This is your final invitation to enter our 22nd annual Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest. The submission window will close tonight, October 1, at 11:59pm Hawaii Time. $10,000 in cash prizes, including $3,500 for the best poem in any
style and $3,500 for the best poem that rhymes or has a traditional style. The top two winners will also receive two-year gift certificates from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value). Submit published or unpublished work. The top 12 poems will be published online. Entry fee: $22 for 3 poems.
Prefer to Enter by Mail?Send your entry and fee to: Winning Writers, Attn: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest, 351 Pleasant Street Suite B PMB 222, Northampton, MA 01060-3998, USA. Checks must be drawn on US banks in US funds, payable to Winning Writers. You may also send US currency. Please mail your entry today. Regular first-class mail is fine. There's no need to spend money on
overnight delivery.
Questions?See past winners and more contest information at Winning Writers.