The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , Fellow member Raewyn Connell is the 2017 recipient of The Jessie Bernard Award, which is given annually in recognition of scholarly work that has enlarged the horizons of sociology to encompass fully the role of women in society. Read on... Employment OpportunityTenure-track Assistant Professor in Sociology of Ageing/Social GerontologySociology Programme, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is ranked 13th globally and 1st amongst the world’s best young universities. Application deadline: April 14. Read on... Jean Martin AwardThe Jean Martin Award recognises excellence in scholarship in the field of Sociology and aims to assist with establishing the career of a recent PhD graduate. Nominations close this Saturday April 1. Read on... Members' PublicationsPetersen, A., Munsie, M., Tanner, C., MacGregor, C., Brophy, J. (2017) Stem Cell Tourism and the Political Economy of Hope. Palgrave. Book ReviewsJournal ArticlesMalatzky, C. (2017). Australian women's complex engagement with the yummy mummy discourse and the bodily ideals of good motherhood. Women's Studies International Forum, 62, 25-33. doi: Meredith Nash, 'It's just good to get a bit of man-talk out in the open': Men's experiences of father-only antenatal preparation classes in Tasmania, Australia', Psychology of Men & Masculinity March edition (Volume 53, Issue 1) of the Journal of Sociology is now available. Articles by TASA members include: Matthew Bunn: A disposition of risk: Climbing practice, reflexive modernity and the habitus Mark Mallman: Not entirely at home: Upward social mobility and early family life Rose Butler: Children making sense of economic insecurity: Facework, fairness and belonging Taghreed Jamal Al-deen, Joel Windle: ‘I feel sometimes I am a bad mother’: The affective dimension of immigrant mothers’ involvement in their children’s schooling Val Colic-Peisker: Ideology and utopia: Historic crisis of economic rationality and the role of public sociology Alex Broom, Jennifer Broom: Fear, duty and the moralities of care: The Ebola 2014 threat Danielle Nockolds: Working sole parents and feminist perspectives on the intersection of gender and time Duncan Law, Nicole Pepperell: Sociology and the mirror of nature: Robert Brandom and the strong programme Informed News Analysis & CommentaryKate Fitz-Gibbon, JaneMaree Maher, Jude McCulloch & Sandra Walklate: Victoria leads the way on family violence, but Canberra needs to lift its game, The Conversation Competition for Junior SociologistsThe International Sociological Association (ISA) has announced the organization of the Seventh Worldwide Competition for Junior Sociologists. The winners will be invited to participate in the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology which will take place in Toronto, Canada in July 2018. Junior Scholars mean people who obtained their first Master's degree (or an equivalent graduate diploma) in sociology or in a related discipline, less than 10 years prior to March 31, 2017. Submission deadline: TOMORROW March 31. Read on... EventsMasterclass for postgraduate and early career researchers Expressions of interest are invited for a masterclass with Associate Professor Rob Shields (University of Alberta, Canada), hosted by the Department of Sociology at Macquarie University, North Ryde. The Masterclass is free and includes morning tea. Expressions of Interest deadline: April 7. Read on... Exhibitions / Public ForumsImagining food: art, aesthetics and design Tasmania The exhibition, that includes work from fellow member Peta Cook, is on until April 7. Read on... Reclaiming the self: How older people perceive and experience their ageing An exhibition of research work by Dr Peta S. Cook Exhibition closes TOMORROW Friday 31 March, Hobart. Read on... SeminarsNew: Normalizing Intolerance: Elections and Primordialism in Indonesia 6th April, 1 - 2pm, Melbourne with Dr Sandra Hamid. Read on... Change and Inequality in the Lives of Young People Presenter: TASA President, Dan Woodman 3rd April, 12.30 – 2pm, University of Melbourne All welcome, no need to book. Read on... A masterclass and symposium with Vincent DuboisCultural fields, cultural domination – a masterclass and symposium with Vincent Dubois A A one day masterclass: New perspectives on cultural domination’- and giving the keynote address at ‘Rethinking the Cultural Field’, a one day symposium on cultural field studies. 10 – 3pm Wednesday, April 5th, University of Canberra A one day symposium: Rethinking the Cultural Field 9.30 – 4pm Thursday April 6th, University of Canberra All welcome (For catering purposes, please rsvp to The full details on both events are available here. WorkshopMixed Race in Asia and Australasia: Migrations, Mobilities and Belonging 12 - 13 October, Singapore Paper submission deadline: April 1 . Read on... SymposiumsDigital Food Cultures symposium Friday 20 October, University of Canberra This symposium is directed at the social, cultural, political and ethical dimensions of representations and practices related to using digital technologies for food production, consumption, preparation, eating out, promoting healthy diets or weight loss, marketing, ethical consumption, food activism and environmental and sustainability politics. Abstract submission deadline: June 1. Read on... ConferencesTASA's Annual Conference Belonging in a Mobile World, 27 - 30 November, Perth The 4 keynote speakers & and 2 plenary sessions have been locked in. Submission deadline: June 1. Read on... Indigenous Conference Services (ICS) are jointly hosting with the Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (IWC) to stage The 2017 National Indigenous Drug & Alcohol Misuse Conference 21 – 23 August, Brisbane. Read on... IRiS International Conference 2017 - global perspectives on research co-production with communities 14 - 15 September, Birmingham Submission deadline: April 5. Read on... Women in the Asian Century: Challenges and Possibilities University of Western Australia, 26-28 September With a particular focus on 'Gender-Based Violence', this conference aims to draw together scholars and activists working on this issue in Asia and Australia, to foster a discussion on the various challenges and strategies involved in addressing Violence Against Women in different contexts. Submissions deadline: March 31. Read on... 17th European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Biennial Conference Old tensions, emerging paradoxes in health: rights, knowledge, and trust 7-8 June 2018, Lisbon-Portugal Submission deadline: April 17. Read on... XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. Read on... Knowledge/Culture/Ecologies November 15-18, 2017 8th Urban Space and Social Life: Theory and Practice Transforming Urbanity: People and Cities on the Move 9 - 12 June, Malyasia Call for Papers, Photos for Exhibition, and Photo Essays Submission deadline extended: APRIL 20. Read on... Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South: An International Conference” Co-hosted by the Crime and Justice Research Centre (QUT) and the Asian Criminological Society 10-13th July 2017, Shangri-La Hotel, Cairns, Australia Abstract submission deadline: 31 March. Read on... Social Boundaries of Work. Methodological and Practical Problems of Research on Work and Employment in Modern Societies 27-28 of October, Institute of Sociology of the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland) Submission deadline: April 30. Read on... Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. Links to external servers do not imply any official endorsement by The Australian Sociological Association or the opinions, ideas or information contained therein, nor guarantee the validity, completeness or utility of the information provided. Reference herein to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. ![]()