Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Engaging with retail buyers virtual workshop
Retail has been a lifeline for many of our food and beverage businesses in recent months and building and maintaining effective relationships with retail buyers is as important as ever.
If you are currently – or are considering – supplying your products to the major retailers domestically or internationally, then this virtual workshop next Thursday 7 May 2020 at 12.30 pm AWST is for you. Hear insights from experienced buyers and learn how you can get your product onto their shelves.
Targeted at food and beverage producers in Western Australia, this workshop will bring the perspectives of two retail buyer experts Samantha Watson (a fast-moving consumer goods guru) and Annemette Thomsen (an international business advisor). Both will share their local and international experience in selling and buying food and beverage products through the supply chain.
This event is an initiative of the Food Industry Innovation team at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. More… Source & Photo: DPIRD
COVID-19 impact on global food and agriculture sector
While the supply of food has held up well to date, in many countries, the measures put in place to contain the spread of the virus are starting to disrupt the supply of agrifood food products to markets and consumers, both within and across borders, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said this week.
The sector is also experiencing a substantial shift in the composition and, for some commodities, the level of demand.
The OECD said how damaging these impacts turn out to be for food security, nutrition and the livelihoods of farmers, fishers and others working along the food supply chain will depend in large part on policy responses over the short, medium and long term. More… Source OECD | Related: Reliance on international trade for food security likely to grow Source: WTO | Related: Australian agribusiness bucking trends amid COVID-19 Source: ABC Rural | Photo: DPIRD
Austrade and MLA Japan market update
Representatives from Austrade and Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) join Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan for a joint webinar next Thursday 7 May 2020 at 11 am AWST to discuss the latest trends for the food and beverage market in Japan, and the impact of COVID-19.
Brett Cooper, Austrade General Manager for North East Asia, will give an overall update on the situation in Japan, while Austrade’s Cheryl Stanilewicz and MLA’s Scott Walker give a closer look at the current state of the food and beverage market for Australian imports.
If you would like to send questions in advance, or plan to dial-in to this webinar over the phone, email info@anzccj.jp. More… Source: ANZCCJ | Photo: BBC
IMF: Global economy down 3% in 2020
In January this year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast the global economy to expand at the ‘sluggish’ pace of 3.3 per cent in 2020.
Less than three months later, amid COVID-19 containment measures, the IMF now forecasts the global economy to contract by 3 per cent this year the first decline since 2009 and the deepest since the Great Depression.
China and India are expected to grow by less than 2 per cent, and the ASEAN region to contract - indeed, income per capita is projected to shrink for over 170 countries.
In the IMF’s upside scenario, assuming the pandemic fades in the second half of 2020, and unprecedented policy support prevents widespread bankruptcies, job losses and system-wide financial strains, the world economy is expected to rebound by 5.8 per cent in 2021. More… | Related: Supporting Australian exporters through COVID-19 | Source: Export Finance Australia / IMF | Photo: IMF
Eat more Aussie seafood
All Australians are being encouraged to support our fishing industry by eating delicious, healthy, and sustainable Aussie seafood.
Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) says COVID-19 poses a significant threat to the future of the Australian seafood industry, which employs thousands of Australians and countless more downstream.
Many of our commercial fishers and fishmongers have diversified their businesses to offer delivery, or easy collection methods to help get Australian seafood into homes.
SIA has developed a simple Fish Finder directory to help you find and purchase fresh or cooked Australian seafood online – or direct from retailers for delivery or pick-up – meaning you can support the industry without even leaving your couch. More… Source: SIA | Photo: Western Rock Lobster Council