MIN-GUIDE Newsletter Nr. 1

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Minerals Policy Guidance for Europe


Welcome to the MIN-GUIDE Newsletter!

The MIN-GUIDE project has just started.
Since you are working in or showed interest in the minerals sector and its related areas, we thought you might want to know more about our project. This is why you are receiving the 1st MIN-GUIDE newsletter. Below you can find information about the mission, activities and the team of the project.


The MIN-GUIDE project aims to facilitate minerals policy making for a secure and sustainable supply of minerals in Europe by developing a comprehensive and up-to-date Minerals Policy Guide.This user-friendly knowledge repository will be made available both online and in print.


In addition to the creation of a Minerals Policy Guide, the project organises five Policy Laboratories on different aspects of the mining chain; three Annual Conferences to disseminate results and engage with stakeholders; online and onsite training on how to use the Guide.


MIN-GUIDE consortium comprises universities, Geological Surveys and representatives of the public sector with proven experience in the minerals field. Together, we want to facilitate policy making that promotes innovation and sustainability in the minerals sector.

MIN-GUIDE Validation workshop took place in London on 12 May 2016

The first important milestone in the MIN-GUIDE project was to define, together with the project’s Advisory Board members, a common and stakeholder-tailored approach with regard to innovation, benchmarking and good practice criteria. This approach will guide the project team in selecting minerals policies and legislation that foster innovation in exploration and extraction, processing, and waste management and mine closure. As a result of the workshop a report on innovation, benchmarking and good practice criteria was drafted. The MIN-GUIDE Advisory Board is composed of the following high-level persons: Robert Holnsteiner, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy; Aurela Shtiza, Industrial Minerals Association Europe (IMA Europe); Jon Hobbs, World Wildlife Fund (WWF); Joseph M. Mankelow, British Geological Survey; Jan Stanilko, Polish Ministry of Development; Susana Borrás, Copenhagen Business School; Jim O’Brien, Honorary President of the European Aggregates Association (UEPG).

MIN-GUIDE 1st Policy Laboratory to take place in Vienna on 4-5 October 2016

The first MIN-GUIDE Policy Laboratory workshop, entitled “Good Governance in Minerals Policy in Europe”, aims to provide an overview of and reflect upon good governance examples in Minerals Policy in the EU Member States. On this occasion, MIN-GUIDE will present version 1.0 of the Online Minerals Policy Guide – a user-friendly online knowledge repository based on up-to-date and comparable information on mineral policy and related policy areas at EU level and in the 28 EU Member States. Moreover, the workshop will discuss results of a comparative stock-taking and interviews with policy-makers on their national minerals policy governance frameworks. The Policy Laboratory process will engage participants from policy, industry, Geological Surveys, and research in an intensive and interactive exchange. This will allow participants to hands-on learn from good practice cases, explore transferability in their own context, discuss gaps and future needs, also considering innovation-fostering examples and potentials, and further develop the centerpiece of the MIN-GUIDE project – the Online Minerals Policy Guide.


Want to know more?

Get in touch! If you would like to know more about the project, have questions or would like to get involved in MIN-GUIDE activities do not hesitate to send us an email.


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 innovation and research programme under agreement No. 689527


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