![]() April 2023The monthly E-News shares provincial program information and updates about the Facility Engagement (FE) Initiative. This information will be of interest to Medical Staff Association (MSA) support teams, so please feel free to forward the newsletter to your MSA executives as needed. 2022-23 Fiscal Year End Reminders and ActionsACTION: April 30, 2023 The accrual period for claims to be entered in FEMS for the 2022-23 fiscal year is 30 days. Any claims and/or expenses that are to be paid with the 2022-23 budget must be entered in FEMS prior to Saturday, April 30th at midnight. ACTION: May 1, 2023 Any claims and/or expenses entered in FEMS from this date on will be claimed against the site's 2023-24 budget. ACTION: May 31, 2023 The deadline for physician societies to submit their 2022-23 fiscal year end financial statements to engagement@doctorsofbc.ca is Wednesday, May 31st. Evaluation Resources
UBC developed an online professional development course “Evaluation for Leaders” that is free, highly interactive and accessible. It is a great resource for physicians and project managers who want a primer on evaluation. Course description is below:
Facility Engagement also has evaluation resources for MSAs available on FE website, including FEI Planning and Evaluation Toolkit. If you have any questions about the Evaluation for Leaders course, please contact chris.lovato@ubc.ca. For any other questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca.
Site Engagement Activity Tracker (SEAT) Deadline ReminderACTION: Next SEAT Submission Due April 15, 2023 Friendly reminder that the next SEAT submission is due April 15th for activity updates occurring between October 2022 and March 2023 (quarters 3 and 4). Please update your SEAT designated engagement activities in FEMS with any significant milestones that occurred over the last six months before the deadline to ensure that they are not missed in the SEAT database. If you have been making regular progress updates throughout the two quarters already, then no further action is needed. The searchable online SEAT Database captures Facility Engagement activities underway across BC and is available here> www.facilityengagement.ca/seatdatabase If you have any questions, please email seatsupport@doctorsofbc.ca Upcoming FE Evaluation Survey Launch – May 1On May 1, Facility & Community Engagement will launch FE evaluation survey for medical staff and health authority leaders as part of the provincial evaluation of the FE Initiative. The following groups will receive a personalized survey invitations from the external evaluation consultant, Ference & Company, on Monday, May 1:
This survey is separate from the Doctors of BC’s annual Health Authority Engagement Survey or biennial Benchmark Member Survey. FE evaluation survey will focus on measuring FE Initiative’s outcomes, and the aggregate results of the survey will be used to support ongoing learning and improvement opportunities to the FE Initiative as well as to communicate the impacts of the initiative to stakeholders at a facility, health authority and provincial level. More information for MSAs/physician societies, including a public survey link and survey communications, will be shared in May. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca Upcoming MSA Administrator Lunch and LearnHope you can join us on Tuesday, April 12th for our monthly time together, 12.00 – 1:00pm (Zoom link here) Community Building: – Breakout by Site Size. Thinking about your biggest administrative challenges last financial year, how can you set yourself up for success this financial year? Learning Topic: A Day in the Life of an MSA Administrator. We’ll go over a BUNCH of things in FEMS that you never knew you could do! If you have great ideas for topics for our community building and/or learning time together, please let me know at pmhelpdesk@facilityengagement.ca – we'd love to hear from you! PM Helpdesk Lunch and Learn LibraryThe FE provincial office, in conjunction with the PM Helpdesk Consultant, Erica Kjekstad, have created a library document of all of the past lunch and learn sessions from 2021 and 2022. The 2023 library document is now live and will continue to be updated each month with current information. If you have any questions, please contact engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() Did you know...? On April 14, 1912, the famous Titanic ship hit an iceberg and sank on her first and only voyage. Do you have ideas on future e-news topics?Please let us know at engagement@doctorsofbc.ca ![]() engagement@doctorsofbc.ca I www.facilityengagement.ca Facility Engagement is an initiative of the Specialist Services Committee, one of four joint collaborative committees that represent a partnership of the Government of BC and Doctors of BC. Want to learn what’s happening in your community? Check out the Divisions Dispatch, an e-newsletter published by the Divisions of Family Practice initiative which is funded by the Family Practice Services Committee.