
RoadSafe News – June 2024

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In the June issue...

International news


King’s Award for Enterprise

Congratulations to Road Safety Support International on receiving the King’s Award for Enterprise.  Read more...


Global Status Report - Country Profiles

Profiles are available for countries or territories who participated in the GSRRS 2023 data collection survey.  Read more...

Road Safety Management


The man behind Vision Zero

Meet the man determined to prevent them  Read more...

Safer roads


iRAP Celebrating Partner Success

iRAP is proud to share the inspirational work of its 30,000 partners whose tireless energy and commitment is transforming the safety of roads world-wide.  Read more...


700,000 deaths and serious injuries saved:

Road safety infrastructure changes and safer speeds have prevented almost 700,000 deaths and serious injuries in 74 countries since 2016, according to a new paper with Johns Hopkins University p  Read more...


Speed management


Speeding and the countermeasures

Research foundations are vital references  Read more...


Speed Management Manual - a Must Read'

The Second Edition of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Speed Management Manual has been released, sharing the link between reduced speeds and safer roads through iRAP partner case studies.  Read more...


Understanding and measuring the contribution of Community Speed Watch

Staffordshire University provided an evaluation of the effectiveness of Community Speed Watch (CSW) throughout Gloucestershire to help engage with drivers and communities around the issue of speed.  Read more...


Free Speeding eLearning Module

With a direct link to crash occurrence and crash severity, Speeding is one of the “Triple Threats” to driver safety, along with Distraction and Fatigue.  Read more...


Speed Limiters for Repeat Offenders

The NY Speed Limiters for Repeat Offenders bill, requires installation of intelligent speed assistance (ISA) on vehicles that have repeatedly been speeding and pose a danger to others.  Read more...


What next for Community Speedwatch?

Case studies from established and newly-formed schemes, as well as examining developments in data collection and other technological issues.  Read more...


European City Leaders call for the right to set speed limits

mayors from cities across Europe have defended the right of local authorities to set appropriate speed limits  Read more...


Forthcoming events

Community Speedwatch webinar – 4 June 2024

The TyreSafe Briefing 2024 – 13 June 2024

The 2024 ETSC Road Safety Performance Index Conference – 19 June 2024

RoadSafe Technology Live 2024 – 10 July 2024

ADINJC & Intelligent Instructor National Conference & Expo ’24 – 29 September 2024

ARSC 2024 Conference | Road Safety Excellence - Australasia – 30 September 2024

International Road Federation World Congress – 15 October 2024

ICTCT Conference – 17 October 2024

2024 National Road Safety Conference – 6 November 2024


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