The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , We're very happy to announce that submissions for TASA 2019 Diversity & Urban Growth are now open and will close on May 27. The Local Organising Committee have been working and planning for many months now; we're sure it is going to be another great TASA Conference. See the conference site for all the details. CongratulationsA warm congratulations is extended to fellow member Georgia van Toorn who was awarded her PhD recently, entitled 'The New Political Economy of Disability: TASA 2021Host the 2021 TASA Conference: Call for Expressions of InterestWe are seeking expressions of interest for hosting the November 2021 TASA Conference. The annual conference is a key event for sociologists to present their research and network with peers, usually attracting around 500 participants. Hosting the conference is an ideal opportunity for a university, department or other workplace to showcase their achievements, and promote their strengths. Alternatively a collective of sociologists in and outside of the university sector in a particular city or region may wish to use the conference to highlight the benefits of sociology to a broader audience. Expressions of Interest deadline: Friday July 12. Read on... Health Sociology ReviewSpecial Issue 2020 - Call for Expressions of InterestHealth Sociology Review (HSR) is an international peer-reviewed journal, which publishes high quality conceptual and empirical research in the sociology of health, illness and medicine. Published three times per year, the journal prioritises original research papers. Each year the journal publishes a special issue on a matter of central importance to health sociology and related fields, edited by guest editors. Submission deadline: March 25. Read on... Journal of SociologyVolume: 55, Number: 1 (March 2019)Robert van Krieken (2019) Georg Franck’s ‘The Economy of Attention’: Mental capitalism and the struggle for attention. Journal of Sociology. Lilly Brown (2019) Indigenous young people, disadvantage and the violence of settler colonial education policy and curriculum. Journal of Sociology. Jenny Chesters (2019) Egalitarian Australia? Associations between family wealth and outcomes in young adulthood. Journal of Sociology. Mair Underwood and Rebecca Olson (2019) ‘Manly tears exploded from my eyes, lets feel together brahs’: Emotion and masculinity within an online body building community. Journal of Sociology. Karla Elliott (2019) Negotiations between progressive and ‘traditional’ expressions of masculinity among young Australian men. Journal of Sociology. Adrian Franklin, Barbara Barbosa Neves, Nicholas Hookway, Roger Patulny, Bruce Tranter, and Katrina Jaworski (2019) Towards an understanding of loneliness among Australian men: Gender cultures, embodied expression and the social bases of belonging. Journal of Sociology. Maho Omori (2019) Book Review: Hanne Marlene Dahl, Struggles in (Elderly) Care: A Feminist View. Journal of Sociology. Bryan S. Turner (2019) Book Review: John Carroll, Land of the Golden Cities: Australia’s Exceptional Prosperity and the Culture that Made It. Journal of Sociology. Bryan S. Turner (2019) Book Review: Giuseppe Giordan and Adam Possamai, Sociology of Exorcism in Late Modernity. Journal of Sociology. Ashleigh Watson (2019) Book Review: Les Back and Shamser Sinha, Migrant City. Journal of Sociology. Doctoral completionsIf you, or someone you know, has completed a PhD, professional doctorate or similar degree in recent months we would like to publish the details in Nexus. To submit the details, please complete this form and forward to the editor at for inclusion in the March issue of Nexus. Looking for Work RegisterSpotlighting sociologists for hire: Shakira HusseinDr Shakira Hussein is a research fellow at the University of Melbourne’s Asia Institute. She is a regular commentator on issues of gender, Islam, and multiculturalism. Shakira’s areas of expertise are gender, racism, muslim communities in Sth Asia and the West, far-right extremism & disability. Dr Shakira Hussein, who has experience in research, teaching, public engagement, and consultancy including expert witness reports, is looking for work in research and teaching. You can contact Shakira by emailing Employment OpportunitiesResearch Fellow (Life Chances Study) Life Chances is a unique longitudinal study that examines how family income, social class, ethnicity and gender affect the lives of individuals Brotherhood of St Laurence, Fitzroy Application deadline: March 12. Read on... Assistant Professor The Institute of Sociology of the Pontifical Catholic, University of Chile Application deadline: March 31. Read on... PhD Scholarship OpportunitiesNew: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society has a PhD scholarship available: Tech, sex and intimacy: a survey to understand the role of new technologies in Australian’s sexual and intimate lives. They are seeking a person with quantitative skills and interests in gender, technology & sexuality. Application deadline: March 29. Read on... New: A four-year doctoral scholarshipis available for an outstanding scholar to work with SHARP Professor, and fellow member, Deborah Lupton & her team in the new Vitalities Lab, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW, Sydney. Application deadline: COB 31 March. Read on... Multiculturalism, Migration and Youth Knowledge-Making in Australian Society: Sociology and its Social Impact. Sydney University Application deadline: March 15. Read on... Members' PublicationsBook ChaptersHussein, S., Bloul, S. and Poynting, S. (2019) ‘Diasporas and Dystopias on the Beach: Burqini Wars in France and Australia’. In I. Zempi and I. Awan, The Routledge International Handbook of Islamophobia. London: Routledge. pp. 263-274. Journal - Special Issue: Sport, Gender and Feminism in AustraliaKim Toffoletti & Catherine Palmer (2019) Sport, Gender & Feminism in Australia. Journal of Australian Studies. Published online: 01 Mar 2019 Kim Toffoletti & Catherine Palmer (2019)Editorial: Women and Sport in Australia—New Times? Journal of Australian Studies, 1-6. Fiona McLachlan (2019) It’s Boom Time! (Again): Progress Narratives and Women’s Sport in Australia, Journal of Australian Studies, 7-21. Olive, R. (2019). The Trouble with Newcomers: Women’s Experiences of Localism in Surfing, Journal of Australian Studies, 39-54. Jennifer E. Cheng (2019) Religiosity, Integration and Sport: Muslim Women Playing Australian Rules Football, Journal of Australian Studies, 55-70. Kirsty Forsdike, Anne-Maree Sawyer & Timothy Marjoribanks (2019) “I’m Not a Vet!” Marginalisation and Practices of Resistance to Ageing by Women Hockey Players, Journal of Australian Studies, 87-102. Kim Toffoletti & Catherine Palmer (2019) Sport, Alcohol and Women: An Emerging Research Agenda, Journal of Australian Studies, 103-117. Journal ArticlesHebe Schaillée, Ramon Spaaij, Ruth Jeanes, & Marc Theeboom (2019) Knowledge Translation Practices, Enablers, and Constraints: Bridging the Research–Practice Divide in Sport Management. Journal of Sports Management. Cui, A., Lancaster, K., Newman, C. (2019) Making the subject of mental health care: a cross-cultural comparison of mental health policy in Hong Kong, China and New South Wales, Australia. Published online in Sociology of Health and Illness on 1 March 2019. [free view:] Cheng, Jennifer E. 2019. “Religiosity, Integration and Sport: Muslim Women Playing Australian Rules Football.” Journal of Australian Studies 43 (1): 55–70. Helen Cahill & Julia Cook (2019) From Life-course Expectations to Societal Concerns: Seeking Young Adults’ Perspectives on Generational Narratives. Young. Chesters, J. & Cuervo, H. (2019) Adjusting to the new employment landscape: Consequences of precarious employment in Australia. Accepted by The Economic and Labour Relations Review. DOI: Cuervo, H., Chesters, J. & Aberdeen, L. (2019) Social capital and post-school aspirations in regional Australia.Australian Educational Researcher Pruitt, Lesley J. 2019. “Closed due to ‘Flooding’? UK Media Representations of Refugees and Migrants in 2015-16—Creating a Crisis of Borders.” British Journal of Politics and International Relations. Olive, R. (2019). The Trouble with Newcomers: Women’s Experiences of Localism in Surfing, Journal of Australian Studies, 39-54 ReportsRoberts, S., Ralph, B., Elliott, K., Robards, B., Savic, M., Lindsay, J., O’Brien, K. and Lubman, D. I. Exploring men’s risky drinking cultures (for VicHealth). Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, Melbourne, Australia. Fu, E., Coady, M., P. Pich Cuervo, H. & Chesters, J. (2019) Researching Young Lives Volume 3 ISBN 978 0 7340 5480 7 Melbourne: Youth Research Centre Reade, J., Seet, A., Dadvand, B., Khan, R., Wyn, J., Cuervo, H. & Chesters, J. (2018) Researching Young Lives Volume 2 ISBN 978 0 7340 5462 3 Melbourne: Youth Research Centre Cook, J., Gowing, A., Aliani, R., Chesters, J. & Cuervo, H. (2018) Researching Young Lives Volume 1 ISBN 978 0 7340 5463 0 Melbourne: Youth Research Centre Informed News & AnalysisJessica Richards, Eric Anderson & Keith D. Parry (1 March, 2019)Rugby league may finally have reached its tipping point on player behaviour and violence. The Conversation. Stewart Lockie (1 March, 2019) People and issues outside our big cities are diverse, but these priorities stand out. The Conversation. PodcastsPeter Walters (28 February, 2019) Creating community in the suburbs. ABC Radio National, Life Matters. Members' Keynote InvitationsHave you been invited to give a keynote? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can list the details in the weekly newsletter here. PromotionsHave you been promoted recently? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can share the details in the weekly newsletter here. Other Events, News & OpportunitiesThematic GroupsA number of our thematic groups have blogs, please contact the conveners of your group if you would like to contribute. To access the latest blog post from the Youth Thematic Group, please read on... ABC News - call for women expertsABC News is currently building out its database of women across industries to call on as expert talent, opinion leaders and sources for interviews/commentary on their digital and broadcast platforms. This database will be used by ABC News interview producers, talent bookers and journalists. Register via this form. Note, TASA admin has verified the legitimacy of this form. ZinesSo Fi Zine is a sociological fiction zine for arts-based research, creative sociology, and art inspired by social science. It publishes short stories, poetry, photography, photo essays, cartoons, and other creative works. Edition #5 will be published in June 2019. Submission deadline: April 15. For full details, see Conversations/DiscussionsInterdisciplinary mental health research: Why and for whom? Three stimulating talks for the launch of the RMIT Health Network 12 March, 1:oopm - 4:00pm, RMIT University, Melbourne
WorkshopRe/imagining Personal Data University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia SeminarsTrust, Young People and Digital Media 4th Annual Meeting of the Young Creative Connected (YCC) Research Network 30 September to 1 October, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland There is no fee to participate in this seminar, and lunches will be provided. There are a limited number of registrations though. If you are interested in attending, please contact Michael Dezuanni. Social Sciences Week - Run an EventSocial Sciences Week is an opportunity for social scientists to engage non-academic audiences with cutting edge social science research, to showcase the diversity and relevance of social science. It will include interactive community and school-based events, bringing the social sciences to life, particularly for the next generation of university students, social scientists and citizens. We encourage you to plan an event/s for Social Sciences Week this year; 9 - 15 September. Please note, the final date to register an event to be part of Social Sciences Week is Thursday, 1 August 2019. Funding OpportunityFunding of up to $7,000 for humanities sector women available. Women & Leadership Australia is administering an initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s humanities sector. Expression of Interest deadline extended: March 22. Read on... Call for ChaptersSocial theory, digital education and the Global South: Critical perspectives The book aims to explore the interplay between digital media practices and education (in primary, secondary, further, higher, and adult and community education, as well as informal education) in the context of the Global South. Submission deadline: June 30. Read on... Call for Papers - JournalsNationalism’s Futures Sociology Special Issue Deadline for submission
of full papers: 10 June 2019. Read on... For any queries regarding this special issue, please contact: 2019 Special Issue Call for papers: Disability and Children's Rights. The Canadian Journal on Children’s Rights (CJCR) Submissions deadline: April 1, 2019. Read on... SymposiumsNew: Religion and Race/ialisation in Australia Friday, 26 April 2019: 10.30am – 4.00 pm, Western Sydney University Speakers: Professor FethiMansouri (Deakin University), Professor Kevin Dunn (Western Sydney University), Associate Professor Farida Fozdar (University of Western Australia), Dr Jennifer Cheng (Western Sydney University) Registration: Limited free registration, please RSVP to New: Pentecostal Charismatic Christianity and Migration 2-3 of August, Parramatta City Campus, Western Sydney University Submission deadline: April 10. Read on... Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics British Sociological Association Early Career Event Saturday 6th April, University of Aberdeen Submission deadline: March 11. Read on... Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium Rural Issues Symposium - The future of rural sociology in Australia, 2019 La Trobe, Bendigo, Friday 28th June, 2019. Keynote presentations from Professor Barbara Pini, Griffith University and Professor Robyn Eversole, Deputy Director of the Centre for Social Impact at Swinburne University of Technology. In recognition of the unique social experiences of rural, remote, and regional residents, the symposium aims to bring together students, researchers, applied sociologists, community and social services professionals and academics engaging with a range of issues pertinent to rural, remote and regional Australia. Abstracts and scholarship applications due: 22nd March. Read on... ConferencesNew: Youth Studies and the Challenges of Late Capitalism in a Globalised World Journal of Youth Studies Conference December 2nd-4th 2019, University of Newcastle, Australia Read on... New: The Australian Social Policy Conference 9 - 11 September, UNSW, Sydney Submission deadline: 29 April. Read on... New: International Digital Divide Conference 22-24 May 2019, Washington, DC USA Submission deadline: 18 March 2019 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Time. Read on... Recalibrating Diasporas: Asia Pacific and the Spaces Beyond 27-28 June, Murdoch University, Perth Submission deadline: March 25. Read on... Rural sustainability in the urban century XV World Congress of Rural Sociology, 8-12 July 2020, Cairns, Australia Session proposals deadline: April 26. Read on... Data Futures Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 2020 ISA Forum of Sociology Research Committee 22: Sociology of Religion Call for Session Proposals "Challenges of the 21st Century for Sociology of Religion" Proposal deadline: March 15. Read on... Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 15 - 17 July, Queensland Submission deadline: March 31. Read on... 17th Polish Sociological Congress 11-14 September, Wrocław Me, Us, Them? Subjectivity, Identity, Belonging Registration & submission deadline: March 15. Read on... SAVE THE DATE SAANZ Conference 2019 - Sociology for Everyone. University of Auckland, 3-6 December Accessing Online MaterialsFrom March last year, the list of available Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals jumped from 36 to 91 peer-reviewed journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. To access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, please click here for instructions, if needed. Gift MembershipsGift memberships are available with TASA. If you would like to purchase a gift membership, please email the following details through to the TASA Office:
Upon receiving the above details, TASA will email the recipient with full details on how they can take up the gift membership. You can view an example of that email in both Word (39kb) and Pdf (159kb) formats. You will receive an invoice, via email, after the recipient completes the online membership form. Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. To ensure your publications listed in this newsletter are referenced correctly by third party users, it would be greatly appreciated if you could email your publications to TASA's Office in a referenced format. Links to content in this newsletter do not imply any official endorsement by The Australian Sociological Association or the opinions, ideas or information contained therein, nor guarantee the validity, completeness or utility of the information provided. Reference herein to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. ![]() |