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August Releases

Allo People, Dameon here (or Artemis Black for those still getting used to using my real name). Sal's currently whimpering under a small mountain of tax-related paperwork so this would be me breaking my newsletter cherry.

Thankfully it's an easy one as Kev has finished some fantastic minis that I can basically point at smugly and watch them fly out the door. Let's have a nose at this month's early releases...

New Modern Troopers

Mdern Troopers - Hassle & Bergil

First up are two multi-part modern troopers, 'Hassle' and 'Bergil'. With interchangeable arms, heads and backpacks these are just the first of the modern troopers releases. 'Hassle' is supplied with a choice of L96 and MP5SD while 'Bergil' is equipped with a choice of suppressed G36 or P90 and the rocket launcher backpack. Coming soon will be 'Freak' and 'Demon' to join the squad, which you can take a sneak peek at on our Facebook page...

Post-Apocalyptic Hamlet and the Mini-Gun

Ready to join the kitted out 'Gang' is an armoured up version of Hamlet, protected around the soft parts and against UV rays, he's now happy to join Barney et al. against all-comers.

Also now available is the standalone version of the Mini-Gun previously touted by Felicity, a fair chunk of metal and a fairer chunk of firepower for your modern and/or sci-fi minis.

From Resin to Metal, Hayden & Hayden!

Previously released in Hasslefree's classic blue-gray resin, both the Grymn Pilot version, Hayden C, and the clothing optional (am I allowed to say 'boobs out' in a newsletter?) fantasy Dwarf, Hayden B, are now available in white metal.

Bonus Artemis points (which are redeemable against almost nothing) to anyone who wants to make a time travel slash alternate reality diorama with both minis staring at each other through some kind of wormhole (Just because I want to and don't have time).

Restock of White Artemis

Finally back in stock is the stunning white resin (porcelain) version of 40mm Artemis exclusively available through the HF site.

If you're wondering why so long between restocks I believe it has something to do with adding ceramic to the mix, needing the weather in the UK to be decent and possibly something to do with ancient magicks and the tiny shrine to the ancient Egyptian god of Casting Awesome Stuff I spotted at Grey Matter before I was ushered out.

Only part of that is a joke, I'll leave you to work out which parts. Limited stock on this piece due to the non joke parts so grab it while you can or spend another 11 months desperately hoping the planets align for more castings next year.

Summer's Over! (Sort of...)

Last but not least, Summer Bonus time is done and dusted. Goody Bags were sent out by the dozen so a big Thank You to everyone who ordered enough to qualify and a big You're Welcome for the assortment of cool things you got for free ;)

A little insider knowledge for those of you who read these all the way to the bottom, some of the Summer bonus packs like the Crossbow Dwarves and Resin Packs are still hiding on the website, if you type 'Summer' into the search box and have a look you still might be able to buy one of the last of them before they're removed from the system. Also the Summer discounts on some of the codes are still up and running, untl they too get removed. Don't tell Sal I told you this, she doesn't read these anyway. Right?

'Til next time,


PS: Sally has bribed Kev....

...with a bottle of 'Grey Goose' vodka if he finishes 4 of the items on his 'to do' board by the time the kids go back to school in September...she has ringed the ones he has to do...you may want to check out if it is something you have been waiting for!