Is Your Lawn Drowning?

Spring showers are responsible for the vibrant explosion of plant life that makes this time of the year unique. At times, these showers can give us more rain than we asked for – and more than our lawns know what to do with. This is especially the case here in Massachusetts, where our wetland geography and high water table make excess water very common. While all plants need water, too much water can rot root systems and eventually kill off valuable pieces of your landscaping.

Standing water is an ideal breeding ground for troublesome mosquitoes. When water pools close to your house’s foundation, there can be seepage into your home. Improper drainage is not just unsightly; it can be very damaging to your property.

There are a variety of ways to maximize your yard’s drainage. Buried drainage pipes and/or gravel-filled trenches are the best ways to remove large amounts of water. These options, however, are also the most expensive and disruptive.

Another way to address drainage issues is with your landscaping itself. Certain plants thrive in wet areas, and building a water garden is a great way to incorporate plants such as Irises, Joe-Pye Weed and Black-Eyed Susan into your landscape. Willows and Plane Trees love water and can absorb huge amounts out of the ground. Replacing swampy areas with rocks, gravel, and water-loving plants can turn a trouble spot into an attractive and unique area of your yard. A small pond can be a gathering pool for runoff that holds water for a time as the soil slowly absorbs it. These ponds can house Cattails, Lily Pads, and even fish as they act as a natural bio-filter.

Adequate drainage is not a very exciting aspect of landscaping, but it only takes a few downpours to realize its necessity. Fortunately, there are multiple ways that you can make sure your lawn handles water as much as possible. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas about the best course of action, give Garrick-Santo a call today, and we will set up a thorough drainage consultation.

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