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All the latest news


students in library © Mat Wright

Study abroad with Erasmus+


Have you ever thought about studying abroad as part of your degree? With Erasmus+ you could study in one of 32 countries in Europe that your University has an agreement with.

From three to 12 months, there's a variety of options available for how brave you're feeling!

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Become a Language Assistant


It's a fantastic way to explore another country, experience a culture different to your own, and develop invaluable, transferable skills for the workplace.

Placements are available across three continents and for China you don't need to have any previous Chinese language skills to apply. 

Text link ArrowApplications close 28 February.
test tubes © Mat Wright

Spend next summer researching in Japan


Are you enrolled on a PhD or Mphil programme?
The Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) is recruting for its summer programme.  

Participants will learn about Japanese language, culture and research systems and conduct joint research under the guidance of their host researchers. 

Text link ArrowFind out more and apply by 15 January 2017
students sitting together ©Mat Wright

Study in Brazil


We have a list of all the Universities and HE institutions in Brazil that offer courses delivered in English.

With opportunities ranging from one week study placements to completing your entire degree in Brazil, and many with no tuition fees, there is something for everyone.

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lady at computer © Mat Wright

Are you a STEM or social science researcher?


Fancy working abroad? Get all the support and advice you need on pursuing an international career with the new Euraxess UK portal.

Euraxess helps researchers to advance their career and expand their professional networks. 

Text link ArrowFind out more more about the opportunities available

Volunteer in Ukraine


Spend three or five weeks next year voluteering to help Ukrainian children learn English with GoCamps.

GoCamps is a new wave of English summer camps for children. During the camp, children take part in activities and interact with foreign volunteers to build their English language skills and have fun.

Text link ArrowApplications close 31 January.
teaching languages in class © ITN Productions

Train to teach languages


Did teaching abroad spark an interest in a possible teaching career? 

Good news, you could be eligible to receive a scholarship from Get into Teaching to train to teach French, Spanish or German. Applications to train in September 2017 will open in January. 

Text link ArrowFind out more and register your interest

Study China - Three week programme


Students in England and Northern Ireland...you could spend Easter 2017 on a funded study trip to China.

Taking part gives you the chance to learn the language, interact with Chinese students, academic staff, local families and businesses. 

Text link ArrowFind out more and apply now

Generation UK - China internships


For students in Northern Ireland and Wales...the application deadline to take part in a two-month funded internship in China has been extended to 5 February! 

Choose from a wide variety of sectors, including IT, legal, marketing, accounting, pharmaceuticals, hospitality and tourism and much more across six exciting cities.

Text link ArrowFind out more about this opportunity


Justine in Beijing

Justine Porter: #GenUKChina intern in Beijing


Justine interned at a Beijing law firm to differentiate herself in the UK job market. 

Karl and his table tennis team © Karl Wilis

Karl Willis: Study USA


Karl has joined the table tennis team at Texas Wesleyan University to make friends with similar interests. 

Brianna in class

Brianna: #GenUKIndia Teaching Assistant in Kurukshetra


'I had no formal teaching experience and had never visited India before.'

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