The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , Please note, the deadline for two of TASA's Awards is next Wednesday, May 31st: As we mentioned last week, there are 7 quick and easy things you can do to help promote TASA and Sociology. We encourage you to view the tip sheet and try some/all of them! NexusCalling all postgraduates! In the next couple of issues, Nexus is providing space to publish short accounts (up to 500 words) from postgraduate students in sociology and allied disciplines on their research methodology. We would be interested in hearing whether you had to change course methodologically and why, whether theory drove your initial investigations or empirical data. If theory was significant, tell us which theorist(s) and why and whether the theory has sustained you. Accounts of what approach worked for you and why would be especially welcome. Once our readers engage with your accounts, we will provide space in later issues in the ‘letters to the editors’ where these will be published. We will publish up to six pieces in the next issue of Nexus. Successful applicants will be asked to provide a photograph and contact details for themselves. Eileen Clark, Alexia Maddox, and Peter Robinson, editors. Journal of SociologySpecial Edition 2019 - Call for EditorsPapers featured in special editions are subject to the normal process of peer review. Selection of papers and coordination of the peer review process will be the responsibility of the Guest Editors. Papers may be selected either on the basis of invitation or via a general ‘call for papers’. Final copy for this special edition is due on the fourth of September, 2018 and publication will be in March 2019. Expression of Interest deadline: July 31, 2017. Read on... 'Where sociologists work' pilot projectEoI for postgraduate consultancy workExpression of Interest for postgraduate consultancy work for the ‘Where sociologists work’ pilot project TASA is looking to hire a postgraduate member as a consultant to write a 1000 word report for the TASA blog highlighting the contribution of applied sociology in diverse workplaces outside of academe. To inform the report, the consultant will conduct and record an interview with an applied sociologist and where possible visit their workplace. Expression of Interest deadline: TOMORROW May 26. Read on... EoI for applied sociologists/sociologists working outside of academeUnder the Applied Sociology portfolio, TASA is piloting a project to highlight the contribution of applied sociology in diverse workplaces outside of academe. We’re calling for expressions of interest from applied sociologists working outside of academe willing to have their work profiled in the project. They will be interviewed by a sociology postgraduate student about the uses and challenges of applying sociology in their workplace. Expression of Interest deadline: TOMORROW May 26. Read on... Members' PublicationsBooksPatrick Michel, Adam Possamai, & Bryan Turner (Eds.) (2017) Religions, Nations, and Transnationalism in Multiple Modernities. Palgrave. Macmillian Karen Soldatic & Kelley Johnson (Eds.) (2017) Disability and Rurality: Identity, Gender and Belonging. Routledge Niroshini Kandasamy, Karen Soldatic and Dinesha Samararatne (2017). Southern gendered disability reflections: the everyday experiences of rural women with disabilities after the armed conflict in Sri Lanka in Karen Soldatic & Kelley Johnson (Eds.) (2017) Disability and Rurality: Identity, Gender and Belonging. Routledge Journal ArticlesMike Dee (2017) Big data, urban citizenship, and the world machine. The Global Studies Journal, 10(2), pp. 41-49. Nafiseh Ghafournia (2017) Muslim women and domestic violence: Developing a framework for social work practice, Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 36:1-2, 146-163, DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2017.1313150 Nafiseh Ghafournia (2017). Towards a New Interpretation of Quran 4:34, Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World (2017) Informed News & AnalysisJo Lindsay & Deb Dempsey: Most popular names: what happens when they all turn up at the same time? The Age Mike Dee: Letter to the Editor - defending the comments made by Yassmin Abdel-Magied on Anzac Day, The Australian, April 28, page 15 Catherine Strong, James Arvanitakis & colleagues: Sgt Pepper’s at 50 – the greatest thing you ever heard or just another album? The Conversation Alan Morris & colleagues: The insecurity of private renters – how do they manage it? The Conversation BlogsAnne Game: Belonging in Anghiari: Carlo Rossi Sociological ZineFellow member and Postgraduate Portfolio Leader, Ashleigh Watson, is launching a sociological fiction zine. Ashleigh is accepting submissions, of 1000 words, until May 31. Read on... TASA EventsTASA 2017Submissions focussing on the conference theme of ‘Belonging in a Mobile World’, as well as other areas of interest to TASA thematic groups, are invited. The mobilities turn in sociology has generated questions about different modes of belonging in a world characterised by global flows and precarities. The media report growing levels of permanent and temporary migration, undocumented migration, and movements of people seeking asylum. Governments respond, opening borders, curtailing movement. While becoming hypermobile, superdiverse, and cosmopolitan, immobility is a lived reality for many. Submissions deadline: June 1. Read on... Sociology and Animals SymposiumNew: Development for Species: Animals in society, animals as society Deakin University, Melbourne City campus, September 18-19, Submission deadline: June 30. Read on... Postgraduate scholarship: With the support of TASA, the Sociology & Animals Thematic Group will be offering 3 postgraduate scholarships valued at $150 each. Potential scholarship winners will need to be registered TASA postgraduate members & located outside of Melbourne. If you wish to be considered for a postgraduate scholarship please indicate this in the same email as your abstract submission. 2017 TASA Health DayNew: Mobilising health sociology for impact: How can complex understandings of injustice and inequality be used in policy and practice? Friday 13th October 2017, UNSW Sydney Submission deadline: July 19. Read on... Travel Bursaries Award: The Health thematic group has obtained funding through TASA to award 5 travel bursaries of $150 to postgraduates or casual and unwaged staff (who must be TASA members and living outside of Sydney) to attend the symposium. The recipients of the bursaries will be eligible for reimbursements to the value of $150 for travel expenses related to attending the symposium. You do not have to be presenting a paper to receive an award. However, those who have submitted an abstract will be given priority. If you wish to apply for a travel bursary please email for more information, Sophie Lewis ( Youth SymposiumResearch Methods in Youth Studies: Doing ‘Difference Differently’ Wednesday 22 November, 2017, University of Melbourne Invited speakers: Greg Noble, Anita Harris, Pam Nilan, Julia Coffey, Brady Robards Submission deadline: July 31. Read on... Crime & Governance SymposiumPolitics and Crime Control in the 21st Century: Controversies and Challenges The symposium will be held at the UoN Sydney campus (Elizabeth St, Sydney) on the 22nd September 2017. Keynotes: Eileen Baldry & Lana Sandas Some travel bursaries to postgraduates or casual and unwaged staff to attend the symposium are available. Submission deadline: June 2. Read on... Sociology of Economic Life and Work, Employment and Social Movements WorkshopTen years since the global financial crisis: Social movements, labour & the crisis last time Concurrently in Perth - Melbourne - Sydney Fri 1st December, 2017 Keynote: Dick Bryan Submission deadline: June 1. Read on... New Research Focus Group: Health and BiofuturesAs part of Monash University’s Focus Program Initiative aimed at investment in areas of research excellence, the Faculty of Arts Health and Biofutures Focus Program has recently been formed. The core team of researchers and academics at Health and Biofutures is comprised of fellow TASA member Professor Alan Petersen, and colleagues Professor Andrea Whittaker, Associate Professor Mark Davis and Associate Professor Catherine Mills. Read on... Public Awareness ProjectFellow member Dina Bowman is part of a public awareness project Job Hunter #NotDoleBludger - tackling stereotypes of unemployed young people If you (or your organisation/networks) want to get involved, please share the Buzzfeed story and or content being rolled out on Brotherhood Twitter/Facebook/instagram. Workshop GrantsAcademy of Social Sciences The call for proposals for workshops to be held in 2018- 2019 is now OPEN. The Workshop Program is a competitive program bestowing grants to assist social sciences researchers to convene a two-day, multidisciplinary research workshop. Workshops will be funded to a maximum of $9,000 which includes provision for $1500 towards the cost of a digested analysis paper. CLOSING on Friday 29 September 2017. Read on... CHASS Prizes2017 will mark the fourth year of the annual Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) Australia Prizes. The Australia Prizes honour distinguished achievements by Australians working, studying, or training in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) sectors, including academics, practitioners, philanthropists, policy makers, and students. Submission deadline: June 30. Read on... Other EventsXVth ISA International Laboratory for PhD Students in SociologyNew: Struggles for Substantive Citizenship, Community Building in Troubled Times for Democracy ECR WorkshopThe Sociological Review ECR Workshop: Social Transformation Within and Beyond the Academy 26th September 2017 at the University of Sydney The Sociological Review are accepting submissions from PhD students and ECRs wishing to participate in this symposium, and have 6 x $150 travel bursaries available. Further details and submission instructions are here. Submission deadline: June 3. Public LecturesThe Politics of Postgenomic life; By Dr Maurizio Meloni Thursday 29 June, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm, Docklands, Melbourne This is a free event. Read on... New: Researching Children's and young people's narratives of gender and sexuality in an era of global conservatism - Negotiating backlash in times of global conservatism Kerry Robinson SymposiumsTourism: The phenomenon and its socio-economic consequences November 28-30, Tunisia Submission deadline: June 30. Read on... Religion and the Humanitarian Challenge The Religion and Global Society Symposium 2017, Institute for Ethics and Society, University of Notre Dame Australia August 9th & 10th Abstract Submission: May 31. Read on... Digital Food Cultures symposium Friday 20 October, University of Canberra This symposium is directed at the social, cultural, political and ethical dimensions of representations and practices related to using digital technologies for food production, consumption, preparation, eating out, promoting healthy diets or weight loss, marketing, ethical consumption, food activism and environmental and sustainability politics. Abstract submission deadline: June 1. Read on... TASA 2017 ConferenceTASA's Annual Conference Belonging in a Mobile World, 27 - 30 November, Perth Submission deadline: June 1. 6 DAYS TO SUBMIT. Read on... ISA World Congress, Torronto, 2018Sociology, Theory and Complementary and Alternative Medicine XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. RC15 Sociology of Health (host committee) Submission deadline: September 30. Read on... Forms of Collectivity Among Contemporary Youth War, the Military and Societal Transformation XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. RC16 Sociological Theory (host committee) Submission deadline: September 30. Read on... Continuity and Change in the Family Life Course (9895) Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. RC06 Family Research (host committee) Submission deadline: September 30. Read on... Experiences of and Responses to Disempowerment, Violence and Injustice within the Relational Lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Two Spirited (LGBTQ2) People XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. RC06 Family Research (host committee) Submission deadline: September 30. Read on... Other ConferencesNew: Tēnā koutou, This year the University of Otago, Dunedin, hosts the annual conference of the Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand, 6-10 December. The conference theme is “Respect Existence or Expect Resistance”. The keynote speakers are Professor Ghassan Hage and Professor Patricia Hill Collins. In addition to open sessions there are dedicated streams on: Gender, Sexuality and Social Change; Social Movements and Popular Protest; Critical Criminology; Non-human Animals; Cultural Diversity; and Art and Activism. Details about the conference can be found here: Our event coincides with the Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand’s annual conference at the same venue, which may also be of interest to some: We would love to see you there. Please also feel free to circulate through your networks. Ngā manaakitanga, Association of Industrial Relations Academics, Australia and New Zealand conference Association of Industrial Relations Academics, Australia and New Zealand conference (AIRAANZ) 'Jobs and Change in Uncertain Times' : 32nd Annual AIRAANZ Conference Inaugural Oceania Ethnography and Education Network Conference Deakin Downtown (24-25 August 2017) Submission deadline: May 29. Read on... Migrating Concepts: Cosmopolitanism, Multiculturalism and Conviviality across the Asia Pacific Journal of Intercultural Studies Biannual Conference Singapore 23–25 February 2018 Submission deadline: July 26. Read on... 10th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Conference to review progress and challenges October 20, London Submission deadline: May 29. Read on... 21st International ECO-Conference & 12th ECO-Conference on environmental protection of urban and suburban settlements Indigenous Conference Services (ICS) are jointly hosting with the Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (IWC) to stage The 2017 National Indigenous Drug & Alcohol Misuse Conference 21 – 23 August, Brisbane. Read on... Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. Links to external servers do not imply any official endorsement by The Australian Sociological Association or the opinions, ideas or information contained therein, nor guarantee the validity, completeness or utility of the information provided. Reference herein to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. ![]() |