Hey ,

Got something special for you today. Instead of the typical wall of text email, here's my first shot at an interview with Eric Davis. Obviously, I'm not the best interviewer out there ;) but I swear the content is AWESOME! What Eric has to say is incredibly useful to anyone who wants to sell or is selling products.

** Download the interview with Eric (MP3, 20 min) **

A few highlights:
- He set a goal to make enough money with a product to buy an iPad.
- ... but he actually made way more: $2300 ... in one month!
- He used content from his blog to create the eBook.
- The eBook about marketing he mentions: How to launch the shit out of your eBook.
- "Give away value for free to build trust with your audience and turn them into customers."

Follow him on: his blog or on Twitter.

Here are his products:
- Refactoring Redmine
- Redmine Tips
- Authoring eBooks (affiliate link)

Disclaimer: last link is an affiliate link, I get a cut on each sale.

I hope you enjoy this. I'd love to know what you think of this format! When you have a minute, hit reply and let me know.

- M-A


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