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Councillor Donna Gates Division 3

Community news

Welcome to the monthly newsletter from Division 3.

June 2023

Mayor & Councillors 2020 - 2024

Good news for our area!

Given my extra role as Deputy Mayor, I sometimes struggle with my time management - but I can assure you that I never lose sight of our area and its needs. Being deputy carries with it a close working relationship with Mayor Tom Tate, who has been incredibly supportive of northern Gold Coast over recent years.

My battle to deliver a 50 metre pool at Pimpama was given a real boost with the Mayor's support and resulted in the construction of the fabulous Pimpama Sports Hub with five pools, 9 tennis courts, 12 netball courts, a gym, auditorium/community rooms and coffee shop. It's already reached its customer targets and I could not be more pleased after identifying the site, pushing for fast-tracked development, and knowing it is just what our community needed.

This term of Council has been no different with the Mayor supportive of suggested upgrades and improvements. And in that regard, I’m so very proud to have been able to secure funding this financial year to upgrade the Coomera Soccer Club clubhouse. The need has been obvious for some time however, with the $5.1 million program of works for the fields underway this year, the clubhouse was potentially being left behind and doubtful, reliant on future successful grant funding applications. With the Mayor's support, Council has endorsed a $2 million capital budget for the long-awaited Coomera Soccer Club clubhouse and female change rooms. The 2022-23 divisional budget committed $150,000 and with whole of city funding of $500,000 this year and another $150,000 divisional allocation, construction can soon start in a two-stage project. $1.5 million follows in the 2024-25 budget and I couldn't be happier for the hard-working volunteers of the club and its approximately 800 players as the improvements will expand capacity at the fields, provide much improved drainage and appropriate clubhouse facilities for all.

The Coomera Civic Hub remains funded to the tune of over $100 million over the next four years, but a slight re-design is underway to ensure the major new community facility is absolutely fit for purpose and value for money.

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Major wins for our area

Other major wins for our area from the Whole of City budget include:

  • $10.5 millon for Kerkin Road Adventure Parklands over the next three years
  • $4.5 millon for traffic signals Henry Street/Foxwell Road Coomera
  • $4 millon over two years for road pavement Foxwell Road between Amity Road and Ragamuffin Drive West Coomera
  • $4.8 millon over four years for a path along Foxwell Road to Coomera Waters in a three stage project including path, kerb ramps, relocation of bus stops, retaining walls and other modifications
  • $2.5 million in infrastructure improvements around Upper Coomera State College. Work has begun and will be completed by this time next year
  • $1.4 million over two years for road pavement Jowett Street between Fortune and Yaun Streets
  • $2.5 millon in Stormwater drainage improvements Lorenzo Coomera over two years. In discussion with officers, traffic management will be included in road pavement replacement
  • $5.1 millon for Viney Park this year
    This will expand capacity at the fields and an additional divisional allocation together with whole of city funding for clubhouse and change rooms adding $800,000 this year and $1.5 million the following year
  • $820,000 over the next three years for pathways Bloom Estate - Jaiden Way/Emilia Street Coomera
  • $655,000 for a shared path Glenshee Street, Ridgemont Street, and Sandhurst Crescent scheduled for construction this year
  • $600,000 in asset upgrades at Coomera Sport & Leisure Centre over the next three years
  • $420,000 over next two years for paths/cycling improvements Highland Way between community centre and Stephens Street
  • The 25 year old boardwalk along the northern bank of the Coomera River at Heathwood Drive requires replacement
    Planning commenced last year with design this year followed by construction at over $1 million

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Divisional highlights

Divisional highlights include:

  • Playground improvements at Freestone Park Upper Coomera
  • Playground improvements O’Reilly Park Coomera (including shade cover)
  • Footpaths to improve connections to the Coomera Rivers State School
  • Community facilities support for sporting clubs
  • Support for Anzac Day services at the Cenotaph and Upper Coomera Centre RSL Veterans’ March and Christmas at Highland Reserve Upper Coomera (funding from Whole of City for northern Carols Coomera Sports Park and New Year's Eve celebrations will continue for our community but this year, due to the renovation of Viney Park, will be held at Coomera Sports Park)
  • Naturally Gold Coast events throughout the year

Tree planting this year and the Active & Healthy program become a whole of city responsibility – so continue to let me know of your suggestions and take a look at Active & Healthy activities in our area. This budget year is slightly different as we move towards another Local Government Election in March 2024. The legislation requires that only 75 per cent of the annual divisional budget can be allocated. Therefore, it’s great to have some whole of city wins as above. After the election there will be about $300,000 available for allocation via the divisional budget.

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Footpath Brougham Drive Upper Coomera

Construction of the footpath Brougham Drive through to Hans Street and Days Road is scheduled to commence mid-July (weather permitting). It will be great to see the path completed after such a long time in the planning process.

A request has also been lodged to have lighting installed from Hans Street to Old Coach Road, and I’ll continue to keep you updated.

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Perseverance pays off – update

In my ¹May newsletter I made mention of issues with drivers mounting the footpath on Dreamworld Parkway in order to cut-through traffic as vehicles queue when merging onto the M1. Council’s Traffic Engineering branch investigated and did not support the installation of bollards in the cut through area.

I can now confirm, however, that the Department of Main Roads has installed a holding rail which does not obstruct a driver’s view but will restrict vehicles from mounting the island. Good news for all.

¹May newsletter Article 5 titled ‘Dreamworld Parkway traffic issues’

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Avoid a fine

I dislike seeing residents of our area fined. However, I need to explain that when a complaint is lodged with me, my office, or directly with Council, there is an obligation under the Local Government Act for officers to take action.

Neighbourhood disputes can sometimes result which is damaging to our community and should be avoided wherever possible. This message is simply to remind you that I have no discretion about on-forwarding official complaints for investigation - so, particularly in terms of parking, please make certain you park legally, with four wheels on the road pavement. I totally understand that sometimes residents try to assist clear passage in narrow streets, however the road widths comply with development guidelines and sometimes care needs to be taken not to park directly opposite another parked vehicle.

I'm aware of officers delivering warning letters at Upper Coomera recently and I've also personally circulated one area at Coomera where the situation seems to have since improved. After receipt of a warning notice, repeat inspections are usual - so please take care about where you choose to park your car.

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Lorenzo Drive and Yaun Street

Recent traffic surveys conducted on Lorenzo Drive and Yaun Street found an average of 2300 vehicles per day travelling along Lorenzo Drive. Yaun Street carries an average of 3226 vehicles per day. During recent discussions about the road rehabilitation program and the fact that Lorenzo Drive is on the program for a new overlay, I asked Officers to consider including traffic calming measures as part of that work. I am awaiting a response, but initial indications were positive. It would be good to slow down the speedsters along Lorenzo.

Further to this, there is a Speed Awareness Device location on each of these streets and both are part of the regular rotation. A device is currently located on Yaun Street and will remain in place for the June to August rotation and the device on Lorenzo Drive is expected to return for the September to November rotation.

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Are you a responsible cat owner

Just as dogs must be confined to the owner's property, Council requires cats to be confined to the owner's property at all times.

It is your responsibility to provide a secure escape-proof fence or enclosure. Learn more with the keeping your cat safely contained fact sheet.

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Street tree replacement

Street trees are so important to our city and we all enjoy the improvement they make, visually and in terms of cooling and privacy.

This year, for the first time, all new street tree planting will be conducted from Whole of City funds, rather than divisionally as used to be the case. So please continue to keep me informed about any trees which appear to be dying (sometimes due to grass clippings being placed around a tree base) and also regarding any future suggested planting locations.

You can call my office on 5581 6598 or email so that I can progress any issue or suggestion.

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Illegal dumping

Officers are always kept busy attending to illegally dumped items throughout the city. A reminder that we remain one of the few local authorities with free tipping for household goods and if you are vacating a property, is it is an offence to leave waste, including household items, on the nature strip.

Council will investigate reports of unlawful dumping and, in some instances, covert cameras can be installed to monitor “dumpers”.

Our waste and recycling centres accept the household waste and recyclables. Remember that load limits apply, so check before your go to your local facility. Fees remain applicable to commercial contractors for the disposal of commercial waste.

City of Gold Coast spends more than $7 million a year cleaning up litter and illegally dumped waste from our streets, parks, bushland, beaches, and waterways.

Report illegal dumping to me via email or call 5581 6598 so that I can have the issue investigated and items collected and disposed of correctly.

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Contact me

Please continue to contact me regarding issues of interest or concern. Whatever the issue please call 07 5581 6598 or email so that I can action your request.

You can also report after-hour matters that might be more urgent to Council on 1300 465 326.

It’s helpful when you to alert me to things that require attention and raise issues of interest or concern with me because sometimes it’s hard to be across what’s happening throughout the entire area.

The best community is an informed community and I want you involved in making sure our area is up to scratch for the benefit of us all. I am always available to answer any questions you have and am just an email or phone call away.

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Useful quick links

My Neighbourhood Map - Discover what's happening in and around your neighbourhood. 
Find everything from local parks and projects, to venues and facilities.... and your bin collection day.

What’s on at your Library

Coomera Connector updates

Make a payment

You can use our online payment service to pay:

  • rates and water bills
  • applications
  • infringements
  • dog registration renewals
  • permit and licence renewals (payments)
  • bonds and notices to pay
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Newsletters archive

For previous editions, please contact my office.

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While care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this newsletter is correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances may impact on the information provided.

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