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New Building a World, New prints (more Explodingdog)

Hi, It's Sam from Explodingdog,

I want you to know that Building a World has been remade and I'd like you to check it out. We've also added many more standard prints and they are for the lower prices we had back in 2012. 

I've started to sort the drawings with tags and catagories that will make it easier to navigate and find new drawings.

Both and have thousands of drawings on them. I am working on making Building a World be a "Best of" collection, that is worth checking out even if you don't intend to purchase anything. With better images and better navigation this is the first step towards that.

I'd love to hear any ideas, suggestions or drawings you think I should include.

(also will be coming back and updating this week as well.)

I know it's been a while, thanks so much,


Building a World the Explodingdog store.

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Some Songs

I hope I'll make it

A Bird Thinking About Flying