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The concept for the new shop, 1906, was to offer up cool objects that came my way. Here you go. From the trip to the mineral side of the Tucson show, and from Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Bali - behold what I thought was cool enough to either ship or lug back to San Francisco. Note the focus on hand woven and carved - I am obviously attracted to those things still made by hand. 

Next we will introduce the textiles of Laos and the new Spring line of handbags from the amazing Sop Moei Arts in Chiang Mai.



Hand carved critters from Bali

Carved by the amazing Balinese out of shed moose antlers from Alaska 

Vintage basketry from Thailand

My new friends at the Chatachuk Market in Bangkok, estimate these baskets are 50 to 60 years old. They comb the countryside looking for old basketry.

Coral from the Marshall Islands

The last of our offerings from Captain Doug:  The rare Purple Coral (according to the Captain you won't find it again) and a Black Coral speciman

Not only cool but a little odd

Handwoven bangles from figue fiber found in Columbia, hand carved jet dragons from Bali, and the oh so odd necklace made from sting ray teeth. Really!

Ebony Wood and Water Buffalo Horn

Ebony wood bowls from Laos and water buffalo horn vases from Vietnam

The last of the Lou Zeldis Collection

Did I mention that we now have the last of the Attar Vine basketry from the Lou Zeldis Collection? Also, one last Quartz Gyro and a few mini stainless steel bolos.