![]() An Update from Jo Just like that we are on the countdown to the middle of the year already! For Kiwi's that means winter, and for some of us winter is a tough time. We spend less time outside getting our vitamin D, which can contribute to seasonal affective disorder (or SAD) and most of us socialise less in the winter. For those that get their cup filled by interacting with others, being stuck at home when the weather is not so great may not be something to look forward to, especially if you live alone. But winter can be a great time for spending more time reading and learning, and making an effort to connect with our immediate family, even if that's over the phone or on zoom. There are also many online groups and clubs these days for when you can't face going out in the cold. Connections with those we don't know well can also feel more meaningful when someone else we know, knows them too! This is why we have added a new page to our website titled "Practitioner Recommendations". On this page we have a list of practitioners that at least one of our staff have been to, so have knowledge of how they work and can recommend them. Of course there are many wonderful practitioners in the Bay of Plenty and not being on this list doesn't mean they are not reputable practitioners, it just means we aren't able to give any kind of personal recommendation. We would also love to hear from you if you personally recommend us to your friends! We are currently collecting testimonials to put up on our website and all those who would like to share in writing something you love about our store will go in the draw to win a $50 gift voucher to spend with us. This will be drawn at the end of June. Look forward to seeing you instore soon and a reminder that we are closed on Friday 28th of June in celebration of Matariki and the Maori New Year. Our Vision At Bethlehem Health Shop, we support ethical suppliers and sell quality, researched products. We offer sincere advice from our team of caring, trained staff. Thank you so much for supporting your locally owned Community Health Store. ![]()
All of the above specials and offers are only valid while stocks last. ![]()
Note: New products will be added to our website as soon as we can. If you want to purchase these online before we get a chance to do this, please call us to order over the phone instead on 07 576 9442 ![]() This month we have a 250g tube of Seleno Healths Utrurunku Ceremonial Cacao Paste drops valued at $44.90. Uturunku is a calming and embodied cacao that takes us inward to connect deeply with our higher self and tunes us into the frequency of the natural world. It is a low stimulant cacao so can be used in the afternoon and evening. (Seleno's Amaru Cacao is more energising so great for using in the morning) Flavors: rich, earthy, floral, nutty ![]() Seleno recommends these drops for use at home or in ceremonies involving embodiment, sound, meditation, connection, awakening, and daily ritual to assist with feeling present and connected, improving mental health, clarity, guidance, mind-body-spirit balance, and energy maintenance. Suggested use: Add 4-5 drops (20-25g) to hot water or hot plant-based milk with or without spices (examples - cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, cayenne) and sweetener (coconut sugar, raw sugar, honey) and blend or whisk until creamy. Each drop weighs 5g. We have also included a yummy recipe below using Seleno Cacao Powder which are now available in refills. To enter the draw reply to this email and let us know if Uturunku Cacao is more or less stimulating than Seleno's orginal Amaru Cacao? Congratulations to Emma Dowling who is last months winner of the 3 months of online classes with Kate Ivey Fitness ![]() ![]() Life Season Range of Supplements We are now stocking the following supplements in the Life Season Range: Choles-T, Energy, Glucose Stabili-T, Lung Capaci-T, Pausitivi, Urinari-X and Veggie Boost Capsules At Life Season they live by the saying: Best ingredients, best formulas, best results. Getting the best ingredients will make the best formulas, and ultimately, you’re going to get the best results. They believe in the body’s own innate healing force and people's ability to make life-giving health choices. This drives them to be a leader in health education and formulate products that combine the wisdom of nature and the progress of science. All incoming ingredients are tested for identity, potency and purity (microbial, heavy metals, etc). Each ingredient is tested three times, when they receive the ingredient, throughout the manufacturing process and once again with the finished product. Life Season themselves have even gone back and pulled product off store shelves one year later or close to expiration date to test potency. LifeSeasons Lung Capaci-T Lung Capaci-T increases oxygen uptake in the lungs and helps thin mucus. It also soothes the respiratory tract. Lung Capaci-T usually helps with breathing difficulties within 30 minutes of taking it. Most people experience an opening of the lungs, the ability to take in deeper breaths and a reduction in phlegm. Even greater results are typically seen when taking this product over a longer period of time, specifically for 1-2 months. Everyone is different, and results will vary from person to person. The key is to maintain consistent use every day to see best results. They use Vitamins D-3 and C, along with CoQ10, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Boswellia, Mullein, Green Tea, Coleus forskohlii, Grape Seed, Ginkgo, Cordyceps, Bromelain, Eucalyptus, Nettle, and Peppermint to soothe the respiratory tract and to help thin mucus. LifeSeasons Glucose Stabili-T Glucose Stabili-T (formerly called Diabet-X) helps maintain healthy blood sugar, circulation, and vision. It supports the body’s natural cellular metabolism and helps fight the damaging effects of free radicals. Most people will see initial benefits from Glucose Stabili-T within 1-2 weeks. That generally includes more stable numbers when you test your blood sugar levels, as well as a general feeling of wellbeing. Results from Glucose Stabili-T build over time, and it generally takes 2-3 months to see the full effects of this supplement. Natural ingredients are used that help maintain healthy blood sugar, circulation, and vision. Using plants and nutrients like Chromium, Cinnamon, Gymnema, Bilberry, and Alpha Lipoic Acid that work together to support cellular metabolism and help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. ![]() Embracing June and the Winter Solstice In New Zealand, the winter solstice takes place on Friday 21 June 2024 at 8.50am. The winter solstice marks the date when the Earth’s axis is furthest away from the sun — making it the longest night of the year. In many ancient cultures, the solstices were marked with festivals. Ancient cultures also built some of their greatest architecture to align with solstices and equinoxes. Stonehenge was used for solstice celebrations. Stonehenge Aotearoa is the New Zealand version — situated in the Wairarapa countryside, it aims to teach about astronomy, including Babylonian, Celtic and Māori and Polynesian star lore. Stonehenge Aotearoa is a practical, open-sky observatory inspired by and built on a similar scale to the famous Stonehenge in England. ![]() The sky in Wairarapa is so dark that the Milky Way, our galaxy, is visible from horizon to horizon. We experience the sky as our ancestors did thousands of years before the invention of artificial light. Human health is affected by blue light at night. See the link below to read more about light pollution (3) and have a chat to us in store about what you can do to help support eye health if this is a concern for you. According to Harsha Rigney's Astrovision calendar June is also a time for gathering & giving information to keep your mind alert & active. It is a great time for creative projects to help build many skills & talents. She also talks of seeing the positives of change within families. “Each generation brings into life specific lessons & issues to deal with. These will show where that generation is stuck & where, through time, they will unlock that energy. Some generations will clash with each other while others work harmoniously together. When we align with each generation's methods of change we support each other's growth & can move with the times. When we resist the changes we create stress. It comes down to attitude. With the right attitude, seeing the positives of change is easy. While sharing ideas is important, we can have too much talk & not enough action.Get the momentum going, put your ideas into action & be willing to learn as you go. Nature is our greatest teacher – we are to learn her ways, to follow her lead. By increasing our sensitivity to Nature we stay in the flow of life." Harsha Rigney (1) 1. Quotes from Harsha Rigney Astrovision Moon Calendar 2. https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/winter-solstice 3. https://wairarapanz.com/see-and-do/stonehenge-aotearoa
![]() Cacao Peanut Butter Cups - recipe from www.selenohealth.com Ingredients: 2/3 cup Seleno Health cacao butter ![]() Instructions: Line some mini muffin tins with mini muffin liners. |