IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) announces formation of SIEPON Conformity Assessment Steering Group (CASG)

The IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP), in collaboration with key stakeholders and technical experts representing telecom and cable service providers, system vendors, chipset vendors, and testing laboratories, recently announced
the formation of the ICAP SIEPON Conformity Assessment Steering Group (CASG). A key initiative of the CASG is the development and delivery of a testing and certification program for EPON Optical Line Terminals (OLT) and Optical Network Units (ONU). The certification program is based on the IEEE 1904.1-2013 Standard for Service Interoperability in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (SIEPON).
The ICAP SIEPON CASG founding membership includes the following companies: Bright House Networks, Broadcom Corporation, CableLabs, China Telecom Corporation, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Marvell, NEC Corporation, NTT, Oliver Solutions, PMC-Sierra, Research Institute of Telecommunications Transmission (RITT), University of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab (UNH-IOL), and ZTE Corporation.
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Join us in Las Vegas for the 2014 International CES from 7-10 January 2014. Register today!
IEEE-ISTO is exhibiting at booth #31601 located in the front of the LVCC, South Hall 3.
Free Embedded Software Development Tools Webinar: Demonstrating Software Debug and Calibration Tools Utilizing the Nexus 5001™ Standard

Nexus 5001™ is an IEEE-ISTO industry standard for a global embedded processor debug interface. Originally designed to support the debug and calibration needs of the automotive industry in 1999, the industry standard has been enhanced and improved to address the instrumentation needs of diverse systems in telecom, networking and related domains and features.
Nexus 5001™ provides a vendor independent protocol, infrastructure, and interface standard that is scalable to address a wide variety of digital measurement, calibration, and analysis features and capabilities. It retains compatibility with other industry standards while supporting high bandwidth interfaces needed for extensive trace and analysis of complex systems with real time reporting. Nexus 5001™ applications are supported by leading tool vendors in the growing well known automotive space and the ever growing embedded space.
This 90 minute webinar airs 7 November 2013 at 10:30 AM EST and will include the following:
Live Nexus 5001™ tool demonstrations featuring SW debugging, SW trace, high speed measurement, real time calibration, SW function bypass, and multi tool use
Use Case for the demonstrated tools
Overview of current IC’s supporting the Nexus 5001™ standard
Q & A Session
Leading Lighting Companies Select ZigBee® Light Link

The Connected Lighting Alliance recently announced its endorsement of ZigBee® Light Link as the preferred common open standard for residential connected lighting applications, simplifying choices for both lighting companies and consumers.
ZigBee® Light Link allows consumers to gain wireless control over all their LED fixtures, light bulbs, timers, remotes and switches, using systems developed by an array of manufacturers. Currently, several companies offer wireless lighting products for the residential market. However, because many of these products are not based on common interoperable standards, consumers are often confused about what systems will support their needs and the lighting fixtures installed in their homes.
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Current IEEE-ISTO Programs
IEEE-ISTO Program News
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App Quality Alliance |
IEEE Conformity Assessment Program |
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Tizen Association |
Wireless Power Consortium |
IEEE-ISTO Program Events |
The Connected Lighting Alliance |
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Printer Working Group |
Zhaga Consortium |