Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Invest and Trade WA website launched
The Western Australian Premier has launched the Invest and Trade WA website that will promote the State globally as a world-leading investment and trade destination.
The website showcases to interstate and international audiences WA’s unique offerings and proven track record in delivering quality products and services to the world’s major economies, and will help boost trade and investment, diversify the economy and create jobs.
The website includes:
an evidence-based value proposition that presents WA’s unique and valuable strengths as an investment and trade destination to the world
an overview of the state’s key export and investment industries along with the capability and opportunities that they provide
state-wide investment and trade-related news and events
an overview of the range of client support services provided by the Invest and Trade WA team, and contact information.
Additionally, the website’s WA business connect section provides resources and information for WA businesses seeking to attract investment and commence or grow their exports, including eight new market outlooks profiling opportunities in major trading markets and regions.
There is also information related to grants and funding available for industry, from both the Western Australian and Australian governments, and an overview of the range of client support services provided by the Invest and Trade WA team. More... Source: WA Premier | Photo: JTSI
Value-add funds to spur WA food manufacturing
Funding of $10.2 million has been awarded to 18 agrifood businesses in metropolitan and regional Western Australia, aimed at boosting local food and beverage manufacturing and value adding.
Businesses will receive between $250,000 and $750,000 each through the Value Add Investment Grants program for new projects, to expand current projects or to relocate value-adding operations to WA. Businesses are required to match the grant funding dollar-for-dollar.
The grants are a key component of the State Government’s $16.7 million four-year Food and Beverage Fund, which aims to stimulate growth and support economic recovery from COVID-19.
DPIRD's Executive Director of Agribusiness Food and Trade, Liam O'Connell, said the announcement of the VAIG recipients represents an important milestone for the growth and diversification of WA's agrifood value add sector.
"Not only has the VAIG program attracted large national companies to start up new projects – or expand current projects – in our State, it also supports high-growth WA companies to produce new products, reach new markets and set up new industries," Mr O'Connell said.
"These projects will create about 600 new jobs across a range of industries including seafood, beverages, horticulture, meat and premium food products.
"The State Government’s $10.2 million co-investment is also expected to leverage more than $132 million in private sector investment – a great result for our economy," Mr O’Connell said. More...
| Related: Value-add funds to spur WA food manufacturing | Source: WA Minister for Agriculture and Food / DPIRD | Photo: DPIRD [L-R: Don Punch MLA; Minister Alannah MacTiernan; Brent Dancer, Chief Operating Officer, V&V Walsh]
Lure of Western Australia hooks giant Huon Aquaculture
The expansion of Western Australia's aquaculture industry has received a massive boost with one of Australia's most significant aquaculture companies locking in its commitment to the State.
In Geraldton today, Fisheries Minister Peter Tinley revealed Huon Aquaculture is now fully licensed to begin operations in WA's Mid West Aquaculture Development Zone.
Huon Aquaculture's yellowtail kingfish project planned for the waters off Geraldton will contribute substantially to the Mid-West economy and create a significant number of jobs.
The Government has allocated $10 million of funding for development of a state-of-the-art marine finfish nursery as part of WA's COVID-19 Recovery Plan, which will provide juvenile stock for commercial grow-out for Huon Aquaculture and other licence holders in the region.
Huon Aquaculture's licence follows the recent opening of a processing facility in Forrestdale. The facility, which will create 40 local jobs, is currently processing salmon but has the capacity to expand to yellowtail kingfish once their operations commence in the Mid West Aquaculture Development Zone. More... Source: WA Minister for Fisheries | Photo: Huon Aquaculture
New research facilities to support jobs and grow aquaculture industry
The Western Australian Government is investing $500,000 to boost the State's shellfish research capacity and support the growth of the emerging aquaculture industries, as part of the State's $5.5 billion recovery and jobs plan.
The funding will upgrade DPIRD's Hillarys Research Facility, including a new seawater bore and expanded laboratory and nursery facilities to undertake research into seed production of multiple shellfish species, such as tropical rock oysters, scallops, clams and abalone.
Biosecure facilities will also be added to enable tropical shellfish breeding stock to be sourced from the wild and kept separately to minimise disease risk, while also providing the ideal reproduction and breeding conditions.
The upgrade will provide a sound platform for DPIRD's shellfish research and development team to develop purpose-built, pilot-scale hatchery facilities to produce selected seed – providing industry with the opportunity to develop a new shellfish aquaculture industry in the regions – and unlocking a significant amount of jobs. More... Source: WA Minister for Fisheries | Photo: DPIRD [L-R: WA Fisheries Minister Peter Tinley; DPIRD Principal Scientist, Aquaculture, Dr Michel Bermudes; DPIRD A/Director, Aquatic Science and Assessment, Dr Mervi Kangas]
Big boost for local businesses looking to grow in Asian markets
A number of emerging Western Australian businesses have received a significant boost with the Western Australian Government announcing $174,000 to help them expand into Asian markets.
The businesses will each receive up to $10,000 from the second round of the Access Asia Business Grants to build and maintain competitiveness in Asian markets and contribute to WA's economic recovery from COVID-19.
Southwest company Naturaliste Vintners was awarded $7,770 to develop an export market strategy for the Domaine Naturaliste label that would maintain and maximise current opportunities while transitioning to new markets and distribution channels.
As well as small and medium-sized enterprises, grants are open to industry associations and Asian business councils to support their business efforts in Asia, including key markets such as China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. More... Source: WA Minister for Asian Engagement | Photo: Naturaliste Vintners [ Bruce Dukes, Domaine Naturaliste’s Winemaker/Director]
Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative – Expressions of Interest invited
A rare opportunity is now available to secure sought-after horticultural land on the Gascoyne River.
Seven lots ranging in size from 9.64 to 153.06 hectares
Water allocation available through an established member-owned water service provider
Water sourced from a well-managed, reliable groundwater aquifer
Dry subtropical climate suitable for growing a wide variety of fruit and vegetables
Proven region for reliable, counter seasonal production in close proximity to Asian markets.
There is strong government support to see the Gascoyne horticultural precinct expanded, with over $100 million invested in the industry over the past 10 years.
For more information, please visit the Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative website. Expressions of Interest close 8 March 2021. Source: DPIRD | Related: Prime Gascoyne horticultural land on the market Source: WA Minister for Agriculture and Food; Minister for Lands and Aboriginal Affairs | Photo: DPIRD
WA Government reaffirms strong relationship with Indonesia
Asian Engagement Minister Peter Tinley reaffirmed Western Australia's longstanding relationship with Indonesia at an Australia Indonesia Business Council WA Business Breakfast yesterday.
Attended by Indonesia's Ambassador to Australia, Pak Kristiarto Legowo, the event was a welcomed opportunity to strengthen economic and cultural ties with Indonesia while Australia's borders remain closed.
Following the entry into force of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement in July 2020, opportunities have increased for Western Australian exports of agrifood products, such as beef and grain, to Indonesia. The agreement has also presented opportunities for other industry sectors such as mining and mining equipment, technology and services, education and training, energy and tourism.
With a population of 273 million, Indonesia is the largest economy in South East Asia and is forecast to be the world's fourth largest economy by 2050.
Demand from Indonesia's rapidly growing middle class offers a significant opportunity for Western Australian exporters of high-quality produce and professional services.
In 2019 Indonesia was WA's twelfth largest trading partner, with 11 per cent of the State's wheat going there. More... Source: WA Minister for Asian Engagement | Photo: JTSI [Indonesia's Ambassador to Australia, Pak Kristiarto Legowo]
Backing Australian farmers to expand horizons in 2021
The Australian Government is investing $72.7 million to help Australian farming, forestry and fishing exporters to expand and diversify their export markets this year as part of its Agribusiness Expansion Initiative.
Key planks of the package include: scaled up export support services to help over 2,000 Australian agrifood exporters expand their international markets; greater access to market intelligence; matched grants for government and industry associations to work together on market expansion; and additional technical experts to open and expand market access.
The funding package builds on the Australian Government’s work to expand free trade agreements and market access for Australia’s globally competitive and market-based agricultural sector by enabling Austrade to scale up its exporter services. More... Source: Australian Minister for Trade | Related: Australian exports surge in December Source: ABC | Photo: DAWE
WTO: Global agricultural production and trade resilient in face of COVID-19
While 2020 was a difficult year, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the extraordinary resilience of global agricultural production and trade, World Trade Organisation Deputy Director-General, Alan Wolff, told the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin last Friday.
"They performed very well, especially when compared to trade and production in other sectors," Mr Wolff said.
"This was owed largely to the essential nature of food and to the role of trade in feeding the world's peoples."
"There are a few key lessons from the pandemic that should be borne in mind for the future by policymakers.
"Keep markets open. This is essential, not only for food products, but also for other goods and services. Food should always be able to travel across borders. One in every six people in the world depends almost entirely on international trade to be fed. That is 17 per cent of humanity or 1.3 billion people." More... Source and Photo: WTO