Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Value Add Investment Grants applications closing soon
Businesses looking to invest in new projects or expansion opportunities in Western Australia are reminded applications close soon for a $6.5 million grants program.
The Value Add Investment Grants program, delivered by DPIRD, is supporting investment and growth opportunities for the WA food, fibre, beverage and value add processing industry.
Agribusiness, Food and Trade Executive Director Liam O’Connell said the incentive scheme targeted value-adding businesses with growth potential from across regional and metropolitan WA.
“This state-wide program aims to enable diversification, economic growth and employment by supporting value adding and processing agribusinesses to invest in new projects or expansion plans that build competitiveness, scale, growth and jobs,” Mr O’Connell said.
“While relatively small compared to other States and Territories, our food, fibre and beverage manufacturing industry is growing and is relatively job intensive, with high direct and indirect benefits for the broader WA economy.”
Applications close 5pm AWST on 9 October 2020. More... Source & Photo: DPIRD / iStock
Receive expert investor readiness advice for your business
Having a strong management team enhances future earning capabilities and reduces investment risk. Join us in this masterclass where we review your existing business operations and offer advice on how to streamline processes.
This free virtual masterclass “people and processes” will focus on having the right people in the right roles and how this impacts investors. A handbook and follow up support will be provided.
The masterclasses are ideal for Western Australian business leaders, entrepreneurs and owners that need advice or resources to navigate the investment capital raising processes and increase competitiveness.
Dates: 23 September and 25 November 2020 Time: 9:30am to 4:30pm (AWST)
Free Online Event Register Now
About the Masterclasses: The virtual workshops are part of a masterclass series delivered by BDO Australia in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
About BDO Australia: BDO Australia is leading accountancy and business advisory organisation that looks for innovative ways for businesses to maximise growth opportunities and improve processes.
More... Source & Graphic: DPIRD
Malaysia business consultations
The Australian High Commission in Malaysia will be holding a series of consultations in late September with Australian and Malaysian businesses and other organisations directly involved in two-way goods or services trade, and existing Australian investors in Malaysia.
The purpose of the consultations is to understand the business operating environment in Malaysia. In turn, this will guide the High Commission’s engagement with the Malaysian government on improving the environment for two-way trade and investment, including by identifying and reducing significant barriers.
The High Commission will hold three consultation sessions by videoconference for the following groups:
• Australian investors and services providers – 2-3pm, 28 September 2020.
• Australian education providers – 2-3pm, 30 September 2020.
• Australian goods (including food and beverage) exporters to Malaysia and Malaysian importers from Australia – 2-3pm, 1 October 2020.
If your business is in one of these categories and you are interested in participating, please advise Ms Kavithah Rakwan (Kavithah.Rakwan@dfat.gov.au) at the High Commission by close of business 23 September 2020. More... Source: Malaysia Australia Business Council | Photo: Pawe Szymankiewicz / Unsplash
Webinar: Indonesian food and beverage market insights
Join this Austrade webinar next Wednesday 23 September 2020 at 9am AWST to gain insights on processed food and beverage categories, consumer behaviour and the regulatory landscape in Indonesia. The Australian Food and Grocery Council’s export guide to Indonesia will be launched at the event which will help exporters realise market access opportunities created under the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.
Speakers will include:
• Dr Geoffery Annison – Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director Health, Nutrition and Scientific Affairs, Australian Food and Grocery Council
• Jorge Rosas – Project Director, Euromonitor International
Also taking part will be Australian Embassy officials from Indonesia:
• Tim Martin – Trade and Investment Commissioner, Austrade
• George Hughes – Agriculture Counsellor, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
These events are free, but participants must register. More... | Related: Video recording: Disrupted supply chains and changing consumer behaviour | Source: Austrade | Photo: Gede
Suhendra / Unsplash
Austrade: Cheese sales soar in Japan
Cheese sales have soared in Japan due to increased alcohol consumption, which apparently triggers increased demand for cheese, Austrade reports in its latest market insight for North East Asia.
Typically, household consumption of cheese drops during the summer, but demand has exhibited double digit growth for five consecutive months.
According to Nikkei POS information, sales per 1,000 customers in July were ¥16,400 (AUD$212), up 20 per cent compared to the same month last year and the same volume as Christmas time, which is peak cheese season in Japan.
Austrade says Japan's warehouses that store chilled and frozen meat products in Japan are operating at close to capacity. Imports rose following recent trade agreements – including with the US – and also in anticipation of a demand surge during the Olympics period. Instead, tourism is at a standstill and demand from the food-service sector fell during lockdowns. Australian chilled and frozen food exporters with supply contracts are now shipping smaller volumes more frequently.
For further assistance, please contact Austrade. More... | Related: Latest insights from Austrade | Latest outbound and
inbound IFAM flights | Source: Austrade | Photo: JJ Ying / Unsplash
Exporting using Australia's free trade agreements
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Portal helps Australian businesses discover goods and services export opportunities by providing easy-to-access information on Australia's free trade agreements.
In the FTA Portal, you will be able to:
• Discover new trade opportunities
• Explore services commitments
• Learn about Free Trade Agreements
• Check your eligibility for benefits
• Find accurate tariffs for your product
• Get latest trade data.
A short video provides an overview of the FTA Portal. More... Source & Photo/Graphic: DFAT
Austrade: Agrifood one of Australia’s ‘Big Five’ dynamic industries powering trade and investment
Driving trade and investment in Australia is the energy and resources sector, our agriculture and premium food sectors, international tourism, international education, and our financial markets, according to Austrade.
As a leading global producer of beef, wheat, wool, wine, barley, lamb, raw cotton, sugar, canola, live feeder/slaughter cattle and chickpeas, Australia is a major agri-exporter.
In 2018-19, the value of Australian food and fibre exports rose to $52.7 billion, with WA making up 17 per cent of this at $9.1 billion.
Of our top 15 top food markets, 12 are in the Asia region, accounting for approximately three quarters of the nation’s agrifood exports.
With a reputation for high agricultural standards and a well-regulated food industry, Australian clean and green produce commands premium prices in Asia.
Austrade says Australia’s network of regional free trade agreements gives Australian growers preferential access to markets across Asia, and in the United States. More... Source: Austrade / Kate Pritchett, DPIRD | Photo: DPIRD
CSIRO: Food and agribusiness sector vital to Australian economy
The food and agribusiness sector is a vital contributor to the Australia economy, has a strong export orientation and is a driver of prosperity for many parts of regional and rural Australia, CSIRO says in a new report.
The report, COVID-19: Recovery and resilience – which examines opportunities for Australia to leverage science and technology to support economic recovery and resilience – says that in the 2019 calendar year the agricultural, forestry and fishing sectors employed nearly 325,900 workers, and was responsible $49.1 billion in exports.
CSIRO says COVID-19 has shown how the supply of limited resources is constrained by severe and unpredictable events such as extreme weather, economic disruption and geopolitical uncertainty.
Under these uncertain conditions, businesses are seeking ways to improve the efficiency and circularity of their food production activities, and consumers are seeking foods that are ethically and sustainably sourced.
The report says Australia’s clean and green brand and its reputation for high-quality, trusted and verifiable food and agribusiness export products is globally well-regarded. More... Source: CSIRO | Photo: DPIRD
Feedback sought on Australia's fish export rules
As a part of improving Australia's agricultural export legislation, feedback can now be provided to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) on the Exposure Draft Export Control (Fish and Fish Products) Rules 2020.
DAWE consulted domestically on a previous version of the draft Fish Rules, which set out the operational details for regulating exports of fish and fish products. The feedback received helped improve the draft Fish Rules. Once finalised, the Fish Rules will replace current legislation. This includes the Export Control (Fish and Fish Products) Orders 2005.
Feedback can be provided using the online form until 5 November 2020. More... Source: DAWE