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November Newsletter Update

“Money.” Actor Larry Hagman, who pays JR Ewing in Dallas, when asked what motivated the return of the former TV hit series.

Pick up a copy of the latest M2WOMEN magazine for my article on how to have the money talk with your partner and click here to read my latest interest.co.nz article on portfolio management and asset protection.

In this Newsletter update:

Once you have finished all that reading, click here to like our Facebook page - we have regular updates, tips and competitions.

Kind Regards,

Sheryl Sutherland JJP, B.A (Otago), Dip.F.A.C (Otago), DipPFinPlan (Waikato)

Authorised Financial Adviser (AFA) & Managing Director of The Financial Strategies Group (FSP 28246)

Be Prepared For Life (and Death)

Financial planning can be derailed by major health events. Some scary statistics for you;

In 2008, 20,317 cancers were registered in New Zealand, an increase of 22% since 1998.

47% of the population is predicted to meet the criteria for a mental health disorder at some time in their lives.

40% have already done so.

21% have had a disorder in the past 12 months.

Cardiovascular disease (heart, stroke and blood vessel disease) is still the leading cause of death in New Zealand, accounting for 40% of deaths annually.

Or alternatively illness or accident; some examples of recent claims by diagnosis group were Cardiovascular, Loss of functionality, Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Pregnancy Complications, Mental Health, and Sense Organ.

One of the things we rarely talk about is what will happen to our dependents should we die. Most people overestimate the cost of life insurance and therefore don’t have it. A basic level term policy for $500,000 can be less than $50 per month – depending on your age and health.

Let us quote cover for you by calling (03) 379-7035 or emailing tamyra@strategies.co.nz.

Make sure you have the best cover available, contact us for a review by calling (03) 379-7035, 0800 64MONEY, or email sheryl@strategies.co.nz.

Or if you have no cover we can help you by setting up an appointment to discuss your cover requirements by calling (03) 379-7035, 0800 64MONEY, or email sheryl@strategies.co.nz.


Underwear Sales Increase, Suggesting a Rebounding Economy

From WASHINGTON - There is an old saying among economists that the best way to assess the state of the economy is to look at people's underwear.

OK, there's no such saying. But when he served as chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan did use the sales of male underpants as a way to take the temperature of the country's economic well being. And if the Maestro were to take a peek right now, he'd find evidence that things are gradually improving.

"If you look at sales of male underpants it's just pretty much a flat line, it hardly ever changes," NPR's Robert Krulwich explained of the theory, after Greenspan's book "The Age Of Turbulence" was published. "But on those few occasions where it dips that means that men are so pinched that they are deciding not to replace underpants. And [Greenspan] said 'that is almost always a prescient, forward impression that here comes trouble.'"

To read more click here...

Australia - Running Out of Luck Down Under

In fact, Australia reminds us in many ways of the housing bubbles in the UK, Spain and Ireland. In each case, the country experienced a banking crisis.
Australian growth has been dependent on two huge bubbles: a domestic housing market that is one of the most overvalued in the world and a reliance on the Chinese fixed asset investment craze. Despite extraordinary commodity exports, Australia has run current account deficits and has a terrible international investment position. Oversized banks dependent on external financing, a bursting housing bubble and a slowing Chinese economy are all fundamental factors which are likely to weigh on the currency.

Click here to

Seeking Diversity in the Boardroom

Seeking diversity in the boardroom.
Do women on company boards make a difference writes Henri Eliot. Research tells us about the dynamics of the discussion and the quality of decision-making when women are present. It tells us the range of issues canvassed increases and includes usefully different perspectives from female board members.

Half of the facts you know are probably wrong!

Dinosaurs were cold-blooded. Vast increases in the money supply produce inflation. Increased K-12 spending and lower pupil/teacher ratios boosts public school student outcomes. Most of the DNA in the human genome is junk. Saccharin causes cancer and a high fiber diet prevents it. Stars cannot be bigger than 150 solar masses. And by the way, what are the ten most populous cities in the United States? Read more...
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Contact us: 0800 64MONEY, sheryl@strategies.co.nz

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