Musawah Vision
Issue 7: September 2011 | A quarterly update on Musawah issues and activities
Trends in Family Law
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Arab region (Middle East and North Africa)
The Centre for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance (CEWLA),

South, South-east & Central Asia:
Musawah-Indonesia (Alimat)

Horn of Africa:

Sub-Saharan Africa:

The Gulf Region:
Bahrain Women’s Union

Young Women’s Caucus:
Representative: Hadil El-Khouly

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Women in Arab Revolutions

Algeria: 'true emancipation will come with work, independence and, of course, amendments to the family code.' - NPR

Egypt: 'this is the time to re-examine and revise-and where needed repeal-Egypt's laws.' - Ahram Online

Resisting Polygamy

Australia: Shari'ah law has become a shadow legal system endorsing polygamous and underage marriages.

Malaysia: SIS contends that provisions in the current Islamic Family Law inadvertently impose insecurity or threat on women

Eliminating Violence in the Family

Lebanon: The Lebanese Women's Council defended a draft law to protect women from domestic violence.

Saudi Arabia: Calls to establish family courts and employ women in police stations.

Change, Reform and the Family

Bangladesh: Debates about the recently-approved National Women's Development Policy 2011 continue.

Libya: Libyan women continue their key role in the revolution as they help plan and build a post-Gaddafi Libya.

Turkey: A research study found that 3/4th of single mothers are unable to meet their most basic needs.

Read about reports from Iran, Pakistan, Singapore, Egypt, South Africa, and Tunisia in the full newsletter:

Building Our Knowledge

Get Involved in the Qiwamah and Wilayah Research

Join this collective research project by 1) sending in existing statistics and data from your country, 2) documenting women's life stories in your context, and/or 3) sharing your work on qiwamah and wilayah.

Musawah Toolkit for Advocates

Musawah's Toolkit for Advocates: Sharing the Musawah Framework and Key Messages, which is designed to bring Musawah's founding document to life, is in the final stages. It will be available online by the end of 2011.


New book: Muslim Family Law, Secular Courts and Muslim Women of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Alamgir Muhammad Serajuddin. Oxford University Press, February 2011.

New publication: Journal of Arabian Studies's first issue features the article 'Framing the Family Law: A Case Study of Bahrain's Identity Politics.'

Partners for Law in Development has released its most recent report on Intersections between Women's Equality, Culture and Cultural Rights.

Zainah Anwar answers The Star's readers' top 10 questions about women, Islam, politics, polygamy and more.

Building Our Movement

Musawah News and Events

Knowledge Building Meeting in Jakarta

From 17-19 July 2011, Musawah Secretariat held a curriculum development meeting to review and develop the training module of the 'SIS Short Course on Understanding Islam from a Rights Perspective.'

Update: Musawah's Strategic Direction

The collectively-developed Strategic Direction document has been finalized in English and translated to Arabic and French.

Upcoming: Qiwamah and Wilayah Research Meeting

In partnership with the Jordanian Women's Union and the Jordanian Society for Protecting Family Violence Victims, Musawah will hold a three-day 'Conceptual Workshop on Developing an Egalitarian Understanding of Qiwamah and Wilayah' from 24-26 November 2011, in Amman, Jordan.

UN Women mention Musawah

1st report of 2011-2012: Progress of the World's Women: In Pursuit of Justice

Facebook: Musawah has recently launched its page on Facebook.

Twitter: Follow @Musawah, join the conversation and make Musawah a buzzword. Help us meet our goal of 1000 followers by December 31, 2011!

Musawah Outreach

Arab Region (Middle East and North Africa)


Musawah Advocates in Egypt, the Centre for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance (CEWLA), have recently been addressing regressive attacks on provisions in the current Egyptian Personal Status Law. Among other things, CEWLA held a series of round-table discussions entitled: 'Personal Status Laws According to Maqasid Al-Shari'ah.'


The Association of Women Heads of Families (AFCF) issued a statement regarding the current status of women in Mauritania. The statement highlights women's concerns regarding recent regressions on several fronts in relation to women's issues and rights. The statement calls on the government to uphold recent gains, increase women's quota and amend the Personal Status Law.


The Democratic Association of Moroccan Women (ADFM) issued a statement outlining its position regarding the provisions of the draft constitution related to fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly those relating to women's human rights. In this overall assessment of the draft constitution, ADFM sees its provisions in a positive light.

International Advocacy

Musawah's First Thematic Report on Article 16

Musawah has submitted its first thematic report of the CEDAW Convention on marriage and family relations to the CEDAW Committee at the 50th CEDAW session in Geneva in October 3-14.

The report on Oman and Kuwait was prepared because no shadow or alternate report was submitted to the Committee by any NGO on the ground. The report provides critical information, analysis and recommendations, and can be used as a resource during the constructive engagements with State parties and in follow-up activities on the Concluding Observations.

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