IEEE-ISTO Global Engagement Webinar Replay Available Online

The replay of the recent IEEE-ISTO webinar titled "Global Member Engagement," is now online. Join guest speaker, Jason Gudenius, Account Director of Marketing General, Inc., in this lively, hour-long, interactive webinar as he discusses key concepts and best practices around building and maintaining a global community within your organization by expanding your global membership, overcoming language barriers, and setting expectations.
We will explore answers to the following answers to the following questions, and much, much more...
Are you looking to expand your mission worldwide?
Is your organization prepared to meet the potential challenges of a 24-hour workday?
View the replay today.
UMA Takes Home Award from EIC 2014!

User-Managed Access awarded 2014 Best Innovation in Information Security Award from European Identity & Cloud Conference
Kantara Initiative's User-Managed Access (UMA) has won the 2014 Innovation in Information Security award from the European Identity & Cloud Conference. The UMA protocol was originally designed to help individuals control Internet data sharing and UMA’s notion of authorization-as-a-service has generated the attention of modern enterprises to control access to sensitive resources in cloud and mobile environments.
Developed via an open and transparent standards-based approach, UMA’s flexibility toward users and enterprise authorization makes it a key business enabler innovation for the evolution business driving, and privacy respective, identity and access management. UMA has application toward a variety of growing use cases including but not limited to authorization-as-a-service for: Internet of Things, Social, HealthCare, Business Services, University, and Government.
Learn more at the Kantara Initiative website.
IEEE-ISTO is Now on Google+

IEEE-ISTO is now on Google+! Visit the page today and add IEEE-ISTO to your circles. You'll get the latest news and events from IEEE-ISTO and IEEE-ISTO member programs.
Sections Congress

IEEE-ISTO exhibited at IEEE Sections Congress last month. IEEE Section leaders met 22-24 August in Amsterdam to network, learn more about different IEEE departments, and help plot the future of IEEE.
Support staffers were on-hand to man the exhibit and inform the IEEE community on how IEEE-ISTO benefits industry. Pictures from the exhibit can be found on the IEEE-ISTO Google+ page.
InLocation Alliance Delivers System Architecture White Paper

InLocation Alliance (ILA), an industry collaboration dedicated to promoting indoor positioning solutions that directly benefit the industry and users of indoor location services and solutions on mobile devices, recently announced publication of the group's System Architecture White Paper. The white paper defines a technology-independent architecture for indoor positioning that ensures support for use cases identified as critical for commercial success and lays the foundation for interoperability among vendor contributions.
“The white paper from the System Architecture group of the ILA specifies the main components and interface requirements of a technology-independent system architecture for indoor location. A common industry view on the system architecture creates a foundation for interoperability between vendors that will help accelerate the market for indoor positioning services,” said Jouni Kämäräinen, chair of ILA.
More information on the white paper can be found on the new InLocation Alliance website.
Current IEEE-ISTO Programs
IEEE-ISTO Program News
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Wireless Power Consortium |
IEEE-ISTO Program Events |
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OpenPOWER Foundation |
Zhaga Consortium |