Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Honey for Life’s trade success in Dubai
Securing deals with overseas buyers can be challenging for locally-based producers, but Western Australia's Honey for Life has demonstrated it's up to the task. Its first shipment of honey to the Gulf region was received recently by a new partner based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
With the support of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), the company has secured a business agreement with Balqees Honey, a Dubai-based retailer and distributor that has made an initial purchase of Jarrah honey. The shipment was delivered in the last week of February this year.
The Government of Western Australia's (GoWA) Dubai office facilitated the introduction of Honey for Life and Balqees after an initial connection was made at last year’s Gulfood exhibition. It expects to see increased demand for WA honey in the region. Indeed, with the assistance of the GoWA office, Honey for Life has also partnered with export development agency TACCT Global, a company with extensive experience and networks across the Gulf region.
At the moment the UAE is WA’s fifth largest market for honey, with $649,000 worth exported in 2019-20, an annual record for honey exports in the last 20 years.
The GoWA Dubai office assumes an important facilitating role in many connections between WA exporters and potential clients in the UAE. It's an important partnership supporting a positive outlook for WA exporters, who are increasingly turning to the Gulf region for international buyers. In addition to honey, significant trade outcomes for WA agriculture and food since January 2021 have included carrots, wagyu beef, live lobster, feed barley, and beverages.
For enquiries about doing business in the Gulf region, please contact JTSI's Invest and Trade Western Australia team at investandtrade@jtsi.wa.gov.au or the DPIRD team at export@dpird.wa.gov.au. Source: JTSI / DPIRD | Photo: Honey for Life
IFAM: Act now to adapt business operating models
The success to date of the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) – which was recently extended to the end of September – is an example of what can be achieved through collaboration between all levels of government and industry, according to Australian Government Freight Controller and IFAM Chair Air Vice-Marshal Margaret Staib.
Air Vice-Marshal Staib said while airfreight options linking Australian businesses to global markets are slowly rebuilding, the supply chains today are different to those pre-COVID-19 – and they’re unlikely to be the same again.
"One question I’m always being asked is how businesses can use this extra time to adapt their operating models to align to ‘new-look’ supply chains," she said.
"My advice to you is this: You must act now – do not wait to see what happens. Use this time well. Learn as much as you can, take advantage of the support available and don’t be afraid to try new things.
"I encourage everyone involved in airfreighting to cast your nets wide – really lean on each other, ask lots of questions and engage deeply with your industry networks. Attend as many briefings and webinars as you can because the more you know about how the new supply chains work, the better equipped you’ll be to take advantage of them.
"We know this is a daunting proposition, and we’ll be coming along with you on the journey. Over the coming months, the IFAM team will continue to work with state and territory governments and industry bodies. We’ll also connect you to helpful resources, like Austrade’s new Digital Export Services."
Full details on the latest IFAM outbound and inbound flights are available on the IFAM website.
Exporters should speak to their freight forwarder and visit the IFAM website for further assistance. If you have any questions or need more information, please email Airfreight@austrade.gov.au, Austrade State Director WA, Jane Caforio, at jane.caforio@austrade.gov.au, or DPIRD's Principal Business Development Manager and International Airfreight Coordinator, Terry Burnage, at terry.burnage@dpird.wa.gov.au. Source: IFAM / DPIRD | Photo: Salman Hossain Saif / Unsplash
Peak WA beef exports in 2019
The quantity of beef exported from Western Australia reached a record high of 57.1 million kilograms in 2019. This was a 23% year-on-year increase from 46.4 million kilograms.
In 2020 there was a 12% decline, with beef exports totalling 50.4 million kilograms – the second highest on record. This drop occurred at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of the food service industry in many of the State's export markets. Over the course of the last decade there has been a 38% increase in boxed beef exported from WA.
The largest market for WA beef in 2020 was China, accounting for 25% of the total volume of beef exported and 26% of the value. Indonesia was the second largest market in volume terms, accounting for 17% of exports but was third in value terms (12%). The USA was third with 15% of the volume of exports but second in value terms with 16% of the value of exports.
Nationally, beef exports peaked at 1.9 billion kilograms in 2019. This was partly due to the drought experienced in Eastern Australia, leading producers to reduce cattle numbers due to limited resources, as well as strong international demand and good prices. In 2020 there was a 15% decline in beef exports to 1.6 billion kilograms as producers concentrated on rebuilding their herds following widespread rain. More... Source: Kate Pritchett / DPIRD | Photo: DPIRD
Save the Date – WA Seafood Industry Awards 2021
The Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC) has announced it will be hosting the WA Seafood Industry Awards this year at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle. Scheduled to take place on 13 August, the awards night is WA’s premier seafood industry event.
The awards are a celebration of excellence and innovation within the industry – a night designated to highlighting the value of the industry and its contribution to the State economy, as well as the professionalism and commitment of those supplying the finest seafood to local, national and international markets.
Attendees of this year’s event can expect a 'Seafood Spectacular' of food theatre and fare delivered from highly regarded seasonal chefs, including Don Hancey (WA Food and WAFIC Seafood Ambassador), Melissa Palinkas (Young George and Ethos Deli) and Peter Manifis (Strzelecki Group).
Expected to attract up to 350 attendees, the event brings together a wide range of stakeholders from the seafood and fishing industries including commercial fishers and aquaculturalists, retailers, processors, exporters, wholesalers and restaurateurs.
Information regarding the awards process and sponsorship is available on the WAFIC website, by emailing admin@wafic.org.au or calling (08) 9432 7777. Entries must be received no later than 5 pm AWST Friday 18 June 2021 (electronic submission preferred). Source and Photo: WAFIC
Australia-UK FTA update
The fourth round of negotiations on the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement wrapped up earlier this month, with good progress across the agreement on many issues. As in previous rounds, discussions took place virtually over two weeks with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) leading Australia’s delegation (supported by more than 20 government agencies).
Over 50 negotiating sessions were held, covering trade in goods, services and investment, digital trade, legal and institutional chapters, intellectual property, competition, small and medium-sized enterprises and more. Further details are available in the updates posted by DFAT and the UK Department of International Trade.
Negotiators will continue to work inter-sessionally in the lead up to the next round, which is expected to take place late next month.
Don’t forget that DFAT is still inviting submissions from interested stakeholders regarding the Australia-UK FTA. | Related: Benefits of an Australia-UK FTA. | Source and Photos/Graphic: DFAT
Improving agricultural export legislation
Australia’s new legal framework for agricultural exports will commence on 28 March 2021. It's being introduced as part of the Australian Government’s wider initiative to strengthen agricultural exports and market access.
The new export legislation will commence on 28 March 2021 and consists of the:
Export Control Act 2020 as the central pillar of the new legislative framework.
Export Control Rules 2020 which are legislative instruments setting out the operational requirements for exporting specific goods from Australia.
The new legislation will consolidate and streamline existing export-related requirements. It will continue to ensure:
Exported goods meet importing country requirements.
Compliance with government and relevant industry standards.
Traceability through the export supply chain where required.
The integrity of goods and the accuracy of applied trade descriptions and official marks.
The benefits of the new legislation include:
It will be more relevant, responsive and efficient for exporters, farmers and other primary producers.
It will continue to provide strong regulation, while removing duplication and ensuring consistency across commodities where possible.
For further information, please contact the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment by email at exportlegislation@agriculture.gov.au. Source and Photo: DAWE
Australia: Primed for investment and trade
Austrade has released its Why Australia Benchmark Report 2021, providing a wide range of economic and financial data that demonstrates why there is no better partner for trade, investment and collaboration than Australia.
Now in its 21st year, the report is structured around five main factors for trading with and investing in Australia – resilient economy, dynamic industries, innovation and skills, global ties and strong foundations – and benchmarks Australia’s credentials against other major economies in each category.
According to the International Monetary Fund, the Australian economy is projected to rebound quickly from the COVID-19 pandemic, growing by 3.5% in 2021. Australia is now expected to become the world’s 12th largest economy in 2021, up two places from 14th in 2019. Australia accounts for 1.6% of the global economy even though it’s home to just 0.3% of the world’s population. Related: A resilient economy that outperforms in global rankings Source and Photo: Austrade