News from The Kerouac Project of Orlando
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Celebrate Jack Kerouac’s Birthday with Us


The Kerouac Project of Orlando invites you to help us celebrate Jack Kerouac’s 94th birthday with a special fundraising drive. Although Jack is no longer with us, his literary legacy lives on through his writing and through our internationally acclaimed writer-in-residence program housed in the same 1930s Orlando bungalow where his classic Beat tome The Dharma Bums was penned.

Since The Kerouac Project’s inception in 1998, sixty writers-in-residence from the United States and four other countries have called 1418 Clouser Street home. To help us both maintain the physical structure of the historic Kerouac House and support the writers-in-residence during their three-month stay, we are asking for your financial help. No monetary amount is too small (or too large). And because the Kerouac Project of Orlando is a volunteer-run 501(c)3, you can be assured that all money collected goes directly to the Project.

So in the spirit of Jack’s birthday, we encourage you to be spontaneous, throw caution to the wind, toss back a whiskey, and give what you can, big or small. Click here to donate.