Year Ends, Year Begins
Greetings Dear Charming People,
It has been about an ENTIRE YEAR since you've heard from me, and on the one hand, I feel good about leaving you alone instead of annoying you with my endless blathering (you can unsubscribe below), but on the other hand, I miss you and I miss sharing my crazy world with you. Fact is, after moving my day-gig office into my home a year ago, I've been pretty slammed with design work and jewelry just had to take a back seat. The timing was right, and the break has been sweet.
Then, as many of you know, in September, the BF gave me a birthday gift of a college course in metalsmithing, and this turned out to be the MOST fun adventure I've had in awhile. To be a student again, pushing myself way beyond my limits, and to be making art two mornings a week for several months... it really challenged the way I was thinking about jewelry. You can read a fun blog post about class here, just scroll down to 11.15.
PS: I got an A! Just sayin'!
A Whisper of Moths
This isn't smithing, but it is metal. I'm having such fun with reclaimed tin scavenged from thriftstores and created an entire whisper of moths (necklaces and pins). Some are gifts, a few of them sold via facebook, and there will be lots more of these for sale at So Charmed in the new year. Whisper, btw, is the official collective noun for moths, like a gaggle of geese.
Full-Metal Journal
These little books are also made from reclaimed vintage tin, and feature a tiny hinge and pages made from newsprint for adding your own collaged images or text. Each of these will be strung on a simple necklace chain and available soon.
Working this material is fun, but also challenging. All of the found tins are deconstructed with heavy shears, the patterns created, the pieces handcut (extremely sharp!), edges sanded, parts riveted, surfaces patina'd for aging and finally waxed to protect the surface and your skin.
Collect, Assemble, Wear
I'm still playing with assemblage; just can't get away from bringing disparate materials together in odd and evocative ways. This necklace, Mrs. Eaves, features a vintage garter among other things. An ancient glass spinner bead is suspended in the garter clasp.
Stitchy Heartfelt Thanks
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I could go on. And on and on and on. (You know me!) But at this point I simply want to THANK YOU for being a friend and supporter. And I mean that from the bottom of my old-tin-stitched-together heart. I am so appreciative to those of you who've been with me for so many years, and who still want to know what I'm up to.
A new site is in progress for So Charmed, where I'll be offering the new work, along with some existing and older work. When that site launches, look for an announcement and discount coupon in your email.
In the meantime, a great place to see images of new creations is my flickr page, where I post pretty frequently. I'm also blogging quite a lot, including a Favorite Things post-per-day through December. Friend me on facebook for some upcoming jewelry giveaways. YES, I said, GIVEAWAYS!
So, until we meet again out there in the vast cyber world, I wish you and your families the most joyful holiday season and a new year full of adventure.
xoxoxo and lots of love,
PS: More shameful self-promotion: Please contact me via designfarm for graphic design, both print (you remember that right?) and other media like this here e-newsletter.