Dear BARIN Members, Industry Colleagues, Associates, Preferred Suppliers, and Sponsors,
Close to the start of a new year, we re-send the update on some events and developments, as some edit and dispatch errors occurred in the 24 Dec. edition. Our apologies !
Headings gold-coloured and blue coloured lines in text have a deep link to click on.
Happy reading,
The Editor
It is a pleasure to invite you to join the BARIN members and other guests for the traditional BARIN New Year Gathering on Tuesday 22 January 2013 from 17 to 19.30 hrs., for the 9th consecutive time kindly co-hosted by the HILTON Schiphol with their renowned Tantalizing Drinks and Grand Buffet Treat.
18.00 hours:
Special Guest- and Keynote Speaker mrs. Wilma Mansveld, State Secretary for Infrastructure and Environment - Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
BARIN Chairman New Year's Address by Frank Allard, and a "Farewell" toast to mrs. Ellen Bien, Director for Aviation - Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
We kindly request you to click here on: One-Click-Reply for your R.S.V.P. to be dispatched at your earliest convenience before 15 January.
Click on BARIN New Year Gathering 2013 at regular intervals to find out WHO you will MEET at the traditional BARIN New Year Gathering. In this website section you will find frequent updates on the guests listing of those, invited BARIN Members -Industry Colleagues -Associates -Preferred Suppliers -Sponsors -and other special Guests, who advised us that they will attend the 2013 BARIN New Year Gathering on 22 January 2013.
A photo impression of this traditional New Year Event will be posted on this section of our website, to be expected sometime at the end of January.
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Laura Percy joins the BARIN Executive Board
Laura Percy, Country Manager Benelux & Scandinavia for Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, has joined the BARIN Executive Board, succeeding Kendrick Ko who has taken up the position of Manager Partnership & Programme Development Asia Miles Ltd, based at the CX headoffice in Hong Kong.
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Casper Maasdam appointed BARIN Executive Board Member
Casper Maasdam, Director External Affairs & Development for the leisure carrier Arke Fly, has been appointed member of the BARIN Executive Board.
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On 19 December hundred invited guests, i.e. BARIN Members - their Spouses & Management Assistants - Preferred Suppliers - Industry Colleagues - Associates - Sponsors, enjoyed the grand BARIN X-mas Dinner 2012 at the Mővenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre. Welcome Cocktails and Canapés were served on the top-21st (glass surrounded engine room) floor of the Mővenpick Hotel, with a magnificent panorama view over Amsterdam. The X-mas Dinner was served in the "Matterhorn" Dining Room of the Mővenpick Hotel
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Dutch Astronaut André Kuipers, for the second time our guest of honor, gave a unique look behind the scenes of international human spaceflight. He shared with the dinner guests his story, with breathtaking photo and film footage, about his second mission and exceptional view of our planet.
André Kuipers (1958) is the first Dutchman with two space missions to his name. His second mission is the longest spaceflight in European history.
In total the ESA astronaut spent 204 days in space: 11 days during mission DELTA in 2004 and 193 days during mission PromISSe.
After years of training in Houston, Moscow, Cologne, Montreal and Tokyo, a Russian Soyuz spaceship launched André and his two crew members from Russia and America on the 21st of December 2011 from Kazakhstan.
Two days later he arrived at the International Space Station to live and work for six months.
On board he was not only a medical doctor, scientist and flight engineer, but also handyman and ambassador for several charities.
On the 1st of July 2012, André returned to Earth and landed in his space capsule in the Kazakh steppe.
Who was there, have a look and click on: BARIN Xmas Dinner 2012 where you also find a photo impression from Tycho's Eye.
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Since 2005 colleague Boards of Airline Representatives from greater Europe meet at regular intervals for a BECTEG - BARs Europe Current Topics Exchange Gathering. This bi-annual gathering has been initiated by the BAR -The Netherlands -UK -France -Belgium, and chaired by the Coordinating Chairman of the BARs Europe Info Forum , Frank Allard. The purpose of a BECTEG is to exchange and discuss current topics and experiences among each other.
At the last two-day BECTEG in Brussels Board Members from 14 BARs gathered at the EC headquarters and met with senior representatives of the European Commission on topics such as the EU reso 261, and the EC evaluation of this EU directive. A follow up fact-finding meeting will take place in 2013.
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At the request of the former State Secretary for Infrastructure and Evironment Joop Atmsa, BARIN has joined the "Tafel van Alders Schiphol" in March of this year. Together with Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AAS), Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (LVNL), and BARIN member KLM they represent the aviation sector in the discussions regarding future growth of AAS within evironmental boundaries.
The first issue BARIN got involved in as "Alders Tafel" participant was that Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is facing temporary additional environmental restrictions in order to compensate for delayed implementation of CDAs (Continuous Descent Approach).
Due to these temporary restrictions, the current maximum number of 32,000 night movements (as agreed as part of the agreed package deal at the “Tafel van Alders Schiphol”),is expected to be further reduced to a maximum of 29,000 night movements within a maximum of three years’ time.
To accommodate the aforementioned objective, BARIN has agreed to an arrangement formalised in a "BARIN Declaration", as discussed in the September - and approved by the December 2012 BARIN General Assemblies
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The Evaluation of the Dutch Aviation Act - chapter Economic Regulation - regarding the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AAS) Operation decree requires final law-decision-making. Last two years of discussions, chaired by the Ministry of I and M, on the issue of an obligatory annual contribution from the AAS non-aviation till earnings to the aviation till has reached the recognition that such a contribution is to be established. BARIN pleas for a speedy decision early next year. For more information click on BARIN Points of View.
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Links to Pressclippings and Preferred Suppliers
Click on: Publications for an up to date selection of publications from other aviation related sources gathered for the BARIN members . In the right hand column of the web page you will find links to the latest presscoverage from Zakenreis and Luchtvaartnieuws.
Click on: BARIN Preferred Suppliers, these are organisations and/or companies that are linked to the scheduled airline industry and have, on their application, been granted the BARIN Preferred Supplier-ship. The nature and number of Preferred Suppliers is strictly limited, so applications are closely vetted and subject to approval by the BARIN Board.
Abel Advisory, Certa Legal, Chateau d'Aiguefonde, Olympia Uitzendbureau and Quick Parking are most recent Preferred Suppliership who obtained BARIN approval.
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"The International" has worked out a special Golf Corporate Membership for BARIN Members and their Indsutry Colleagues. For more information contact the BARIN via email to: .
Exclusieve ervaring op een unieke locatie. Het terrein van de The International is één van de best bewaarde geheimen van Amsterdam. De ligging tussen Schiphol, de A9 en de A10 zorgt voor uitstekende bereikbaarheid. U bevindt zich in de mainport van zakelijk Nederland terwijl u toch het gevoel heeft er echt helemaal uit te zijn. Prachtige glooiingen bieden bovendien schitterende mogelijkheden voor een uitdagende golfbaan. Op deze prachtige locatie nodigen we u graag uit voor een complete en exclusieve golfervaring. Een uitdagende 18-hole championship golf course, een culinaire zakenlunch, vergadering of presentatie... u vindt het straks allemaal bij The International. En dat op slechts een steenworp afstand van de Zuidas.
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Happy Holidays !!
We are looking forward to raise glasses with you on a Prosperous 2013 at the BARIN New Year Gathering on 22 January co-hosted by the HILTON Schiphol.
For easy dispatch of your RSVP click on: One-Click-Reply.
Beste regards,
BARIN Executive Board
Chairman - Frank Allard, Vice Chairman - Harm Kreulen, Secretary General - Coen Waasdorp, Treasurer - Simon Breedveld, Members Laura Percy - William Vet - Casper Maasdam
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