Futures Sociology Special Issue
Deadline for submission of full papers: 10 June 2019. Read on... For any queries regarding this special issue, please contact: Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities Special issue on Cultural and Social Anthropology Submission deadline: December 31. Read on... 2019 Special Issue Call for papers: Disability and Children's Rights. The Canadian Journal on Children’s Rights (CJCR) Submissions deadline: April 1, 2019. Read on... SeminarNew: From Cold War to Queer War: Homophobia as Statecraft Tomorrow Friday December 7, Deakin Downtown, Melbourne. Read on... SymposiumsThe Ethics of Engagement, Participation and Representation TASA Sociology of Youth Thematic Group 2019 Symposium University of Melbourne, 21st February 2019 This one-day symposium offers an opportunity for scholars to present work broadly pertaining to the above provocations. We especially encourage submissions from RHD candidates and ECRs, and are offering four $250 bursaries to postgraduates and unwaged/precariously employed academics living outside of Victoria (to be awarded on the basis of the quality and relevance of their abstracts). Abstract submission deadline: December 21. Read on... Language, Technology, and Communication in Healthcare. Interdisciplinary research and engagement for 21st century healthcare 10 December, 1:15 pm – 7:00 pm, University of Melbourne This event is free but registration is required. Read on... Rural Issues Symposium - The future of rural sociology in Australia, 2019 La Trobe, Bendigo, Friday 28th June, 2019. Keynote presentations from Professor Barbara Pini, Griffith University and Professor Robyn Eversole, Deputy Director of the Centre for Social Impact at Swinburne University of Technology. In recognition of the unique social experiences of rural, remote, and regional residents, the symposium aims to bring together students, researchers, applied sociologists, community and social services professionals and academics engaging with a range of issues pertinent to rural, remote and regional Australia. Abstracts and scholarship applications due: Friday 22nd March, 2019. Read on... ConferencesNew: Political Emotions Conference Sociology of Emotions and Effect Thematic Group conference 22 July 2019, Adelaide, Australia Scholars from any discipline who are thinking about politics and emotions in a social context are invited to send an abstract of 150 words, plus a short biography, to by 5pm, Monday 18 February 2019, AEST. Read on... New: Education in an Era of Risk - the Role of Educational Research for the Future International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR) Barcelona, 9-12 July, 2019 The Politics of Religion and Spirituality Submission deadline: 16 December. Read on... International Conference on Survey Research Methodology 8-9 August 2019․Taipei Taiwan Submission deadline: March 5. Read on... Time is Money, and Beyond: The Temporality of Action and Consequences 6-7 May 2019 in Warsaw, Poland Submission deadline: 15 December. Read on... EGOS 2019 Subtheme 54: Exploring the Labour Dimension of Sustainable Organizations: Ideologies, Struggles, Solutions (Markus Helfen, Andreas Pekarek, Rick Delbridge) Continuing the interdisciplinary exchange between the fields of organization studies and employment relations from two preceding EGOS sub-themes in 2017 and 2018, next year's theme concentrates on the ideologies, struggles and solutions around the labour dimension of the sustainable organization. We invite contributions that explore how labour shapes and is shaped by questions of organizational sustainability and what this means for future world(s) of work. Deadline for short paper submissions: January 14, 2019. Read on... 7th International and Interdisciplinary Emotional Geographies Conference 17-19 July 2019 Keynote speakers include fellow member, & incoming Applied Sociology Portfolio Leader, Catherine Robinson. Themed Sessions submission deadline: December 10. Abstract submission deadline: 4 March 2019. Read on... Illuminating the SOCIAL in Social Problems The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) August 9-11, 2019, at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, NY. Submission deadline: January 31, 2019. Read on... Economy & the Possible: Alternative, Missed and Reified Futures in Contemporary Society 20-21 May 2019 in Warsaw (Poland) Submission deadline: 10 December. Read on... EUROPE AND BEYOND: BOUNDARIES, BARRIERS AND BELONGING Gift MembershipsGift memberships are available with TASA. If you would like to purchase a gift membership, please email the following details through to the TASA Office:
Upon receiving the above details, TASA will email the recipient with full details on how they can take up the gift membership. You can view an example of that email in both Word (39kb) and Pdf (159kb) formats. You will receive an invoice, via email, after the recipient completes the online membership form. Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. To ensure your publications listed in this newsletter are referenced correctly by third party users, it would be greatly appreciated if you could email your publications to TASA's Office in a referenced format. Links to content in this newsletter do not imply any official endorsement by The Australian Sociological Association or the opinions, ideas or information contained therein, nor guarantee the validity, completeness or utility of the information provided. Reference herein to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. Save the Dates![]() ![]() |