From Camp Counselor to Baby Fold Teacher
The Baby Fold summer camp remains a magical experience for students and camp counselors alike. It's a time of healing and growth for our students and often a time where young high school counselors find their passion to help others. In her own words, Emily Murphy shares her personal journey from high school camp counselor to Baby Fold teacher therapist.
"I have wanted to work at The Baby Fold since I attended camp in 2011. I learned how Hammitt staff interact with their students in a fun, outdoor setting and what impressed me most was the way they lived out their motto, ‘We Never Give Up on a Child.’ I attended ISU and studied special education; I was placed at The Baby Fold for my first clinical...had my professor known that I already had experience with Hammitt children, he probably would not have sent me here. I took it as a God wink! Fast forward to today, I have my dream job as a teacher therapist and I already love my kids. My classroom was equipped through donations from family and friends who wanted to make sure my students would feel safe and ready for learning. I really appreciate how everyone here has your back. We work as a team so each child gets our very best. I cannot wait to see how my students learn and grow this year.
Hammitt offers so much more than academic help; we bring the love too."
Do you know someone who wants to make a difference in the lives of children? Please see our employment opportunites here.
Letting Love Flow
Good friends of The Baby Fold, Al Pote and Dawn Sanner are marrying this spring! To make their wedding day even more special, the happy couple has chosen to provide an opportunity for friends and family to let love flow to the children and families of The Baby Fold! Al and Dawn share a love for children and have had wonderful experiences with foster children and kids on the Autism Spectrum. They view their wedding as an opportunity to educate guests about the mission of The Baby Fold and, in lieu of gifts, invite them to give an online monetary gift to further our work. “It was so easy to have them set this up,” said Dawn. Would YOU would like to bless The Baby Fold through a special occasion in your life? We are happy to help you celebrate your special event in this unique and meaningful way! Please contact Jill at (309) 451-7203 or jriesenberg@thebabyfold.org for more information.
Baby Fold Expertise in National Demand
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The Baby Fold is a leader in the trauma-informed care of children and families. The research and publications of our talented Clinical Director, Dr. Rob Lusk, Ph.D., has placed him in demand as a national speaker. Using his expertise and three decades of experience at The Baby Fold, Dr. Lusk trains professionals across the county in the latest trauma treatment strategies. His training allows professionals to receive their Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CTP) certification. This past December, Dr. Lusk trained professionals in Philadelphia and this month he'll share his knowledge in Tampa. As the year progresses, he'll visit Manhattan and cities yet to be determined. In addition, Baby Fold trauma specialists Keith Brotheridge, LCSW and Kathleen Bush, LPCC present to state and national audiences as well. The Baby Fold is blessed to have a greatly skilled and qualified team of
professionals to provide excellent and compassionate care for our children and families each and every day.