Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
IFAM offering more access to Asia
The International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) recently announced additional flights from Perth into key Asian markets. WA exporters can now access IFAM supported flights to Narita and Taipei, departing Wednesdays. The IFAM-supported Perth to Singapore route has also been extended and will continue to depart Thursdays.
The addition of flights to Taiwan should be welcome news. Located centrally in Asian supply chains and with a highly developed economy, Taiwan is great hub linking Australia to emerging Asian markets.
If the scheduled IFAM supported flights do not meet an exporter’s needs, the exporter may discuss their options with their freight forwarder and consider applying for grant assistance through IFAM on other flights. Freight forwarders can apply for grant assistance on behalf of the exporter.
IFAM is committed to providing certainty around airfreight capacity while businesses use this time to adapt their operating models to a different trading environment. Businesses are encouraged to sign up to the fortnightly IFAM Update to be the first to hear about program updates and new adaptation resources.
Full details on the latest IFAM outbound and inbound flights are available on the IFAM website.
Exporters should speak to their freight forwarder and visit the IFAM website for further assistance. If you have any questions or need more information, please email Airfreight@austrade.gov.au, or Austrade State Director WA, Jane Caforio, at jane.caforio@austrade.gov.au. More... Source: Austrade | Photo: Japan Airlines
AGRIFresh wins DPIRD Economic Development Award
West Midlands orchard operators AGRIFresh won the Economic Development Award at the 2020 Western Australian Regional Achievement and Community Awards last month.
The annual award, sponsored by DPIRD, recognises the efforts of the business and not-for-profit sectors to drive economic growth and jobs.
DPIRD Director General Ralph Addis congratulated AGRIFresh on its achievements, which he said exemplified the innovation and tenacity of WA’s regional businesses.
“AGRIFresh has taken just 15 years to build a successful integrated citrus and mango orchard business, including growing, packing and marketing, which now exports to 15 countries around the globe,” he said.
“From a family owned and operated business of two, AGRIFresh now employs more than 80 people, with at least three quarters located in the West and Central Midlands near its orchards, stimulating the local economy and further business opportunities.
“The business has defied the limitations of COVID-19 and installed an 8000 square metre packing facility and is on track to generate $5 million in revenue in 2020.” More... Source: DPIRD | Photo: Awards Australia [DPIRD Director General Ralph Addis presenting the award to AGRIFresh Managing Director, Joseph Ling.]
Promoting the building blocks for WA’s aquaculture opportunities
In December, Fisheries Minister Peter Tinley completed a series of online meetings with international investors looking for growth opportunities in Western Australia's aquaculture industry.
Speaking with Japanese investors, who have established links with our State's overseas trade offices, the Minister promoted the benefits of investing in Western Australia's sustainable aquaculture industry and the comparative advantages of our extensive pristine coastline, stringent biosecurity, increasing infrastructure and government support.
The discussions came soon after the launch of the new Aquaculture Development Plan for the State, which forecasts the creation of 6,000 direct and indirect jobs in the next 10 years by diversifying our economy through investment in large-scale aquaculture with a focus on premium-quality marine finfish and shellfish.
To further support the growth of WA industries, including aquaculture, the WA Government established a dedicated Invest and Trade WA team in 2019. The team is leading a whole-of-government approach to promoting WA as a destination for investment, facilitating investment into the State and assisting industry with its export efforts. More... Source: WA Minister for Fisheries | Photo: DPIRD
Latest global market insights from Australian Government
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has released its latest Market Insights reports, which outline commercial opportunities, economic conditions, key trends and risks in global export markets.
Australia's diplomatic officials have broad and influential networks, which they use to gather useful insights about the challenges and opportunities of doing business in overseas markets.
This intelligence is used to develop the Market Insights reports, which are snapshots in time and designed to help Australian businesses better understand risks and opportunities, and navigate rapidly changing international markets. The reports can also help businesses evaluate the potential of export markets.
Supporting economic recovery from COVID-19 and creating market expansion opportunities for Australian businesses is also a priority for DFAT.
The latest market insights were updated in December 2020. If your country of interest is not listed, or you require an update, please email business@dfat.gov.au. More... Source & Photo: DFAT
Recognising Australia’s remarkable exporters
Australia’s innovative exporters and investors were recognised last month for the contribution they make to our economy at the online Remarkable Australian Exporters’ Showcase.
The recognition program highlights hundreds of stories submitted by Australian exporters showcasing their ability to adapt to the challenges of 2020 in creative and inspiring ways.
Former Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment (now Minister for Finance) Simon Birmingham said in December the recognition program was a unique opportunity to acknowledge the enormous contribution our exporters make to the economy and to creating more jobs.
“This year has been like no other for Australia’s 53,000 exporters. This is about recognising and celebrating our exporters and the incredible resilience they have shown in the face of major disruptions brought on by COVID-19,” Minister Birmingham said. More... Source: Minister for Trade | Related: Showcasing amazing Australian businesses Source and Photo: Austrade
Australia’s free trade agreements deliver more tariff cuts
Australian farmers and businesses will benefit from more tariff cuts delivered by our network of free trade agreements.
Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan said the latest round of tariff cuts – which began on 1 January 2021 – would provide greater opportunities for export expansion and job growth.
“Australia is a trading nation and the products we export are high quality and in demand globally,” Mr Tehan said. “Reducing trade barriers will boost export opportunities for Australian farmers and businesses in key export markets which translates to more jobs and economic growth in Australia.
“Australian fresh or chilled beef exporters will benefit from further cuts to Canadian tariffs in 2021 under the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. The value of fresh or chilled beef exports to Canada increased by 92 per cent to reach $33 million in 2019-20.
“Tariff reductions on Australian sheep and goat meat exports under our bilateral free trade agreement with Korea helped increase those exports by eight per cent, to reach $169 million in 2019-20. From 1 January 2021 tariffs on these products were cut from 6.7 to 4.5 per cent.
“Under our bilateral free trade agreement with Indonesia, Australian honey exporters will benefit from tariffs being cut from 3.25 to 3 per cent in 2021. Australian honey exports to Indonesia increased by 191 per cent to reach $808,000 in 2019-20." More... Source: Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment | Photo: DPIRD