![]() Measure G NewsletterJanuary 2021Academic Core Buildings: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony ![]() ![]() ![]() Academic Core Buildings (ACB) Closeout Over 2,500 punch list items were completed by the general contractor and signed off over the last several months. All systems (i.e. fire alarm, security, mechanical, lighting, etc.) were tested and commissioned. ![]() Soccer Field Lighting Project Completed in May 2020 The soccer field lighting project started in fall 2019, and was completed in spring 2020. The new LED lighting gives the Ohlone soccer team the flexibility to practice in the evenings and allows the College to host games in the evenings as well. The lighting also increases safety in the immediate area when the fields are illuminated. A total of four light poles were installed, with each having multiple high efficiency LED lights that provide NCAA-approved lighting levels. New electrical switch gear was installed next to the soccer team room alongside the lighting control equipment. North Parking Project Completed in August 2020 The north parking project added 70 parking stalls for the Smith Center and created a safer area for pedestrians. New signage, landscaping and a storage building for the Smith Center were incorporated and completed with this project as well. ![]() Geothermal Phase 2 Project Construction Began on October 19, 2020 A ground loop system is being installed in parking lot C and will consist of 60 one-inch high-density polyethylene vertical loops to a depth of 400 feet at 25-foot centers. The vertical closed-loop ground loop system will tie into the Academic Core Buildings Central Utilities Plant (CUP) to support Building 5. Building 4 Renovations and Multicultural Student Center completed August 2020 The project required some selective demolition, new lighting throughout the building, reconfiguring of space to house the bookstore, reconfiguration of space and installing finishes for the new Multicultural Student Center. The paint was refreshed, power and data systems and drywall were installed while the existing stucco was repaired and plumbing was upgraded. ![]() ![]() Building 9 Pathway Construction Completed on December 11th, 2020 The project required demolition of existing stairs, walls and underground abandoned utilities and included installation of the new pathway, utilities, site walls, flatwork, stairs, handrails, waterproofing, flashing, plaster finish, paint, wall infill, interior framing and drywall. Hyman Hall Interior Paint Refresh Completed in September 2020 The project required wall patching, with prep and paint work in the majority of spaces within the building on both levels 1 and 2. ![]() Building 5 Renovation Project Started in July 2020 The project requires demolition of hazardous materials, utilities, the existing kitchen and food serving areas, HVAC ductwork, existing walls, ceilings, flooring, doors/hardware and light fixtures. The new work will require installation of new walls, ceilings, HVAC ductwork, utilities, kitchen equipment, lighting, doors/hardware, paving, landscaping, handrails, elevator interior refresh and finish work. ![]() ![]() Measure G was approved by district voters in November 2010. The Ohlone Community College District is grateful for the community’s support in funding necessary repairs, accessibility upgrades, and new construction projects to better serve the instructional needs of our students. For more information related to Measure G, please visit: |